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Re: Second Life addiction is a very real problem. This is my story.

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This is a follow-up of my previous post: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Second-Life-addiction-is-a-very-real-problem-This-is-my-story/td-p/1785407 *

Hello everyone, this is for those who replied to that post for the encouragement you have given me. I am replying to this thread using a new account since I deleted my previous one.

It's been almost a year since I posted the original thread as "AnnaIvanovna". I never expected there to be so many replies. Throughout my SL-free days, I felt much at peace with myself. Thus, I have no desire to return and will only use this account to express my thanks.

During my SL-free days, besides working and preparing for college, I had a lot of fun translating drama CDs. I know it's not much, but making myself busy keeps me away from computers, and actually improves my langauge abilities in the process. You never know when a new language would come in useful!

Sankyu for all the positive support and advice given!

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I want to give you my full support and congratulate you on your mature decision to stay away from Sl, especially since you recognized your dependance to it. Yes, anything can be psychologically addictive and if one succumbs to it, feeds and nurtures it, then it will take over and finally destroy ones life. You took the first (and hardest) step, which is to recognize you have a problem. FB is also in theis cataogory, so be careful not to swap one for the other, tricking yourself into thinking I am out of Sl, but i will just catch up with some friends on FB. Any kind of psychological dependance WILL drag one down and destroy one mentally, taking away ones ability to make good personal decisions regarding social (real) interactions with family, friend and even strangers. we need all of these types of interactions to make us whole. Not everyone can limit themselves with things like SL, online games (SL isnt a game but a virtual world) and to have done this means you have found your inner strength, been able to make the decision and follow it through. once again, congratulations, maybe one day you will be able to return to SL for short, visits without it draggin you back in. Your studies sound great and will keep you busy for a long time. good luck in your new life and may many wonderful things happen to you. I wonder how many people reading this could also tear themselves away instead of making excuses to stay involved in such a hardcore way. I dont gt addicted to anything as my thirst for life is too strong anf i get bored easily.

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People can be addicted to all kinds of things that are not in by nature addicting.  So yes, some people can get addicted to it like a drug.  However not everyone does, 

In fact SL can be very helpful in many ways to people who are sick and bedridden, who are disabled and can't get out to socialize , who are physically isolated where they live and have no social life, to the painfully shy who can't talk to people in RL but can in SL and eventually may overcome their shyness in RL.

I am glad you recognized your addiction and left SL if it was a problem for you.  From your last post I think part of the problem is that you were too young and immature to be here.  If you just turned 20 and started SL in 2009 you were only 16 at the time but yet got involved in partnering, sex and bondage, and even escorting, according to your last post.  So you obviously were going to mature and  adult areas illegally and were participating in things that are for adults only.   There is a reason minors are not allowed to go places like that and participate in some of the things you did.

My only question now is why did you create a new account if you know SL is so addicting to you?  You are playing with fire.  You should take your own advice and delete it now.  Come back when you are out of college, have a job and gain more maturity.

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I am sorry but the poster has it wrong , you suffer from only your self.

SL just happen to be your low, it could have  been anything.

Some people it's porn others it is facebook , drugs , drinking , second life , TV  or what ever it's that cause a person to ignore known responsibility they need to preform to feel good about them self.

The substance or time spent  is not relevant to the problem, which is you.

But the fact is you must fall to a low that you can't  live with is the key to healing your sickness . 

We are all animals no matter how you look at it , able to fall to common short comings when we deal with  personal advancement and the way those acts can swallow a life time and can be a lot of work we are not in the mood for.


This can strike at any time ,a 60 year old man who spent his whole life working hard and taking care of his life.

 Knowing   the first time he sat in front of a game , show  ,computer , substance or what ever it might be ,he should or should not preform this addictive task which  will only lead to a waist of time he can not afford .

The non addicted just dose not temp them selves , the ones who have addiction issues will.

The fact is, addiction is a emotion we all have.

For some it makes crack heads while others become world leaders. 

All people are addicted to achieving goals there no way around it and addiction plays a big role in achievement .

People that know they have a lazy side should not temp them selves with activities that involved sitting in 1 spot getting nothing done that can better their life. 

Soooooo to sum this post of mine up......

You are a lazy face that needed to get out there and see the world and accomplish goals . 

A man who lost his legs and has to spend 7 hours a day in physical therapy .

 A man  67 year old man who can not work anymore.

 Both maneuvering expensive medical systems might enjoy a few hours or even a day of SecondLife.

Your the problem ,and your relapsing even coming here bring back up the topic you posted and walked away from...

Do your self a solid and log out ,log off and go for along walk or call a friend and go do something as you are a addict person playing with fire .

I rather see you out there doing what makes you feel good then sitting here reading replies getting sucked back in ....pointing the finger of blame at the grid..and not yourself.


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I'm sorry, I just don't buy into the whole constellation of 'SL addiction / internet addiction' memes. Sure some people want to be judgemental and control the behaviour / activities of others... hey, that's as old as the hills. One manifestation of those memes are the RL busybodies who interfere with other peoples' RL activities.... such as logging into SL or Facebook or Reddit or whatever...

I'm happy for you that you've found something to polish your halo with. Just remember that people do all sorts of activites [both RL and online] for all sorts of reasons and that neither you nor I are in any position to judge. One person's 'addiction' might be another person's business plan that pays their bills or it might their way of overcoming a debilitating illness or simply connecting with other people because they happen to live in a remote location in RL. Then there are also such things as socialising, RP, pootling around and other creative but seemingly valueless activites. Things that add to that intangible known as 'quality of life'.

Put simply: you have no way of knowing what drives people online and have no right to judge them. Furthermore any judgement you might arrive at is more likely a projection on your part than an actual analysis of the true facts.

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