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Why does my 42 LG freeze in sl?


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I decided to upgrade and build a computer with the help of a knowledgeable computer professsor. I wanted to have a lage monitor and decided on a 42 inch LG with HD and a HDMI port. The picture looks great but when I try to play SL the screen comes up but soon freezes everything, including my mouse. Then the computer cuts off and the signal to the TV is lost.


I have an AMD FX 9590 Core 8

Nvidia FX 770 Super clocked with 2G, brand new all parts. I have this connected to the HDMI.  I am using a Samsung 250 G SSD and have 32 G of Ram. The Motherboard is a Gigybite FX 990 and have a 1100 watt power supply with four fans plus two fans on the card itself. This does not seem to be a hear problem. I could also watch video on the screen but when it goes on for over ten minutes it cuts off as well. I must have this set up wrong or else the screen isn't being powered enough?  Any help greatly appreciated. I am thinking of sending the LG back (if I can now) and also just purchased a ViewSonic monitor 27 inch to see if that will work better. I still wouldn't mind the larger size though. thanks!


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When using an advanced Graphics Card and large monitor and you get a total system freeze, your Graphics Card has entered an error state and taken the OS with it. [The mouse & keyboard being non-responsive being the indicator of this].

SecondLife running in Ultra mode will tax any Graphics Card.

This is not an issue with your 42 inch LG

The Nvidia FX 770 Super clocked with 2G is a nice choice and should run cooler according to http://www.tomshardware.com/answers/id-1732153/amd-radeon-7970-3gb-nvidia-geforce-gtx-770-2gb-evga-superclocked.html

But this said, it is the source of you system hangup. I'm assuming you have downloaded the most current drivers from the Nvidia site. When iI have seen this issue in the past it usually centers on a poor implementation of VBO on the GC or the VBO driver code is buggy.

Try turning off VBO processing and test again.


Turn this off and retest. - Yes some Ultra features will not function afterwards.  Does the system continue to freeze?

Also - you said this happens with another source like watching a movie? If yes you have some kind of PC motherboard to Graphics Card compatibility issue.

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While you gave us good info on the hardware, we need software version info too. Use the viewers Help-About... and copy paste the result into your posts. That gives us most of the details we need and save you the work of digging out the info and typing it in.

One of the first steps is to revert the VC timing to default values. Some VC's are sold that test on the edge of acceptable limits and just will not stand up to being over clocked. It is just part of how the business works. Others will be capable of being pushed WAY past design spec. Testing is the only way to know where yours is in the spectrum of what nVidia considers acceptable.

Search this forum and SLUniverse for your VC model and see if others are running into the problem.

The version of the SL Viewer you are using is a consideration too. Part of the troubleshooting process is determining if it is you r VC driver, as  KarenMichelle suggests - likely, or the viewer that is the problem.

The usual steps are to turn graphics on LOW in the viewer. Then manually enable features until you are getting a crash. That points to the possible problem.

Also, look in the SL log file to see if there is an error message:


  • crashreport.log – This log is generated when the viewer crashes, the previous version of the file is overwritten. Rename this file if you plan to restart the viewer before examining the file. Otherwise, just read it with a text viewer (Notepad is good).
  • debug_info.log – This file is internally formatted as an XML file. I never find it of much use. It is mostly the specs of your machine.
  • SecondLife.log – This is the main log file. I find it the most useful. Start from the end of the file and work toward the beginning. Search for ‘WARNING’ and ‘ERROR’. With any luck the messages there will give you an idea of the problem. Recent changes have added section heading to parts of the file that can identify the general nature of the problem. There are lots of performance stats included.  At the end of a non-crash log there are secession stats;  Run Time, Average Packet Size, Dropped Packets, Resent Packets, etc. The file is replaced and recreated for each viewer secession.
  • SecondLife.error_marker – I don’t know what information is inside. I don’t have a copy to examine as I write this.  The presence of the file indicates where, when, and what error happened. I think this is a disaster backup file for crash reporting in which information about the crash is retained in the event the crash handlers are destroyed before they can create the other more complete crash files.
  • SecondLife.start_marker – There is no information inside. The presence of the file indicates how far into the start process the viewer has gotten. Whether the file exists or not is the pertinent information.
  • SecondLifeCrashReport.log – This is another file internally formatted to XML.  It is created when the viewer crashes. I think this is the new version of the crash log. It is mostly text.
  • stats.log – This is a short file containing network statistics. Similar information is in other log files. It is an easy to read set of stats that show how many packets were dropped and resent in a secession.

I find the SecondLife.log is the most useful file for tuning and troubleshooting the viewer. It is verbose and reasonably easy to understand.

Another step is to install Firestorm and Cool VL Viewer. If the problem occurs in all three, it is not likely a viewer issue.

Also, look in the Windows Events (Event Viewer) to see if it gives you more info.

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