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why does my second life veiwer keep crashing???


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5 answers to this question

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All we can do is guess without details of your computer system. Please open SL to the login page then select Help > About Second Life. Copy/paste the contents of the window that opens into your post using Options/Edit. If the graphics card section only gives the card series, add in details of the actual model. Also, advise what if any message appears when the application crashes.

It could be your computer is struggling to run SL and is overheating and crashing. It could be your router is one of those that doesn't like HTTP textures so log in-world then press CTRL+ALT+Q to open the Develop Menu and then click HTTP Textures to untick it. The application will then use UDP textures which all routers can handle. It could be you have a poor internet connection, wireless is not recommended. Provide as much information as you can.

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Welcome to Second Life, kizza --

Steph may be right that your viewer was simply damaged as you downloaded and installed it.  Reinstalling should fix it.  If it doesn't, however, there are many possible reasons for your failure.  I'll mention one very scary one first to get it out of the way.  You may be overheating.  Second Life puts a very heavy demand on your graphics card, which means it uses a lot of energy and gets hot.  The temperature on my laptop's card jumps up 20 degrees C when I enter Second Life.  If your card can't take the extra heat, it will shut down the program and dump you out to save itself from burning up -- a VERY expensive problem.  If you're on a desktop, be very sure to keep its innards clean by blowing out dust with a can of air monthly, and be sure that all fans are spinning properly.  If you're on a laptop, be sure to keep the machine lifted off your table (NOT your lap!), and invest $25 in a raised platform with a fan that will blow cooler air into the machine.  Even with all of those precautions, your machine still may not be able to get rid of the heat, in which case you'll have to get a new machine to use SL.  BTW, you can find good, FREE, temperature monitoring programs on the Internet. Google for one.

So much for the scary part.  As I said, there are many reasons why you might crash.  Take a good look at http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_run_crash for the most common ones.  If none of those work for you, tell us more about your machine and your Internet connection.  To do that, go to Help >>> About Second Life in your viewer and click the button to save the information there.  Then, come right back here, click on the Options link in the upper right corner of your question and select EDIT. Paste that saved information into your original question with CTRL + V. Please do not start a new thread. Doing that makes it hard for us to see what other people have already suggested, and it pushes other residents' questions off the page.

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It is impossible to guess without knowing more about the computer that you are trying to use the SL viewer (not an "app") on. SL viewers run best on computers designed for gaming (see the system requirements at https://secondlife.com/support/system-requirements/ ), and do not run at all on tablets and some lightweight notebooks and laptops. If your computer meets the basic requirements, you could still have Internet problems of different kinds. Again, though, it is impossible to tell without more information.


BTW, you have attached your question to someone else's ANCIENT thread. I am the only person likely to see it here. If you want help, you should always start your own new question.

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