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Low FPS with fair good Laptop and medium graphic settings

Aeryn Emor

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Dear All,

I'm currently facing a problem of low FPS, in the range between 20 and 30, and still playing with medium graphic settings.

I got a Dell 17r SE, which comes with a  

Intel Core i7 3610QM ; Nvidia Geforce GT650M 2Gb of DDR5 ram (128bit bus rate) and 8 Gb of DDR3 Ram


I could play Crysis3 single player set at high performance with around 35 fps and on medium settings i reached 45 fps with a CPU temperature not above 70°C and a GPU temperature not above 80°C...

Multiplayer gives me something in the range of 30 to 35 fps on medium settings.

Online reviews even put the benchmark settings of this laptop to play Diablo 3 at a FPS rate of 49 on ultra settings !!!


Now when I play Second life on medium settings, shadows and atmospheric shaders off, 128 meters distance and no anti aliasing..i only get between 20 and 30 fps...sometimes dropping to 15 fps..which isn't playable anymore...


I tried to change settings, tried to go to low settings, but this doesn't change much on FPS; seems I can't hit more then 30 fps.


My internet connection is broadband, pings are decent to good, wireles router is working perfectly. I even tried to just hardwire the internet connection instead of wireless, but this doesn't change anything.


On top of this, my gpu and cpu temperatures raise to 90°C but they dont go down in performance (they don't go into melt security) and fans are working like Hell...(and no, they are clean and not dusted, checked this already)


Is there anyone who can help me on this problem, or anybody knows a sollution?

Kind regards



Something I forgot to mention, I'm using Latest Firestorm Viewer, but tried singularity as well...and there are NO differences at all...





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Without detailed info on your computer, we can only guess. There are people with similar equipment getting 50+ FPS, but that depends on a lot of things.

When you ask a tech question include information about your computer and viewer. Get the info from the viewer's Help-About... and paste that into your post with your question. Help->About... provides all the version numbers we need.  To add your info to an existing question use OPTIONS->EDIT. It’s in the upper right of your post.

So, knowing whats wrong with your configuration at this point is just wild guesses.

nVidia allows you to make settings for each game you play. Use the info from Graphics Tweaking for Second Life to tweak yours. It's old but its about the newest around.

Configure your unit to use 'performance' settings in the nVidia panel. Laptops try to conserve power and lower temperature. In doing that they give up FPS. Once you are certain it is not a laptop conservation measure that is biting you, look at some of the more exotic specs on your laptop. Memory speed is an often overlooked spec that has a significant effect on SL. Get the free programs SpeedFan, System Explorer, CPU-Z, and GPU-Z. They will show you what your computer is actually doing.

Use SpeedFan to check temperatures. Laptops tend to over heat. GPU-Z will give you info on the graphics chip. You will be able to see the GPU load and temp. System Explorer will give you a reading on how many page faults (memory to disk) swaps are happening.

My Core2 Quad and GTX560 show a GPU load of about 16-25% most of the time. The Quad runs about 33% and I get about 40 FPS after things rez.

If you test your network connection test to an SL server. You can get a URL/IP from Help->About. You may have a good general connection and a poor connection to SL.

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low FPS, in the range between 20 and 30


That's a fairly good fps regarding your surroundings. All alone on a skyplat you should get 60-70 fps, in a crowded club it might go down to 10. And there are sooooo many setttings you can change in your driver and on the SL Graphics tab, it's crazy and very easy to destroy your performance. I always open the stats window (ctrl-shift-1) to control my fps when I change any settings.

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You should do something to lower those temperatures. They are much to high.

I play SL on a I5 quadcore 3 GHZ, 8 GB ram and ASUS 7750 1 GB

My grahics are always on ultra and advance lightning and shadows enabled. Draw distance is 256

FPS varies from 15 to 40 depending on where I am.

CPU temperature is 45 C and GPU 50 C

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  • 2 weeks later...
Crysis 3 (2013)
51.3  fps   
32.6  fps   
21.9  fps   
8.4  fps 
Far Cry 3 (2012)
53.6  fps   
46.5  fps   
28.3  fps   
8.8  fps 
I use a website called notebook.net to gauge what  a  video cards performance will be. As you can see http://www.notebookcheck.net/NVIDIA-GeForce-GT-650M.71887.0.html from this info your card is considered new mid range but high end from 2010/2011 I have the gtx 460m. I personally leave shadows off unless I'm trying to take pictures. Your laptop will run  hot though i think 90 starts get a bit warm for the video card. You really should only see temps of 60ish on your cpu. You dont want it to run at those high temps for a prolonged period of time. 
The heat will stress the part out and cause premature failure.  All and all since notebookcheck says your card is close to mine id say  if your resolution is 1080 and you turn everything up its the shadows beating on the card. Turn those down when you dont need them also lower your sky settings and keep your draw distance low. sub 128. 
Oh one more thing... when i have dof field on i drop to about 14fps ... its still playable... 6 is when i cant deal with how slow it is.
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