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Axe/Weapon script with multiple slash animations? In need of help

kayla Mekanic

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Ah, yes.  That one annoyed me, starting with the post that began " ... so lets say my script is 

// Simple Multipage Menu -- Rolig Loon -- August 2013".  Let's say my script?  When I put a script in a public forum library, I fully expect that it will be used by everyone and his cousin.  I don't mind the fact that other people may earn some money by incorporating it into their own products, but I do hope that they will do me the courtesy of acknowledging that it's my work.  The OP in that case at least did the right thing by keeping my header intact as he posted it -- after some prodding by LepreKhaun, to be sure -- but he was right on the edge. 

I'll admit to being conflicted about this whole issue. My feelings are hurt and my sense of justice is offended by ethical breaches like that.  However, if we turn into the Script Police, it will shut down the whole supportive system we have worked with here for over a decade.  People who come here are most often scripting newbies who have legitimate questions and don't deserve to be scared off by a knuckle-rapping "teacher" with a big ruler.  Most of us, in fact, would probably not have continued to ask our own questions as newbies if we had been met with those tactics.  We were met instead with friendly encouragement and occasional reminders by good examples of how scripters talk among themselves and share ideas. 

I will personally continue to RIC threads that are clearly looking for free scripting and will either ignore or turn a cold shoulder to those who expect me to help them claim credit for another scripter's work.  However, I will refuse to take part in the bullying attitude that attacks OPs as "thieves" and "pirates."  If we head down that road, we will not have to wait for some faceless entity to shut down our forum.  We will have done it ourselves.  I remember too well the great migrations of the past, when we lost almost all of the experienced scripters who tutored me as a newbie -- pushed out by zealous moderators and their own abrasive colleagues.  I want no part of that here today.

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That posting bothers me as well. Because Alicia Stella could actually file a successfull DMCA take down notice on it.


I don't think LL would welcome that aggravation. And I also believe they might then decide to take a look at our forum to see if there might be any other time bombs waiting to blow up on them.


And after becoming aware of how much we're allowing others to copy and paste from the web, with some even arguing that it's somehow "OK" to do this, there's a chance they could decide it's more trouble than it's worth, resulting in a forced migration out of here to beat all others.

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LepreKhaun wrote:

That posting bothers me as well. Because Alicia Stella could actually file a successfull DMCA take down notice on it.


I don't think LL would welcome that aggravation. And I also believe they might then decide to take a look at our forum to see if there might be any other time bombs waiting to blow up on them.


And after becoming aware of how much we're allowing others to copy and paste from the web, with some even arguing that it's somehow "OK" to do this, there's a chance they could decide it's more trouble than it's worth, resulting in a forced migration out of here to beat all others.

I'm sorry, but this seems to me highly improbable.    LL must daily receive dozens of DMCAs from in-world creators, complaining their original skins, hairs sculpties and so on have been copied and are being sold on the marketplace by whack-a-mole throwaway alt accounts.    Furthermore, there's umpteen mesh items there which are DMCA take-down notices waiting to happen, if only the artist who originally posted the image on TurboSquid or wherever gets to hear that someone's downloaded a free copy and has uploaded it to sell her.

The idea that LL would be at all phased by receiving an extra take-down notice from a scripter about something in these forums, when it takes in its stride dealing daily with complaints about IP abuses in the Marketplace,  just boggles belief.   Given its sanguine attitude to receiving, and acting on, DMCA complaints about in-world and MP content, LL's worrying about unattributed scripts in this forum really would be an example of straining for gnats while swallowing camels.

Indeed, the idea that someone sensible like Alicia Stella would actually bother to file a DMCA take-down notice seems pretty far-fetched when, I'm pretty sure, a Report of Inappropriate Content from her would probably achieve the same results (and certainly be a lot less bother).

I fully agree we should try to teach people about IP issues when they use scripts they've found elsewhere.    But the idea that it's some sort of threat to the forum if we don't seems very unlikely.

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Innula Zenovka wrote:

LepreKhaun wrote:

That posting bothers me as well. Because Alicia Stella could actually file a successfull DMCA take down notice on it.


I don't think LL would welcome that aggravation. And I also believe they might then decide to take a look at our forum to see if there might be any other time bombs waiting to blow up on them.


And after becoming aware of how much we're allowing others to copy and paste from the web, with some even arguing that it's somehow "OK" to do this, there's a chance they could decide it's more trouble than it's worth, resulting in a forced migration out of here to beat all others.

I'm sorry, but this seems to me highly improbable.    LL must daily receive dozens of DMCAs from in-world creators, complaining their original skins, hairs sculpties and so on have been copied and are being sold on the marketplace by whack-a-mole throwaway alt accounts.    Furthermore, there's umpteen mesh items there which are DMCA take-down notices waiting to happen, if only the artist who originally posted the image on TurboSquid or wherever gets to hear that someone's downloaded a free copy and has uploaded it to sell her.

The idea that LL would be at all phased by receiving an extra take-down notice from a scripter about something in these forums, when it takes in its stride dealing daily with complaints about IP abuses in the Marketplace,  just boggles belief.   Given its sanguine attitude to receiving, and acting on, DMCA complaints about in-world and MP content, LL's worrying about unattributed scripts in this forum really would be an example of straining for gnats while swallowing camels.

Indeed, the idea that someone sensible like Alicia Stella would actually bother to file a DMCA take-down notice seems pretty far-fetched when, I'm pretty sure, a Report of Inappropriate Content from her would probably achieve the same results (and certainly be a lot less bother).

I fully agree we should try to teach people about IP issues when they use scripts they've found elsewhere.    But the idea that it's some sort of threat to the forum if we don't seems very unlikely.

OK, I agree, that is a slim chance. I guess we could cross our fingers and hope to keep getting away with this.


How about we limit people to bringing in no more than 3 scripts from the web before they are actually required to buckle up and learn LSL? Of course, that would mean that kayla would need to start making an effort at this, like the rest of us have had to do: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/LSL-Scripting/Help-with-bringing-two-scripts-in-one/m-p/2098659

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LepreKhaun wrote:

How about we limit people to bringing in no more than 3 scripts from the web before they are actually required to buckle up and learn LSL? Of course, that would mean that kayla would need to start making an effort at this, like the rest of us have had to do: 

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aside from the copyright issues I get the feeling you are looking at the description for this Sub Forum, "Discuss scripting tips and techniques with other inworld developers," and are applying a strict interpretation to it.

If we did apply this strict interpretation then it would leave someone like me who occasionally dabbles with things no place to ask questions when I dabble.

When the switch was made to Lithium there were several of us involved in shaping the categories in the Forum (The Community Users Group).  If I had foreseen that this strict interpretation would become a problem I would have made an argument for including the phrase "get help with" or a separate sub section.  And I believe I would have got it.

So my thinking is this.  All of you have the right to choose whether or not to help someone no matter what their ability.  If you feel a request is out of place then exercise your right not to help.  If you think a request for help really belongs in the employment section then use the RIC button.  That to me keeps everything simple for everyone.



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Perrie Juran wrote:

LepreKhaun wrote:

How about we limit people to bringing in no more than 3 scripts from the web before they are actually required to buckle up and learn LSL? Of course, that would mean that kayla would need to start making an effort at this, like the rest of us have had to do: 

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aside from the copyright issues I get the feeling you are looking at the description for this Sub Forum, "Discuss scripting tips and techniques with other inworld developers," and are applying a strict interpretation to it.

If we did apply this strict interpretation then it would leave someone like me who occasionally dabbles with things no place to ask questions when I dabble.

When the switch was made to Lithium there were several of us involved in shaping the categories in the Forum (The Community Users Group).  If I had foreseen that this strict interpretation would become a problem I would have made an argument for including the phrase "get help with" or a separate sub section.  And I believe I would have got it.

So my thinking is this.  All of you have the right to choose whether or not to help someone no matter what their ability.  If you feel a request is out of place then exercise your right not to help.  If you think a request for help really belongs in the employment section then use the RIC button.  That to me keeps everything simple for everyone.


No, I was just wondering if a limit of  "borrowed without asking" scripts could be set since the consensus seems that somehow it's better to drag them over here than to link to them. The fact that those do haul them around are never scripters wasn't part of my proposal.

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LepreKhaun wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

LepreKhaun wrote:

How about we limit people to bringing in no more than 3 scripts from the web before they are actually required to buckle up and learn LSL? Of course, that would mean that kayla would need to start making an effort at this, like the rest of us have had to do: 

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aside from the copyright issues I get the feeling you are looking at the description for this Sub Forum, "Discuss scripting tips and techniques with other inworld developers," and are applying a strict interpretation to it.

If we did apply this strict interpretation then it would leave someone like me who occasionally dabbles with things no place to ask questions when I dabble.

When the switch was made to Lithium there were several of us involved in shaping the categories in the Forum (The Community Users Group).  If I had foreseen that this strict interpretation would become a problem I would have made an argument for including the phrase "get help with" or a separate sub section.  And I believe I would have got it.

So my thinking is this.  All of you have the right to choose whether or not to help someone no matter what their ability.  If you feel a request is out of place then exercise your right not to help.  If you think a request for help really belongs in the employment section then use the RIC button.  That to me keeps everything simple for everyone.


No, I was just wondering if a limit of  "borrowed without asking" scripts could be set since the consensus seems that somehow it's better to drag them over here than to link to them. The fact that those do haul them around are never scripters wasn't part of my proposal.


I'm not always fond of limits but I'd agree with you that someone coming here every single week with something new is over doing it.

But at that point you could exercise your right to say to someone, "I think you're overdoing it" and not help them.

It would be great if we had a visible Community Mgr to discuss the issue with.

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Perrie Juran wrote: [ .... ]

So my thinking is this.  All of you have the right to choose whether or not to help someone no matter what their ability.  If you feel a request is out of place then exercise your right not to help.  If you think a request for help really belongs in the employment section then use the RIC button.  That to me keeps everything simple for everyone.

That's essentially what I do now.  I do not like one-size-fits-all rules.  One size never fits all.  If I want to respond to a post, I do.  If I don't have anything to say, or if I think a post is inane, I ignore it.  If I think a post doesn't belong here, I toss a note to the moderators and ask them to figure it out.  As far as I can see, that's the way most of us have operated here since before I arrived in 2007.  If I really wanted to be a forum policeman, I would start my own forum somewhere or start lobbying to be a moderator.  Thankfully for you and everyone else, I have better ways to spend my time.  :smileywink:

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Rolig Loon wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote: [ .... ]

So my thinking is this.  All of you have the right to choose whether or not to help someone no matter what their ability.  If you feel a request is out of place then exercise your right not to help.  If you think a request for help really belongs in the employment section then use the RIC button.  That to me keeps everything simple for everyone.

That's essentially what I do now.  I do not like one-size-fits-all rules.  One size
fits all.  If I want to respond to a post, I do.  If I don't have anything to say, or if I think a post is inane, I ignore it.  If I think a post doesn't belong here, I toss a note to the moderators and ask them to figure it out.  As far as I can see, that's the way most of us have operated here since before I arrived in 2007.  If I really wanted to be a forum policeman, I would start my own forum somewhere or start lobbying to be a moderator.  Thankfully for you and everyone else, I have better ways to spend my time.  :smileywink:

And I do greatly appreciate your help.  And while I know that is small recompense I do try and pay it forward.  I am a "go to" person in my circle of friends for answers.  Not so much because I'm so smart but because I usually can get them right to where their question was answered.

A lot of SL is built on the concept of a gift economy.  I don't think SL could survive with out it.  But that's just my opinion.

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Dora Gustafson wrote:

Why did you delete it?


It is wrong and unsympathetic when a debater rebukes other debaters in areas outside the subject in this forum: "Discuss scripting tips and techniques with other inworld developers"

I just noticed that your question hadn't been answered.


The OP was asked politely if they had the permission of the original author to be posting their work and they had decided to delete their posting. In the meantime, they had removed the script from the post and real life had called them away before could finish out the deletion instructions.


I personally feel that the statements made under your "smiley line" are inappropriate btw and wish you wouldn't do it anymore since it seems to confuse the issues at times.

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LepreKhaun wrote:

 copy and pasting from (as irihapeti so eloquently says it) "
SL freebie dumpsters" .

by SL freebie dumpster I mean a box of scripts or gestures or anims or textures or clothes or objects or whichever found inworld at any number of places under a big sign that say Free or Freebie. When a script is found in a freebie dumpster box then copypasta to forum is how it goes usually

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personally I would like to see LSL Scripting split into two. LSL Debugging and Design and LSL for Beginners

Debugging and Design for well debugging and questions like: Is there a better way/algorithm  to do this than how I am doing it now?

LSL for Beginners where people new/newish to scripting can pretty much ask anything they like to help them get started in scripting. Where can I get scripts, tuition ? I was reading the wiki on this topic but I dont understand it so can somebody please help me to understand it better? Stuff like that


^^ dumb idea

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Sorry, irihapeti, but I disagree about splitting the forum.   Since back when I started learning to script, one of the things I've liked about this forum is that it's been a place where people can ask and discuss just about any scripting question, from the absolute beginners level to the most advanced, and receive friendly and helpful answers.    In any case, it's not so easy, at least not to my mind, to split beginners topics from more advanced ones.    

Quite frequently, I find that an apparently simple question about how to do such-and-such gives rise to a discussion of the merits of different ways of doing the same thing, and when one is more appropriate than the other, and I think this is very useful.    Forum replies aren't meant to be for benefit only of the person asking the original question, and if the replies to a question give rise to a discussion that's of interest to more advanced scripters (or to the questioner, only a few months later), then that's all to the good, to my mind.

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irihapeti wrote:

LepreKhaun wrote:

 copy and pasting from (as irihapeti so eloquently says it) "
SL freebie dumpsters" .

by SL freebie dumpster I mean a box of scripts or gestures or anims or textures or clothes or objects or whichever found inworld at any number of places under a big sign that say Free or Freebie. When a script is found in a freebie dumpster box then copypasta to forum is how it goes usually

Ahhh, you mean like YadNi's Junkyard! I love that place, go there about once a month and always find something useful.


Ever read The Junkyard Rules? Do you think you could forget about trying to find legal license loopholes to the ToS here and just go with that when it comes to our LSL script repositories? I only ask because when I hear Ferd Frederix say "People come back again and again for good content. They go back again and again to libraries." I sense a bit of well earned pride and justified satisfaction in doing such a crucial service for this community.


Is it really too much to ask that the users here link to his content rather than copy and paste it?

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LepreKhaun wrote:

irihapeti wrote:

LepreKhaun wrote:

 copy and pasting from (as irihapeti so eloquently says it) "
SL freebie dumpsters" .

by SL freebie dumpster I mean a box of scripts or gestures or anims or textures or clothes or objects or whichever found inworld at any number of places under a big sign that say Free or Freebie. When a script is found in a freebie dumpster box then copypasta to forum is how it goes usually

Ahhh, you mean like YadNi's Junkyard! I love that place, go there about once a month and always find something useful.


Ever read 
? Do you think you could forget about trying to find legal license loopholes to the ToS here and just go with that when it comes to our LSL script repositories? I only ask because when I hear Ferd Frederix say "
" I sense a bit of well earned pride and justified satisfaction in doing such a crucial service for this community.


Is it really too much to ask that the users here link to his content rather than copy and paste it?

people get scripts from all kinds of places inworld. Pretty much every large freebie store has boxes and boxes of scripts. Some of them still have their credits on and some not. The ones that dont usually have been modded in some way. Mutilated is the word for it in a more formal sense. One of the difficulties with opensource scripts is that the original licensor usually gives up their Moral Rights. Which they have to do in part to allow mutilating/modding


is not about finding legal loopholes. Posting a script to this forum for which you have a lawful right isnt a loophole. Is just the law

if do want to have a discussion abut Ethics then start a convo in GD. I be happy to chat you all day about the philosophical differences between Locke, Kant and Rawls when it comes to property and ethics and justice and law


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