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Amazon SES (amazonses.com)

Xen Akula

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HarleiQuinn wrote:

I stated it for what got resolved NOT that its ANY of your bidness anyway TROLL.I did not owe you an explanation at all. MY issue with LL was RESOLOVED to my satisfaction and funds debited. Gobble down a dozen donuts and get over yourself

1. Perrie linked to your thread because he thought it would be helpful to the OP in this thread. His post did not say anything negative at all about you, and your silly outburst was both uncalled for and...well, silly.

2. Look up the word 'troll' as it relates to the internet. You used it wrongly.

3. In the thread you started, you stated that the marketplace had been hacked, and that your credit card had been charged $140 for L$ you didn't buy. It was a very serious situation and, if it were true, you did right to post about it. People here gave their time to you by writing helpful posts, as they do when someone needs it, but at the end of it all, when LL had sorted it out for you, all you told those people was "billing issue". You were asked to write what happened but you just said "billing issue". BUT... you DO owe an explanation of what happened to those people who gave their time to you, and Perrie was one of them. You also now owe Perrie an apology for what you wrote in this thread.

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HarleiQuinn wrote:

I stated it for what got resolved NOT that its ANY of your bidness anyway TROLL.I did not owe you an explanation at all. MY issue with LL was RESOLOVED to my satisfaction and funds debited. Gobble down a dozen donuts and get over yourself

I really dislike theadjacking but I think this really merits a response..

First of all, I am glad that you got your issue resolved. 

However, as far as it not being "ANY of your bidness," you made it our "bidness" when you posted your problem to this PUBLIC Forum.  So as far as my "getting over myself," really I think the converse is true, that you need to "get over yourself."

The OP in this thread asked, "2. Has anyone else had any issues with the auto-billing system?"  I pointed them to your thread as a POSSIBLE incident.  No more, no less. 

But let us consider the difference between this thread and yours.  The OP in this thread came here with FACTS that we could look at, not a wild unsubstantiated claim.  The OP in this thread has responded to questions with more detailed information and not treated everyone like mushrooms who know nothing about the subject in a level headed manner.

Personally speaking I've been interested in Internet Security and Privacy ever since I got my first computer.  It may surprise some people because of how open I am about many things On Line, but actually I am a very vocal Privacy Advocate.  When I post, unlike many people I observe, I know exactly what concerns I open myself up to.

I for one would never claim that no one gets hacked.  I for one would never Claim that Linden Lab couldn't get hacked.  I for one would never claim that System Errors never happen.  In fact I am very aware that Linden Lab has some serious problems with some System Errors.   But I am also aware of how many problems come down to nothing more or less than User Error.  The vast majority that I see both in SL and elsewhere do come down to User Error.

You started a thread.  I read what you wrote.  Based on the scant information you gave us I made an observation.  But I also asked you, "What was LL's response?"  You see, those of us who post here regularly know how LL responds.  That information tells us whether someone is making a wild arsed claim or if it's a legitimate issue.  We see tons of false claims made here and call them for what they are.

Your failing to answer questions and/or the scant information you gave left us a few choices.  Ignore your thread was one.  Or we could ask more questions or speculate on what really happened.  My speculations were actually more reasonable than your statement about LL getting hacked and had a lot more foundation in reality.  I actually documented my speculation.  What information did you give us to document your claims? 

It's a funny thing, but in my experience, it always seems to be the people who pass on wild unsubstantiated and often times debunked claims who are always the most likely to have the most problems and/or are the ones who actually do wind up getting hacked.  I've always been mystified by this.





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Just to follow up and let everyone know where this is at right now.

I contacted the Amazon SES people and asked them if they could verify if in fact the email receipt I received was fake or legit. I went to the Amazon SES website and looked for an email address or phone number to call. The only option I could find was a link to report abuse of their service. Seeing as how LL claimed it was a fake email, I figured that it qualifies as abuse for someone to falsly use their name in a supposedly fake email. I am currently waiting for a reply from someone. However, I did receive an automated response and it stated the following to me . . .

Dear Abuse Reporter,

Thank you for submitting your abuse report.

We've determined that an Amazon EC2 instance was running at the IP address you provided in your abuse report. We'll investigate the complaint to determine what additional actions, if any, need to be taken in this case. 

If you wish to provide additional information to EC2 or our customer regarding this case, please reply to ec2-abuse@amazon.com with the original subject line.

Thanks again for alerting us to this issue. 

Case number: 57575488499

Your original report:

* Source IPs:
* Abuse Time: Wed Oct 23 07:19:00 UTC 2013

That at least confirms that their service was indeed running at the IP address in my email header.

That's where I'm at about this right now. Just thought anyone following this thread would want to know. I'll update again when I find out more. Thanks to everyone for your help and input in this.

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Confirmation . . .


Thanks for your report, we appreciate your assistance in identifying potentially abusive activity originating on our networks. We can confirm for you that the email you received was sent from a legitimate AWS service and that an AWS customer is using that service, however due to our customer privacy policy, we're unable to share any additional information about the customer or their specific use case.

We've forwarded your email to the appropriate service team for investigation and will provide you with any relevant information if it becomes available. In the meantime we recommend following up directly with the developer customer that sent the email for further clarification.

Best regards,
Amazon EC2 Abuse Team"

To be quite honest, I've always known, in my own mind, anyway, that the email was not a fake. How did I know? Simple really, why would anyone bother to send a fake email receipt like that, at the exact same time that I made a payment to LL? Also, if it was fake, then where is the real email receipt? I didn't have any strange charge attempts from anyone that night, nor have I had any since. I only had the one charge of the payment I made to LL. Their system simply didn't state the correct amount of my membership renewal fee. The system did charge the correct amount, it just didn't state it on the payment page or the email receipt. What bugs me the most about this is that the LL rep not only claimed it was a fake, but also then doubled down and reiterated that it was definitely a fake. Why not just admit the system made a mistake, and a pretty small one at that?

Anyway, I received the definitive confirmation I was looking for, but not from where it should have come from. Not to mention I shouldn't have had to be the one to do all the work to receive confirmation.

Case closed.

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