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Magic box issues- delivery going through but I am not getting paid

Arielle Simondsen

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The last few orders I have had for items in my magic box have gone through yet the market status says undelivered and I have not go paid, customers have received and sl took the money from them but I havent gotten it, market sys its undelivered and not paid.

 this last order, the item has gone from my magic box, I have confirmed that the customer received it and the money is taken from his acct, yet it says undelivered on market and I have not been paid my nearly 600L!  Help!


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Lots of reports on this lately. Assume it was a no copy item (hence magic box).


Word is that the only way you will get your money is if the person you sold it to gives you a "gift". You can report to LL on a support ticket but apparently the answer you get back is "talk to the buyer". Sending in a ticket anyway would be a good choice.


If these are gacha items a BETTER alternative might be to go to one of the open or rentable gacha parks and sell there inworld.

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You have to file a ticket to get help with those.  I am not sure there is anything else you can do. I am sure they can figure out what is going on.  Surprisingly that is the one area I have had help from LL on a consistant basis(when I have had a couple of issues in the past)

I have some items that I sell, mostly breedables, using the mb too and so far, knock on wood, I haven't had any issues lately.

I recommend making sure to check your transaction history both on the sl website and merchant home as often as possible, just in case of things like this happening.

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not gacha, its a breedable.  the money is already taken from the customers account, so no chance getting it as a gift.  I filed a ticket but idk if I will have any luck.  fingers crossed.  thats a substantial amount to me.  the customer has their item, and I didnt get paid so now I have neither the item I was selling nor payment for it.

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If the customer can prove the money was removed from their account, LL is more likely to help, in my experience.  If the customer cannot, it is likely they got the item without paying for it and in those instances LL will tell you to get the money from the customer.

I've had both instances in the past(not recently) and had both outcomes. In the one case the person told me the money was taken from their account, and willingly showed me that information-which I took to LL along with my own account info(showing they received the item, but I did not get the money that was clearly taken from them)..and I got paid, as clearly the money was somewhere.  In the other instance, the customer would not show me they had actually paid. I could only conclude it was because they did not actually have the money taken from their account*. LL was of no help there, other than to tell me to "get the money from the customer directly", because there was no way for me to verify the money was debited and flying of somewhere solo.

**I should note here that a customer can reasonably prove money was taken from their account without divulging any personal information or allowing access to their account, quite easily. So it should be of no concern to anyone to share such information, should the need arise. I have done so more than once myself. It is not as if they would be debited twice, or that it would cause them any amount of hardship, they'd simply be helping you get the money they paid, rather than it wandering off to the great abyss of nothingness all by it's lonesome self. I cannot think of an instance where sharing this information would be harmful to anyone, and neither can LL, as far as I am aware. So there is only one truly reasonable conclusion to come to in the case I experienced, and that was that the customer did not have the money debited from their account as they had claimed.

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