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Full sim advice?

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So, it only affects the seats that DON'T have a pose ball to sit? Or does it affect all "touchable" ones as well? Only reason I ask is because i put a LOT of places to sit on the sim. So I would hate to render those useless and thus wasting my investment.

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So you're saying, don't physically separate them. Just use a security orb to block areas, correct? I have a security orb, but I'm still not 100% on how to use it to the correct respect. I've seen regions that have parcels rented out and blocked by a "yellow tape" visual, that informs you that you have such and such time to leave. But it does not let you pass that barrier. Is that barrier a different gadget? I have 2. The security orb, and something that is a "bounding box", but when I put all 5 orbs down, It said it was set... But I saw no barrier or difference at all.

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hazeonelove wrote:

So, it only affects the seats that DON'T have a pose ball to sit? Or does it affect all "touchable" ones as well? Only reason I ask is because i put a LOT of places to sit on the sim. So I would hate to render those useless and thus wasting my investment.

I have lots of furniture by different makes and have never had a problem sitting on anything except an empty prim, or objects without sits in them.

Apparently there are some out there where there is a problem, but I would think the problem is minor and very rare since I have never encountered it and I have a lot of different furniture, dance ball servers etc.

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hazeonelove wrote:

Damn... So you're stacking? Expanding upwards has been on my mind a lot too. Almost like another sim, right? Just... Floating? I'm not sure if there's a sky limit or something. But 5 levels is impressive lol.

You can build up to 4000M.

My sim has a roadway leading up 2400M through various levels of race tracks, desert landscapes, urban environments, shooting ranges, zombies, and above that a space station in a 1024m space sphere and 3 more race tracks on their own accesible by teleporter. I did have 12 race tracks at one point but 2 are kinda being rebuilt. There is stuff going on the full height of the sim.. I don't see any reason to waste the space. hehe

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hazeonelove wrote:

So you're saying, don't physically separate them. Just use a security orb to block areas, correct? I have a security orb, but I'm still not 100% on how to use it to the correct respect. I've seen regions that have parcels rented out and blocked by a "yellow tape" visual, that informs you that you have such and such time to leave. But it does not let you pass that barrier. Is that barrier a different gadget? I have 2. The security orb, and something that is a "bounding box", but when I put all 5 orbs down, It said it was set... But I saw no barrier or difference at all.

The yellow boundaries you are talking about sound like the parcel ban lines you get if you uncheck the allow public access box under parcel details. I hate them, they look unsightly, and they are a nuisance for vehicles. Much better to use a security orb with its range set to surround your skybox or cover just the area you don't want others to enter, with a 30 second warning that if they don't leave they will be ejected or pushed away. For ground level I tend to set my zoobie cat to push people out, but then I am not really that bothered it is not like people dirty your bed sheets in sl hehe

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I have major major trust issues in SL due to precious events. But... I really need a partner/manager. I have a hotel on my sim, a club (I just bought another one because it had shops in the back. But I removed everything but the shops. Reason being, I sincerely can not find any nice fully furnished buildings for just a mall setting. Every mall I see has a club and stuff. And all the stand alone shops just look really out of place on my beach), etc. And I'm seriously dumb lol. I'm not comprehensive with shoutcasts, setting up sales shops (for friends to advertise), I'm really not sure about all the tiny things I should have to. I know, it's whatever I want. But I want to do it right. And hiring someone that knows how to set up pose balked, radio stations, orbs for certain areas, setting up teleports, etc. I have a few teleports and can not figure out how to use them. But aside from all that... Renting a hotel out is pretty neat and I figured that out pretty fast. I can set the prices for each room, set the ratings for each room, tv in every room, etc. It's nice. But the business aspect of it is what intrigues me. But as I said previously, I'm not about making money. So I'm giving out rooms to homeless group members for only $L1 a week. I figured... Not a bad promotion. I just have so much in my head, the money to invest... But need a partner that knows a lot. And that's obviously trustworthy.

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hazeonelove wrote:

I really need a partner/manager. 

Word of warning.  Use group roles to give this new partner/manager the control they need instead of making them a group owner.  A group owner cannot be removed from a group even by another owner, once there they can only be removed by LL.  

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Thank you for that. I made sure not only to do that, but also create other roles as well, with definitive abilities. Such as hotel manager, club manager, general manager, etc. Some roles don't require too many abilities. But the general manager will almost have my abilities, just not able to delete or harm the sim in any way.

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If you do free or 1L housing you may want to consider setting a time limt on how long they can stay in the house.  Free housing is a great way to get people on your sim and keep them there, but what if they just rez in and out , and are only there rarely and don't go anywhere else on the sim and stay for years?  If you put a time limit on how long they can stay, say 30 to 90 days, when the time is up they may become renters at your hotel or just continue to hang out there with other people they have made friends with.  New people then have a chance of living there and experiencing what your sim offers, and then becoming regulars too as they get to know the current residents and former residents who are regulars and want to continue to hang with them..  It would be a good way to increase the number of 'regulars' you have there with each free rental cycle.

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I totally agree. My general manager and I were just discussing how "skwatters" will be prevalent, due to the housing being free and there is no way to guarantee their hang out time on the sim. And we already have a couple skwatters. They pop up in their room, then either say hi then leave, or just leave. And I think you're right, setting a limit will help cute that. So far, I've tried to give people as many things to do as I can. Some say that I don't have a theme or focus; and they may be right. But, that's my point. To give EVERYONE something to do. Granted, I have nothing catering to the "adult" crowd, but that's not something I'd like to do anyway. So, this far, I have the sim itself pretty much full, with the club sectioned off in it's own parcel, deeded to it's own group. Then I have a skybox which is fairly small, but nice. It's a space station (for the scifi nerds like myself), and above that I have a full sim skybox, which is an entirely separate city with survival games and racing, for the gamers and or suburban role players. I've spent a lot of money this far and it's addicting. Always wanting to add or replace. For instance, I HAD another full sim size skybox, which was a full island. But it was a prefab, no copy. So I messed up somewhere, and in the midst of rezzing and derezzing, I lost about 15% of the prefab. And obviously can't get it back (the creator is a jerk and just assumes I'm trying to use the prefab twice, why? Lol). So I'm in the midst of tearing that down and replacing it. I'm not sure if I'm doing "too much" or not, but I want to guarantee something enjoyable to do, for anyone. As far as traffick goes, it's slow. And that's expected. But a few regulars already. So it's not a bad start. I've made friends with and got to know most of the kid avie designers. Not sure if I can name them without it being deemed as advertising. So I won't. But there's not that many kid avie designers. So I'm trying to get them to come over. I have advertisements in a few clubs and shops, and I'm always willing to exchange billboards, as I say, and promote each other. There's only one place like mine, with the same mentality, that I've come across. And I've made sure to get acquainted with them. Another idea I have, is to mutually help a low level club. For instance, letting them take over the club parcel I have, for free. They can run it, be in control, redesign it, whatever. As long as they send people wandering about. Right when you step foot outside of the club, you're in the sim. So, I feel it's not a bad exchange. Free rent, and we share visitors. I'm also thinking of turning the survival game sim I have into a full fledged RP. I don't have anything catering to RPers, and so far, that's the one place they all gravitate to (the RPers). So, why not. Also thinking about something dark or gothic. Like a castle or something. I don't have anything like that yet either. I just want to offer more than a beach, a club, and a few things. Hopefully it works out. But maybe my sites are set too high? Not sure.

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