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What is there to do thats fun on SL ???

Unklebob Hotaling

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Taking a departure from 'all things wrong with Secondlife' theme that seems to be prevelant in several threads on this forum; I happen to have a blast inworld and have loved my SL from the start, granted with the rare odd derailment.  So, for the benefit of those new to the grid and to shed some light on the positive things people have created... what do you do for fun?

Personally I was blown away SL had pets.  My partner at the time bought this silly looking little pink cat - a pink cat, couldn't believe it.  Couldn't believe it even worse when she set the little stupid looking pink cat to 'attack' and yours truly got his a** kicked... by yes a stupid looking little pink fuzzball of a cat. Thank god nobody took snapshots, they were too busy laughing i guess - definately wasn't my best moment.

As for cool places, check out "Ultra Space Park" - it amazes me what people can create here, definately one of my top5 places... but I'm running out of cool new places - any ideas?   Throw some thoughts in please!  No maps though, don't make me drive in circles fearing having to ask someone for directions.

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Let me first say that I have been enjoying your posts very much lately.  As for fun in SL, I may not be the best person to answer but I really enjoy watching/participating in the Haiku speedbuild at Afar (thursdays at 6pm SLT).  Watching both the experienced and the inexperienced (like me) build a sculpture in 50 minutes is very interesting to me.  I actually won first place once last month.

Another thing Ive found enjoyable is tiny events at Raglan Shire.  Primtionary is another building game that I find enjoyable. Basically pictionary with prims instead of pictures, and there are some really good builders in the tiny community.  The tinies also have some very interesting things to see.  Their tiny haunted house ride was really cool.  I went through it at least 5 times.

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Four things that I love to do when in SL:

  1. Visit the Horizontal Boogie Bar located on Dark Sea.  This is a great place for blues lovers - designed like an ocean fron warehouse, the HBB hosts DJs and live gigs from some on SL's biggest named blues artists several times a week and on weekends.  The owners (Davez and Mia) are absolute gems and everyone there is very friendly. 
  2. Enjoy nature at Dream Acres located on Dark Sea Cove.  This is a private sim that was turned public and has horse back riding (you can bring a horse or use one of theirs), beautifully landscaped and has several hidden "cuddle" spots.  Although it is rated "mature" it is very "PG" in nature.
  3. Apollo Gardens located on Apollo.  A beautiful tranquil sim with a "PG" rating where you can relax, meditate or just snuggle with someone special.  One of my fav spots in all of SL when RL stresses me out.
  4. Dance the night away at Midnight Romance located on Angelic:  A wonderful romantic ballroom where you can hear great classic jazz and romantic love songs from some of SL's best "romance" DJs.  Never over crowded, the atmosphere is wonderful and the owners (Ted and Angelic) are soooo nice.


Hope people post their local favorites - I am always looking for new places to explore.

SugarBear Yardley.

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LOL aww shucks, thanks for the props.  Actually I've read some of your replies also, very insightful.

You create... how cool.  Never learned myself, either too busy with my sl job or in lieu of 'otherwise occupied' - people who create blow me away.  I've spend many hours just standing around and gabbing to friends (hard to imagine i know...) watching them build stuff and it's very entertaining; maybe it's the awe of the unknown or just their skills that impress.  First place eh - wewt you!  *writes these events down on his 'to-do' list*  I'm on vacation in both worlds so I'll have to check that out for sure.   Beats getting the crap kicked out of you by a plushie.

Thanks Cyzicus

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Been at Apollo actually, yes it is a very serene sim.  When I first joined SL one thing that surprised me was how nice even a Secondlife beach was, everyone has bad days and I learned to just hit a beach, listen to tunes, chill and watch the sunset... how people can create sims like beaches or Apollo that literally fill the senses I'll never know.  That's talent.  Good choice.  Dream Acres sounds great too.

It'll check out Midnight Romance too; I work rockclubs as that's my preference but nothing in the world beats ballroom dancing and dancing close - love it.  An fyi there's an open air ballroom called "Ballroom in the Clouds" (i might be a little off on the name but a search will find it irregardless) - they have a couple of clouds with slowdance poses so you can literally dance on a cloud above the main dancefloor... very romantic.  If you're on the dancefloor you can't see the poses, you have to cam and see/touch them that way.

When I was new I found an undersea cave system that was some sort of lover's lane... they had an old sunken pirate ship, fish swimming around, romantic poses... sadly it went private but that was sure a well-thought out concept.

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Oh, another thing I forgot since I haven't been there in a while.  Grendels Children.  I used to spend almost every day there for a month or so.  The store is laggy as hell, but once you get to the ground below it, the scenery is great.  Also if you can find the games in the store that you play on the ground they can keep you entertained for hours.  Finding the drakelets was the first thing I did, then theres some other creature catching hunts to keep you busy.  Also if you are on a budget and want your avatar to be some kind of creature, their store has the best prices Ive ever seen.  Great place to find some really cool freebies and dollarbies too.  I have about 100 different avatars from their store, and only about 5 of them cost more than 100L$.

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About pets, I have a zooby cat which is really fun, it can wander your land, act as a security system, or you can just hold it, they are very real looking too.

About fun places to visit. I can list a few, "Insilico" is a really cool region, best way I can describe it is "cyberpunk". The region "Deshima" has a really nice region sized space station. If you are into Stargate, the regions "Stargate Command" and "Midway" have nice replicas of the SGC and the Midway Space Station from Stargate. I know I am forgetting a ton of the great places I have found.

You mentioned the space park, I enjoy that one as well, my partner loves it.

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Hi...this is the first time i've ever actually replied on here...i do a lot of reading, but never actually put in my 10 cents worth so to speak...

One of my all time favourite places on SL is Fotoscope, Fotoscope... Its a small platform high up in the sky, and contains i think from memory 10 "balls" on this platform...each ball holds one person... basically you click on the ball and just watch... its about a 5 minute animation that puts your avatar through a series of dances, flying, a story in a way to fantastic music and amazing movements.  I think it would have to be one of the most amazing things on SL, well worth finding and trust me...you'll be back more than once!

For a really great dance atmosphere, you can't go past Boogie Beach.  Its an outside dance beach area with stage where they have live performances from time to time, but the group of regulars that go there can't be beaten.  Everyone says hello to you, there's always a great flow of conversation, a variety of different dances to choose from whether it be on your own or someone special and the music is great.

If you love the art created on SL, then you can't go past VeGetal PLaNet, Coral Springs... what you need to do is actually walk over to the lakes and walk into the water and you'll basically fall to the bottom where you will find this amazing collection and quiet extensive collection of artwork.  Everything from paintings and pictures to sculptures.  There's also more above the water, but most of it is below..

Now if its just a quick laugh your after, go to Bumper Cars, Lowndean.  Obviously a place where you can rez bumper cars with friends and enjoy the fun of driving around and hitting each other or avoiding being hit, whichever takes your pleasure..

If your looking for a great haunted mansion, you can't go past Bentham Manor, Sevenfold.  All a bit of fun, make sure you set your settings to night and have a walk around the grounds and the haunted mansion...

Finally, and yes i do have many many more landmarks than this that i enjoy going to, but one of my favourite romantic places but also very beautiful places to visit is Thassa Islands, Thassa.  When you first TP to the sim you find yourself no where near or even on some kind of Island...basically getting to the Island is a small but very fun adventure in itself... follow the green arrows, click on the planet "ball" at the end, you'll land on a ship, follow the arrows to the life boat, click and sit and this will take you to Thassa.  Once you get there, have a walk around, but make sure you walk up to and then right up the top of the mountains there... up the top is full of snow, great water falls, suspension bridges, lots of different balls to click and enjoy...i find this place a truely stunning place to be...

We all have our own versions of what's "fun" on SL, but i hope you take the time to try some of my suggestions...i'll be interested to continue reading other peoples as well..

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I had a pet once, I don't think it was from Zooby though - my cat spent most of it's secondlife on it's back - dunno where it picked that habit up from.  At that romantic undersea caves place, one of the fish they had was a pirranna - however it's spelled... i'm sitting on this romantic pose with my partner at the time, we're cuddling enjoying the scenery, along comes this fish and it starts gnawing on my leg, blood effects and everything!  My partner was grossed right out, I took snapshots.  I did get a Zooby dragonfly, damned realistic... it would hover around people, fly in a grid you could create, if it could've served drinks I would've made it a bartender at our backyard barbeques.

Never been to those space stations but I'm going to; closest to that I've gotten is a SL Flintstones 'Bedrock City' and some space station on the darker side complete with impregnating tentacles.  Guess I'll be DaddyBob instead of Unklebob in a few months.

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Yay! a positive and upbeat thread... Unk, YOU ROCK!

Space Park

Dove Romance Garden

Midsomer .... the WHOLE sim!!  dancing, cudding places in huge apples hanging from trees, gardens, OMG a thousand things to do.

At Free at Last (If you want romance and can tolerate others who have sex on their mind) there is a walkway around most of the island's shore and access to the underwater gardens.  Really lovely... My first date with my partner was there.... grin... Happy time....

If you are interested in educational things, the Sistine Chapel on Vassar College's campus is outstanding.  And don't forget a walk along the Great Wall of China in Mao.


These are a few of my favorite things....(Really, I'm not singing..... giggle)

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Oh Bumper Cars!  I did that somewhere once, omg I laughed so damned hard... first I looked RIDICULOUS sitting in that bumpercar, then slamming into my friends and them slamming into me, it was such a hoot!

The place I was at had a sky-diving place there too; one of my friends was having a real bad day so I gave her a shout to join me parachuting.  She was glad for the company, I gave her the instructions on how to use the 'chute... I could tell she was nervous but hey, who isn't their first time skydiving.  I jumped first. it was great... she jumped next.  Seems her parachute didn't open... turns out later I hear through the grapevine she's petrified of heights.  Just a guess, but I don't think I helped much with her bad day.  (a month later I asked her to build me a skypad, she's so helpful, built it no problem... I forgot the parcel return though... she raised it a few thousand feet, then it disappeared into her lost and found... and this time she didn't have a parachute, functional or otherwise.  To this day she drops by my house on occasion and shoots out my porchlight)

First reply here eh?  Welcome!  Awesome meeting you IDoBelieve 

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Oh Midsomer sounds like a terrific place, thank you    I know a place kind of like that, Joy Gardens I think it's called... damned if I can remember the name (i'll have to go inworld and refresh my memory/edit this later) but I visited another 'romantic place' once and there just wasn't a whole heck of alot there.  An accidental revisit a week ago led to discovery, they have a teleport that takes you to different places on the sim, one of them being a mini ballroom in the clouds, just a dancepose or two, a cuddling hammock... its was gorgeous, like dancing in cotton.  I love sims like Midsomer so that's a must-see.. yay!

The Great Wall of China I've heard about, a friend sent me the LM... thanks pt2 for reminding me.

ooooo people with sex on their mind, i mean Free At Last  *perks and writes that down on a seperate piece of paper*

And yes, a positive thread... SL does have its problems and some people can be goofy... but still there's so much thats amazing including positive people, that I felt needed some 'air time' also.

Cheers lovee

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As you like watching people build then you might also get a kick from seeing the finished results...

go to the Show and Tell at Lummerland on a Sunday evening (10:30 GMT I think) Usually 9 or so great things to see and be described by their builders, always different and usually lots of jokes and puns from the audience. I've shown 3 or 4 times and I can say it takes courage to stand out there, but well worth it.

(oh and your cat was one of Torley's alts by the way, go easy ^-^ )

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(oh and your cat was one of Torley's alts by the way, go easy ^-^ )

I thought i recognised the watermelon skin!  Rather unique for a cat, but that's Torley.   Funny story, my first week on SL I'm checking out the YouTube tutorials, the first few are of 'normal' Torley, the next one he's a chipmunk or something, next video he's in a female av... being a newb i'm thinking hmmmm... a few years into SL I saw those video's again and I laughed, that Torley woman av isn't too half bad!  I guess thats the sign on no-longer-noob.  The day I look at the chipmuck and *rawr* I'm logging off for good lmao.  He's awesome.

hello person with the well thought out name that i've noticed before!  Wish I'd done that before I just wrote down the first thought that popped into my head; fact is if I didn't have help i'd still be calling my cat 'Cat'.  =~.^=

Wow this sounds terrific, on Sunday too... perfect!  Jokes or puns from the audience eh, well I am pretty reserved and quite the inrovert so i dunnoooo...   A building improv, how totally cool.

Such grand replies, i'm jazzed...you people so rock!

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As strange as it makes me feel to toot my own horn, so to speak, in the Spell Caster region you can find the Vladwerkz Spell Dueling system (1st/3rd person shooting in arena style 2 player matches), Crux Racing (a course-free checkpoint race for 2 or more people, where you mount giant caterpillar beasts that can jump, collect energy balls, shoot at opponents to stall them out, or speedburst.), go boating and fishing (courtesy of the 7Seas system) in the crater lake for prizes, or explore the sky city/ground level of the sim with village and wilderness/.75% sim sized cave system).

There is actually a complete live action fantasy game system in place there as well, I just haven't put it out for the public to use.  Most things in the sim interact in some way...from the forge that requires you to pump the bellows and heat it up, bridges with rickety planks, the Nautilopterus rides (a seashell/helicopter contraption that takes people between the sky city and village).

I also made a new release of the previously discontinued demo of the Warlock HUD...the new one allows people to use all of the spells available ot the full version so long as they are within the confines of the sim.


All of the things I mentioned above (save for perhaps the 7Seas fishing) are freely available to anyone who stops by the sim.



Anyway...though I hate to talk myself up, those are some of the things you can find in the Vladwerkz home region of Spell Caster.

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oh by all means i want people tooting their own horn, you can toot others peoples horns here too without fear of getting slapped or arrested also.  If you contribute to fun or anything entertaining and positive let's get the word out... I hear this is a well-traffic part of the forum so let's illustrate the good.  My first weeks on SL exporing was incredible, mind you I play an online wargame so just walking a sim without people throwing grenades at me took some getting used to... omg i was GI Joe on R&R in a land of beautiful people.

I'm extremely glad you posted, your sim seems dowright trippy... how you people create such cool stuff I'll never know; it's what makes Secondlife what it is... and thank you.

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Well! Today I was perusing the website here and clicked on the World Map tab at the top - for the first time lol.  Anyway I decided to check out Art Box one of the highlighted places there - really fun expecially if you like to take photo's.  The idea is that you inserrt yourself into a famous picture (either fine art/pop art/album covers/movie posters) its a blast!

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I think all of these are very excellent ideas, for I think one of the best things to do in SL is to simply hang out with friends.  I have formed a group of friends that actually became my SL family and it has been a lot of fun to share the time with them. So, my idea is that if you are looking for some simple fun; find some friends, find a sandbox or home, and have some fun.


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Numbakulla. It was the first thing I did in SL and I kept going back for months. I still go back once in a while just to hang out. If you liked the Myst computer games, you'll love this; some of the same people worked on it too. It's a wonderful adventure game, challenging but not too frustrating. Gorgeous sim complete with flying ship and a terrific backstory. The ending location is gorgeous, and when you finally solve it, you get gifts.

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