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 I have this forum on subscription, to be sure I keep up with it, to attend educational presentaions and events given by others, and to invite them to Virtual Ability events;  to stay in the loop, of who's doing what, in the SL Education world, so to speak.  I was very happy to see that LL had added this forum.  Been kind of a slow start here.

So today, I go to the email address that I use for SL, and I see all these notifications, that a discussion was going on in this forum.  Wonderful!  Finally!  Came running over here to see what wonderful thing was going on, only to find.........this?  Really?  

C'mon people, why tear up this guy's thread like this, after his honest attempt to let SLers know about an event?   I hope he moves on, and finds a new way to advertise his events, because this one is surely lost in the sniping shuffle.  Just a really cold shot.  Why?




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Storm Clarence wrote:

Either we are reading two different forums or your translator is broken. I did NOT read Pie's first post as an attack or as a troll; nor did he call anyone names. It was YOU who came out swinging at him.

It is too bad that you seem to be in the habit of posting to the poster and NOT the post. To me, you trolled this tread; and your ignorance was manifest whilst doing so.

Ooookay let me point out all the ways he tried to imply he was more intelligent and I stupid. 'Cause apperantly I need to for soem reason.

"Given your own failings (as are partially highlighted here) I can not even be assured you have understood my original post, nor would you be able to appreciate this post;"

What is this other then an attack on my intelligence meant to imply that what he had said was somehow beyond the scope of my understanding? Please explain to me how this is NOT insulting?


 "Madeline Blackbart wrote:


        you aren't more intelligent then I


I love it when that happens."



Again the only prupose of this is to insult my intelligence and nothing more.




"I don't use a spell-checker, ever; I don't need to, especially not to interpret non-existent instructions from an artificial construct of authority fabricated by a bunch of power hungry lying manipulators to keep the great unwashed in their place."

Not to meantion his attacks on religion which have nothing to do with both the Original post nor the topic at hand.


You will notice that I had infact began with replying to the topic at hand only to stop when I had my intelligence questioned and insulted. I refuse to not defend myself against a bully masqurauding under guise of "intellectual debate". One does not spellcheck and insult someone else they are debating with in order to call in to question there intelligence during a debate. This is not and never shall be a legitimate form of debate. On top of this if you knew this person from previous posts you would know this is not the first time that they have done this nor the first time I have had to defend myself against them.


So the problem here is you either do not know what insulting looks like or you can't tell a real troll when you see one.


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TDD123 wrote:

I doubt it's 'good' company you're after in the first place,  but as an ESLer I'll be the first to admit you're both plagiarising unbearable boring racist frauds without the ability to come up with something original yourselves. :robotindifferent:


I'll tell Kenneth Branagh you said that!

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Madeline, with every post you make you are confirming your humiliating lack of self-awareness of your own capabilities. Your semi-literacy means that it would not be possible to conduct an "intellectual" discussion with you. You are also, indirectly, confirming the point of my first post in this thread, which represented the potential initiation of an intellectual argument, although now I realise that anybody with enough intelligence to understand my position would recognise that my position is irrefutable.

Let me reiterate that I don't use a spell-checker because I don't need to do so. Spell-checkers are for those who recognise their weaknesses, who acknowledge that to have their arguments taken seriously they should present them in a literate manner, and who have sufficient concern for their readers - whether the agree with them or not - that they take the time and make an effort to ensure that their posts do not insult the reader unintentionally.

I recommend the free utility After The Deadline, which is not only compatible with most sensible browsers, but is also compatible with the SL Forums, and has a comprehensive range of spell-schecking and grammatical tools available for a multiplicity of languages in addition to English. It is what I use when I write in languages other than English.

May I also point out that it was not me that brought "religion" into this thread, nor have I introduced any other worthless fantastical concepts.

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Treasure Ballinger wrote:

 I have this forum on subscription, to be sure I keep up with it, to attend educational presentaions and events given by others, and to invite them to Virtual Ability events;  to stay in the loop, of who's doing what, in the SL Education world, so to speak.  I was very happy to see that LL had added this forum.  Been kind of a slow start here.

So today, I go to the email address that I use for SL, and I see all these notifications, that a discussion was going on in this forum.  Wonderful!  Finally!  Came running over here to see what wonderful thing was going on, only to find.........this?  Really?  

C'mon people, why tear up this guy's thread like this, after his honest attempt to let SLers know about an event?   I hope he moves on, and finds a new way to advertise his events, because this one is surely lost in the sniping shuffle.  Just a really cold shot.  Why?




There is already a forum for advertising events. He should have used that. This forum is for discussing educational issues. I consider the worthlessness of translated literature an educational issue.

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Pie Serendipity wrote:

Madeline, with every post you make you are confirming your humiliating lack of self-awareness of your own capabilities. Your semi-literacy means that it would not be possible to conduct an "intellectual" discussion with you. You are also, indirectly, confirming the point of my first post in this thread, which represented the potential initiation of an intellectual argument, although now I realise that anybody with enough intelligence to understand my position would recognise that my position is irrefutable.

Let me reiterate that I don't use a spell-checker because I don't need to do so. Spell-checkers are for those who recognise their weaknesses, who acknowledge that to have their arguments taken seriously they should present them in a literate manner, and who have sufficient concern for their readers - whether the agree with them or not - that they take the time and make an effort to ensure that their posts do not insult the reader unintentionally.

I recommend the free utility
, which is not only compatible with most sensible browsers, but is also compatible with the SL Forums, and has a comprehensive range of spell-schecking and grammatical tools available for a multiplicity of languages in addition to English. It is what I use when I write in languages other than English.

May I also point out that it was not me that brought "religion" into this thread, nor have I introduced any other worthless fantastical concepts.

You only further to prove you are a troll by questioning my intelligence. It does not and HAS NEVER added anything to any debate other then to start arguments. Weither you like my spelling or not has nothing to do with the debate at hand.  a debater who does so properly does not insult there fellow debator weither they believe the are intelligent or not because it simply adds nothing to the conversation. If anything it only serves to prove that you have low self esteem and a desprite need to prove yourself "Better" then others.

Creating gramatical errors in a casual debate is neither insulting to the reader nor a refelction of my intelligence in the least. If I were to be writing an essay then yes spelling would matter. But last I checked this is the second life forums not a scientific or literary article for a magazine or college that is up for peer review.

I am aware of my weakness in spelling thus why I spent much time both reviewing and having others check my essays when they were going up for review by college professors. Do you honestly think that I would have recieved a bachelor's degree of any kind without being even mildly aware of my penchent for bad spelling? If so you sir are sadly mistaken. However I do not and WILL NOT waste time spell checking everything I say on a FORUM that is filled with CASUAL conversations. Miss spelling do not equal semi-literacy at all. I assure you that I am MORE then barely able to read and write. I have clearly read everything you have said including this and all attempts to insult me and my intelligence.


Let me reiterate that I do NOT spellcheck because this is a forum where CASUAL conversations take place. CASUAL. Either you don't know what that is or your to full of yourself and arragent to realize when it's going on and frankly at this point I can not tell which is true.


There was no "potential initiation or an intellectual argument" as fromt he get go you basically insulted me. If you really want a debate then you would not have done so you would have skipped that and argued your point. Insulting me made your "intellectual arguement" go from a debate to an all out brawl instantly.


Also your point is FAR from irruftable. I have pointed out an example of a translation that overcomes at least some of those issues. Other people have also debated you. Your point that translations are worthless is FAR from irrufutable. While they may not all be completly accurate representations of the story or the culture they do in fact add a lot to the understanding of another culture and help portray a story that was told. It is far more valuable to have even a little understanding of others then it is to have none at all. Thinking that your ideas are "fact" is arrogent at best.


Pie, with every post you make you are confirming your humiliating lack of self-awareness of your own insulting arrogence and confirming your apperant need to put others down in order to bolster your self esteem. You see the diffrence between you and me. The one that shows that I am intelligent is that I do not look down upon others for petty reasons. I can distinguish between a casual conversation and a peer (and by peer I mean other authers/scientists/people in the field of debate) reviewed debate or article. I also do not think you are unintelligent merely a clever troll with low self esteem and nothing better to do then put others down for less then perfect spelling a casual conversation.


And while I think you for your spell checker suggestion as I'm sure it will help make things easier for me while writing emails to business and other such things I will not spell check all this. Not because I do not know there will be mistakes (because I do know that) but because I will not bend to the desires of an internet bully and spell check a casual conversation/argument.

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Pie Serendipity wrote:

Madeline, have you recognised the dramatic irony of your posting this semi-literate screed in the "Education" subforum?

You also realize the dramatic irony of insulting others intelligence in a game forum do you not? I also see that you have no real comback to what I said other then to insult me further. I think I've more then proven my point that you are a arrogent troll with nothing better to do then put others down in order to make yourself feel better. I've seen you do it numerous times and it's sad really. I think there's really no need for me to continue here as I've said my peace and you've only proven me right.


To be honest i should have known you were trolling to began with. Why else would one insult the merits of someones event when it was not called for other then to start a flame war or troll any responders?

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Everyone's argument aside, I'm going to attempt to attend. I'd love to see how the translation compares to some of the translated literature I've read translated from Japanese. Depending on how I like it, I might even go to the second one, based around Saadat Hansan Manto, and Indian/Pakistani writer. :)

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