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The easyist question you'll answer today - How do I make a box sitable?

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Hello everyone!


I am trying to place a skybox, so I did a search and am following the directions here:



So easy peasy, right?   Well, brainiac girl over here can't SIT on the box I created - I'm on step three below:


  1. Rez a cube near the center of your destination parcel.
  2. Resize it to 10x10x0.5 m or whatever fits your needs. You may prefer to rez multiple prims so that you have a rough idea where your borders are. (You can also tell by looking at the menu bar: if the info changes to a neigboring parcel's as you fly or walk, you've obviously traveled beyond the limits.)
  3. Sit on this prim.
  4. Right-click the prim and select Edit.
  5. Under the Object tab, change Position Z to the desired height of your skybox and press Enter. This will be near the lowest or "baseline" height upon which your skybox will be rezzed. You will also be transported into the sky almost instantly.
  6. Click the Stand button towards the bottom of your screen.
  7. Try dragging a test object (not your skybox) from inventory. Notice how the cursor changes to show you can rez when you position it on top of another object. Practice this at least a few times.


When I try to sit there is says: "No room to sit here, try another spot".  I clicked all over the cube; on the edges, in the center, made it bigger, wider, etc.  No dice.


Phantom is not checked.  I made the box 0.5 tall, and I am definetly stepping up to walk onto it; meaning it is solid.


So I tried a few things, like standing on it, and then editing the box and increasing the Z coordinate.  That works fine, except I can only up in increments of 1, or I fall through the bottom.  It might just take me forever to get up to 1024 that way, lol.


So I put a chair on it and sat in the chair.  But when I change the Z coordinate on the box, the chair remains fixed in space.

So then I moved the Z coordinate of the chair, but I didn't stay attached to the chair, even though I was sitting in it.


omg. leave it to me to take something so simple and prbbly fundamental to SL and not be able to figure it out.   :smileyfrustrated:


Sorry this is so basic, could someone please help me?  I did search the faqs before posting this, but I think this is something so easy no one would imagine it needs to be put in there.


Anyway, be sure to...

Have a Grey8 SL Day!!!  :matte-motes-grin:



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If your box is close to a sculpted or megaprim object it may not be possible to sit on it, because the "boundary" of the sculpt/megaprim is much larger than the visible part of it..   Try moving the box 100m up into the air first and then sit on it.

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Try to be right up next to the box and don't do it inside a building or near something like a big tree. Many objects have invisible "bounding boxes" that you don't notice as an avatar but that represent the size of the object to the servers. Sometimes when you're inside the bounding box of another object SL thinks you're trying to sit on that object instead of what you just clicked. Sometimes the problem is a "sim surround" that surrounds the entire region with landscape. This is worse when you're trying to sit on things like simple boxes that don't have special "sit targets" built into them.

Another way of doing the same thing is to rezz a regular chair that has a built-in sit and use that - as I said, sometimes the built-in animation is more reliable than the default sitting on a simple object.


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Thank you for the quick replies, and for being nice too - I am soooo embaressed to even have to ask the question.


So I did the 1-Z-at-a-time method, and now I'm 55 in the air.  And now I can sit on it!


So now I'm on step 4.  Just to make sure things went smoothly, I did an Edit on the box I'm sitting on, changed the Z by one, but I stay sitting in space now, just under the box.  The step says I will TP with the box height.  I am afraid if I make Z 1024 it will go up and leave me behind!  Why doesn't it take me with it?


Also, since I'm sitting on it, on the edge, when I do get up there, and click "Stand", won't I by standing NEXT TO the box, and therefore plummet back to earth?



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bluelacroix wrote:

So now I'm on step 4.  Just to make sure things went smoothly, I did an Edit on the box I'm sitting on, changed the Z by one, but I stay sitting in space now, just under the box.  The step says I will TP with the box height.  I am afraid if I make Z 1024 it will go up and leave me behind!  Why doesn't it take me with it?


I've used this technique a lot in the past and it has always worked for me. I just tried it again and it works fine. I cannot think of any reason why it doesn;t work for you.


bluelacroix wrote:

Also, since I'm sitting on it, on the edge, when I do get up there, and click "Stand", won't I by standing NEXT TO the box, and therefore plummet back to earth?


 Yes, yes you will. You'll have to hit Page Up very quickly after you stand up.

If you are using the official SL viewer, you'll need to get a Flight Feather if you don;t have one already. This will enable you to fly higher than normally allowed.


If you are using Firestorm you won;t need this; the Flight Assist is built into the viewer.


Here's another thing to try.

Rez a box at ground level and stretch it out to a platform big enough for your skybox.  Don't bother trying to sit on it, just Edit the height by typing 1024 in the Z co-ordinates in the Edit box. The platform will seem to disappear as it's instantly transported up to the chosen altitude.

Fly up there, using your Flight Feather.

Rez the skybox on the platform.  Once the skybox is rezzed and locked in place, you can delete the platform.

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Thank you!


So, I have a high threshold for pain, apparently.  I'm pretty sure that's why I've managed to survive in SL this long (5 weeks now).  I MANUALLY moved the box I was sitting on, as much as I could by zooming all the way out, then editing the box, then clicking the Z blue thing, then dragging it up as high as I could, then hitting escape, then zooming all the way out again, and repeating.  With that method I went up like 40 feet at a time.  It was hecksa tediouso but I got up to 3000 that way.  lol


Thank you for the page up technique when switching from sitting to standing; that will come in handy.


But I hadn't read that, and my coordination skills leave a lot to be desired, so I would not have taken that on a maiden voyage in my current predicament.  So there I was, but now I was afraid to stand up.  Also I've never flown; I tried it once and it didn't seem to work.  So in my brilliance I put my goth chair on the same box I was sitting on, and without un-sitting i sat on that.  Then I edited my box thingy to make it wider than it was, just to be sure, and I made a Landmark, and I Favourited that LM, just to make sure I could get back here if it all went horribly awry.


Then I stood up!


Voilà!  Whew.  I am up here now, nice view!  Well, I should say I was up there, darn it, my Firestorm just crashed.  Good thing I made those LMs.  Hopefully I can get back up there without having to repeat the same process...  omg this is soooo frustrating and difficult for me.


Thanks again to everyone - you are all so kind and helpful!  :smileyhappy:



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Here's another way to shoot yourself up into the sky. First, get yourself flying, then open up the map window. You'll see your sim name next to the "Find" button. Click "Find" and you'll see that the "Teleport" button near the bottom of the window has activated. Now, enter the altitude you want into the third coordinate box next to the "Location" label. Click "Teleport" and you'll find yourself flying at the altitude you specified. If your draw distance is sufficient, you can then cam around to find anything on the sim at that altitude. If you know the X/Y coordinates of the place you want to visit, you can enter those as well.

Good luck!

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Holey moley!  My LM doesn't work!  When I TP to it I end up just on ground level, on my property.


So then I tried to edit my location, by standing under where I know my platform is, and making the Z coordinate a number slightly higher than the height of my platform, and it TPs me into the sky for sure, but I just fall, all the way back to earth.


Did it not save it cuz my Firestorm crashed?



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Hi Madelaine McMasters!


This worked very well, thank you.  At first it was odd, cuz I did your steps but I would fall from 3000 to about 1900, before coming to rest in the fly position.  I thought maybe that was the max allowed fly altitude, but manually I found that I could fly higher, so I did, and then yes, I was able to find my platform.


But it's strange to me that I can't TP here.  I guess I'll have to fly up here everytime; maybe it's too high to TP to.



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Okaaaay, since I've made a fool of myself all day here I will continue to do so - I am really working toward the noob of the year award; I think I have a pretty good chance of winning with all this nonsense.  :matte-motes-sour:


I put my skybox up there.  There are no instructions with the skybox.  I can see inside it by going through the wall with my camera, and when in there I right clicked and said "sit", but it didn't put me in it.  There is no option to "touch" when I right-click the skybox itself.  From the outside there appears to be no entrance.  How do I get inside my skybox?  (I can't even believe this is happening to me - it is a darn good thing you don't have to pass a test to get your SL license, lol)


This is the one i bought, if that helps:





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bluelacroix wrote:

Hi Madelaine McMasters!


This worked very well, thank you.  At first it was odd, cuz I did your steps but I would fall from 3000 to about 1900, before coming to rest in the fly position.  I thought maybe that was the max allowed fly altitude, but manually I found that I could fly higher, so I did, and then yes, I was able to find my platform.


But it's strange to me that I can't TP here.  I guess I'll have to fly up here everytime; maybe it's too high to TP to.



I should have an easy fix for you. It's your own land? Go to the "World" menu and select "About Land." Go to the "Options" tab. At the bottom of that panel you'll see a doohickey with a "Teleport Routing" tag on it. It probably says "Landing Point" on the button. Click on that button and select "Anywhere." Then your landmarks up in the 'box should work. The "Landing Point" setting is an override for landowners who want avatars to arrive at a specific place when they arrive.

If that DOESN'T work here's my favorite trick to get into seemingly inaccessible places. Go to the "Preferences" menu and then select "Move & View." There'll be a button with the tag "Double click on land:" next to it. Change that to "Teleport to clicked point." Then when you get up to skybox altitude you can just double click on the floor of the skybox and you'll end up where you clicked.

ETA - I beileve Firestorm has double-click teleport already built into the "Bridge" so you may not have to go into Preferences to set it.

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Theresa Tennyson wrote:

If that DOESN'T work here's my favorite trick to get into seemingly inaccessible places. Go to the "Preferences" menu and then select "Move & View." There'll be a button with the tag "Double click on land:" next to it. Change that to "Teleport to clicked point." Then when you get up to skybox altitude you can just double click on the floor of the skybox and you'll end up where you clicked.

ETA - I beileve Firestorm has double-click teleport already built into the "Bridge" so you may not have to go into Preferences to set it.

Oooh, I use that trick to sneak into places most would never go, like the hidden spaces in structures. I'm as fond of nooks and crannies in SL as in RL.

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Hi Theresa Tennyson!


I tried your first suggestion, and the land says it is group owned, so those options are greyed out.  I am renting land.  I thought there was no such thing as actually owning land in SL.


I checked on your second suggestion and you're right, I already have "Teleport to clicked point" set in my Preferences.


Since I couldn't get into the skybox I IM'd both of the creators of the skybox, but they're off-line.  Although I don't know the proper way to get into it, I did manage to get in.  This is how I did it - I fly right underneath it, then I right-click it and Edit, then I move it down so I am inside it, then I go out of edit mode, and stop flying, and I land on the floor.  :matte-motes-smile:


Then back t oyour suggesstion:  I double-click the floor, created a new LM, added it to favs, but even standing right there and clicking TP; I end up back on ground level.   :matte-motes-crying:



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bluelacroix wrote:

Hi Theresa Tennyson!


I tried your first suggestion, and the land says it is group owned, so those options are greyed out.  I am renting land.  I thought there was no such thing as actually owning land in SL.


I checked on your second suggestion and you're right, I already have "Teleport to clicked point" set in my Preferences.


Since I couldn't get into the skybox I IM'd both of the creators of the skybox, but they're off-line.  Although I don't know the proper way to get into it, I did manage to get in.  This is how I did it - I fly right underneath it, then I right-click it and Edit, then I move it down so I am inside it, then I go out of edit mode, and stop flying, and I land on the floor.  :matte-motes-smile:


Then back t oyour suggesstion:  I double-click the floor, created a new LM, added it to favs, but even standing right there and clicking TP; I end up back on ground level.   :matte-motes-crying:



Bleue, I think you need to contact your landlord, not the creator of the skybox. Whoever you are renting space from has apparently set their sim teleport restrictions incorrectly. They won't keep many tenants if you all have to put up with this!

Good luck!

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Well, I'm pretty sure it's just me.  I don't know what i'm doing, and everything in SL is so difficult for me.  I see such promise, but I'm just clueless when i try to do the most basic of things.

Thank you all for your patience.  i'll just fly up there and do the edit/move thing to get inside it.  :catsad:





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bluelacroix wrote:

Well, I'm pretty sure it's just me.  I don't know what i'm doing, and everything in SL is so difficult for me.  I see such promise, but I'm just clueless when i try to do the most basic of things.

Thank you all for your patience.  i'll just fly up there and do the edit/move thing to get inside it.  :catsad:





SL gets the best of all of us at one time or another. There's a solution to your problem, we'll get to it.


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Nope, it's your landlord, not you. They have set a specific landing spot which means that wherever you put your skybox, you will never be able to teleport into it.

However, you have Firestorm and that has a nifty feature that you can use instead.  Go to Preferences and in the Firestorm tab, click on "CmdLine1" and make sure the box is ticked to "Enable usage of chat bar as a command line".  Then you stand on the ground below your skybox and type in local chat "gth 1024" or whatever the height your skybox is at.

I'm not sure whether this will over-ride the landlord's teleport-routing but it's worth a shot.  If it doesn't work, and your landlord refuses to change the settings, you may be able to use a scripted teleporter.


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bluelacroix wrote:

Well, I'm pretty sure it's just me.  I don't know what i'm doing, and everything in SL is so difficult for me.  I see such promise, but I'm just clueless when i try to do the most basic of things.

Thank you all for your patience.  i'll just fly up there and do the edit/move thing to get inside it.  :catsad:





Here's another trick - if you select "Set home to here" when you're in your skybox (you should be able to if you're allowed to put out a skybox) it will override the teleport restrictions so you can always get back by returning to your home location.

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Hi you two!


Yes, that worked!!!  Setting TP home to that spot, after doing my trick to get inside, worked!!!  It gets me inside, and it's a TP instead of flying.


Btw, i tried the gth thing and that was cool, good to know, but it didn't seem to put me into the skybox.  Well, I never really saw the SB; it would send me aloft to 1024, and then rapidly fly/rise from there, to the height I entered, and then fall (or i suppose hover if i clicked fly, i didn't think of that at the time).  I can't control the camera very well (read: at all) especially in the air, so I'm sure I was close (from looking at the world map) but i never saw it in the three or so attempts i made.


Anyhows, I think we are all good now, as I long as I don't change my "TP Home" location.  I'm sooooo happy!  Now I can start decorating....  :smileylol:


Thanks again to EVERYONE for hanging in there with me, and not laughing tooooo hard when you read about my failed attempts.  :matte-motes-wink:



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