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Report a store on marketplace?

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You have in the viewers help tab menu the "Report abuse" option, click to it, and fill the fields  (name of the abuser, category of the abuse, and the explanation of what is happening to you with all details ) and when you finish, submit the report. You will receive an email confirming that Linden Lab has received your report and instructions of what you have to do (maybe they will ask you more info about the problem). I hope this can help you !!

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What they already said you is what you can do. Flag item and report abuse for copybot attempt.

But, hacker. I'd ask you and this is not referred to your personal case, but a hint for a common meditation. If you manage to shot down this botter would it stop them all?

In other words I mean till each of you victims fights the singular case will go nowhere, you won't strike the crimnals in their heart.

Actually if you know how internet works you would know that stopping someone from taking even from websites photos (even if you use how many fancy codes you want) is impossible but there is a way to limitate the phenomenous.

to stop a criminal you must think with their mind, become like an actor and for a moment fit their shoes.

They keep doing this cause there are illegal viewrers around that allow them to steal items

For what I know meshes are a good way to get them ko cause they'd need to have pay info on file to upload them.

If you have pay info on file you are more trackable, so punishable.

What you 'd need at this point or also other victims like you would need to do is to start asking SL few things to limitate this phenomenous:

1) ask that only people with pay info on file could sell on marketplace

2) ask that only people with pay info on file could upload textures, sculptmap, sounds...

Pay info on file is actually the only true and working method, in my opinion, to be sure 100% of the identity  of a person, cause to verify the credit card they let you pay 1 dollar, if I remember well, it couldn't be faked.

Of course this is not final solution but it would discourage many of them from Copybot attempts.

 A single spark will do nothing but all the sparks together can make a big burst that could make light in the darkness.

This solution wouldn't kill the marketing ( as some bad tongues in bad faith would say) but it would sort the opposite effect.

This because if there are more people with pay info on file, there are more people who could charge and spend money, it would also be good for LL cause once that one has got more than 5 acounts per household  the other accounts would cost 3000 L.

This would bring just benefits and no losses at all.

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If someone on the Market Place is selling your intellectual property (copyrighted goods) with out your permission in order to have them removed you will need to file a DCMA Notice.  Simply reporting them is not going to help you.

Information on filing a DCMA Notice can be found here:


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As Perrie said, the ONLY way to enforce someone who has breached copyright is via DMCA, not flag, not AR, nothing else, DMCA is your route.

HOWEVER!.... Your post is a bit sparse on detail, be sure you're not just seeing this issue http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/Image-Cleanup-Update-WEB-4587/td-p/1982379

MP suffered a horrendous issue well over a year ago now where images became crosslinked with anothers product.  Some were funny, some were just incredibly frustrating but we had adult images appearing on general rated listings for example.

LL just couldn't really fix this massive corruption and passed it back to merchants.

So, just in case that is the issue, no need to get wound up in dramatainment panties but yes if it's absolute copyright infringement, go the DMCA route.

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What you and perrie say is the truth but what about the money . Estabilish a process is never something that is funny.The DMCA will estabilish a process that is exaactly like any other in RL. There might still be some charge to pay if something goes wrong ( judges are not God).

Wouldn't it be better to stop fighting for the one's singular cases and start a fight for the  benefit of the whole community asking SL to do the changes that I said above?

A single DMCA would just be a drop in a big sea of many other cases like that, that won't do any change. A fight it's not worth if it will bring you nowhere.That's what a DMCA will do in his case, prolly this item he talks would be fixed but what about the future?

just a provocative comment but not so far from the final solution to copybotter: it won't stop them but give them a big hammering uppercut  that would make them think  twice before doing it .

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Astrid Kaufmat wrote:

Wouldn't it be better to stop fighting for the one's singular cases and start a fight for the community benefit asking SL to do the changes that I said above?

I don't know for sure if this is the reason that few people have addressed your idea, but:-

LL will never action a policy that prevents any kind of economic activity being completed by free accounts. All user-level accounts in Second Life have the same economic abilities, and this will never change. They don't treat users with PIOF any differently to NPIOF users, and 'free'/NPIOF accounts will always be allowed to participate fully.

Historically it's never happened (literally thousands of users have suggested it since 2006), and I'm quite sure that it's against the Tao of Linden in some fashion (it was absolutely against policy of Philip Rosedale's leadership, I don't know how/if this kind of thing is retained between CEOs).

I don't speak for anyone except myself, and don't mind being corrected.

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That's the  main word, as history teaches to exteme plague yu need extreme ways: in this case we just need a tighter  policy and austerity.

Consider that secondlife wants to move on steam , there are so many games where you need to add pay info to buy items and skill up your avatar.

plus this wouldn't kill the business and marketing at all.

All the users would be free of living their life spending or not.

the pay info on file would be just a better way to enforce verifing residents' Identity a  and verify the real identity, cause now it's not a secure system 100% working to have the real identity and persecute criminals.


1) if there are more people who could  buy linden dollars there would be more people who could spend easier

2) all the people who want to get adult verified will have to be pay info verified too ( this would be an advantage also for SL to better dealing with the alts management getting paye 3000L for each alt after the first 5alts free per household)-

After 11  September also internet has had tighter policies.

Look at some mail providers that wouldn't allow you to open an account unless they verify your identityby your phone number.

this doesn't mean that they will inflate your cellular phone bill, they just take it as additional informations just in case to track and block you easier, if needed.

For teenagers there are teen cards available in many states, that parents could open for them, so this wouldn't be a real  iussue for them either.

It would just add more order and more control.

in conclusion to my opinion this would add just more safety, protection and more money around , supporting the marketing too.

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I can't make much sense of what you wrote there, sorry. Austerity, 9/11, something something. Wishful thinking is nice, but a change like this would require facts. Your analogies don't hold, the postal and cellular phone system is very different.

Historically, yes. LL deals with residents in a defined, policy-driven way. A change to their policy would require precedent, which according to my knowledge does not exist.

LL has always moved AGAINST creating two tiers of users. Firstly when SL became free to join without PIOF, but also with changes such as adult verification, the consolidation of the teen grid, the redefinition of Premium membership, and others.

There's nothing to support the idea that LL would move in anything but the opposite direction to your ideas, therefore I believe it to be unworkable. There's a whole load of other issues attached, but none are worth discussing until the service operator could possibly align itself with your point of view.

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@Freya what doesn't make sense to you freya?

Are you afraid of such changes? if they'd ever be?

What do you have to fear Freya? let's talk direct and easy without paraphrasing.

It wouldn't be a change that would stop residents from building or from selling or buying items.

everybody nowadays has a cellular phone and a credit card ALSO TEENAGERS (there arer teen cards pretty much used by them on internet also for other games they play)

That's a request to enforce legality and push down illegal pirates that keep doing bad things like the one that has made this thread start.

Actually if you hang around or in sandbox you can see many braggers talking of their bad actions like this and also you can hear them bragging how they fooled other residents for istance people selling  items that should do something and instead they're just a fool cause they are not working and just sold from a mock account, people that like in this case take items from another store and sell them then with a mock account.

We just ask for legality


That there aren't precedents as you say it doesn't mean that a change couldn't be done. Look at how real world laws work. look at how Anglosaxon Law system works they just  consider precendet cases and sentences, that it hasn't been in the past it doesn't mean that any judge couldn't make it.

people here suggest to make a DMCA that would bust even more the big work thery have to do with jusstice for other things.

In France for istance before making a process they have a peeliminar judge who judges if it's worth or no that the cases goes on.

In this way there would be so far less needs of DMCA requests, cutting down costs for justice and work for "useless" things focusing on real crimes rather than a virtual crime.

any maker you should see the positive sides that a cange that introduces better trackable data would bring to the whole community.

if the person who has copied Hacker Bluebird's items now was trackable better punishing the avatar responsible of thos crime could make also the other alts  avatar (if owned) punishable easier .

Wanna bet that whocopies items uses a mock account just a sock puppet?


I see your point you want to fight for freedom, but when freedom makes the system weak and attachable by criminals then the freedom needs some reviews.

the 11th September is an example that to my eyes fits more than well.

 WE need more austerity and control that's it pure ad easy . A simple solution that would make save a lot of lost time and a lot of lost  time for tribunals and judges.

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Astrid Kaufmat wrote:

What they already said you is what you can do. Flag item and report abuse for copybot attempt.

But, hacker. I'd ask you and this is not referred to your personal case, but a hint for a common meditation. If you manage to shot down this botter would it stop them all?

In other words I mean till each of you victims fights the singular case will go nowhere, you won't strike the crimnals in their heart.

Actually if you know how internet works you would know that stopping someone from taking even from websites photos (even if you use how many fancy codes you want) is impossible but there is a way to limitate the phenomenous.

to stop a criminal you must think with their mind, become like an actor and for a moment fit their shoes.

They keep doing this cause there are illegal viewrers around that allow them to steal items

For what I know meshes are a good way to get them ko cause they'd need to have pay info on file to upload them.

If you have
pay info on file
you are more trackable, so punishable.

What you 'd need at this point or also other victims like you would need to do is to start asking SL few things to limitate this phenomenous:

1) ask that only people with pay info on file could sell on marketplace

2) ask that only people with pay info on file could upload textures, sculptmap, sounds...

Pay info on file is actually the only true and working method, in my opinion, to be sure 100% of the identity  of a person, cause to verify the credit card they let you pay 1 dollar, if I remember well, it couldn't be faked.

Of course this is not final solution but it would discourage many of them from Copybot attempts.

 A single spark will do nothing but all the sparks together can make a big burst that could make light in the darkness.

This solution wouldn't kill the marketing ( as some bad tongues in bad faith would say) but it would sort the opposite effect.

This because if there are more people with pay info on file, there are more people who could charge and spend money, it would also be good for LL cause once that one has got more than 5 acounts per household  the other accounts would cost 3000 L.

This would bring just benefits and no losses at all.


Pay to list items on Marketplace and only allow people who pay a fee (either premium membership or other) to be able to set transfer permission on items.

This retains the ability to create items for personal use while putting into place accountability for the transfer and distribution of items.

Add digital certificates to the viewer that are enrolled when such payment is applied and use the certificate data to identify the creator of the object.

However, what this will not prevent is phishing for accounts and using compromised accounts which have all this in place and used in order to list items and sell them until the account is restored to the rightful owner but then by using a digital certificate enrolled into the viewer, the user wouldn't even need to provide login credentials, the viewer could authenticate with the certificate already.  Wouldn't be able to login anywhere that the certificate wasn't installed but for merchants it could be better.

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@ sassy it could be a solution too.

any solution that would discourage them from doing acts like that

hovewer only by putting your items on marketplace as on your own site , if you post your photographic art work, makes you recognized as owner of the intellectual property ( a thing that many underestimate)

if you write stories also for istance sending to yourself postal code a copy of the book and kept in your desk not open (would make it a proof of your copiright.... of course you can pay to get a license. I am just making an extremem provcative exemple about copyright.


About phishing accounts that's another iussue, but here we're talking of avoiding the anonimity that allows criminals to persecute their illegal actions.

That's why I was hitten so mych on pay info.

only pay info or a cellular phone that would ask you a new password to entry ( for istance as some mail host propose now) can grtant you this.

The phishing could be fixed in that way too associating to your acount a phone number ( a solution adopted now by manycompanies)

I personally saw people opening for RP or otyher reasons quite futile a big amount of alt as easy as they could open a free mail account, accessing also to adult regions.

That's not good

that's what allow those criminal to keep doing what they do

and to keepmaking victims like in this case Hacker has been.

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Aaaaah ! things looks so easy once ones read you Astrid.... 

but.... nevertheless... the reality is not so easy and there are some incoherences in what you are saying since some posts along some threads. 

firstly, what do you think is the purpose of those pp who steal contents ?  Making money....

what kind of money ? ... real money...

how do you think they do for geting real money from the l$ they got with stolen contents ? and specially since the recent LL TOS ? They use a paiment info... yes.. they do... otherwise, no way they get their real money. 

Do you think that this will make a prevention aggainst thieves ? i dont . Can you imagine, LL will spend money and time on tracking this pp thru the way of their PIOF and then going to call the local police from the country of the nefarious person, and even ask to a judge to act ? This is not how our real world work. Look at the big ammount of nefarious acts are commited every day and at the tiny ammount of court actions taken regarding this pb.... 

secondly, ... if you think that a PIOF is a good prevention for opening a MP store .. ok.. then these persons will add their PIOF, open the mp store and delete their PIOF... and law forbide any company to keep record from them. 

Thirdly about mesh.... thieves do not mind adding their name on the product their stole... most of the time... look at what happened to Vista Barnes recently.. they didnt change anything and they even choose a name close to Vista's one, so no need to change anything... Most of the time they just add a prim and they are the new owner... so mesh or no mesh wont change anything.... the honnest pp who use mesh templates do also add a prim to make them as the creator of the item. So how will you make the difference between honnest and dishonnest person ? Your comment about mesh doesnt make any sense.  And some items cant be done by mesh.. and not every creator want to do mesh either.

And if you are french (like i am), you should know that its not so easy to get a credit card here, and not every one is agree to get his/her credit card registered permanently on a website bec of the risks of hacking.... 

i guess it s pleasant to think you have THE solution we are all waiting for since long... but its not THE one.

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Okay, I can see this is something I shouldn't have started. But suggesting that I'm 'afraid' is hilarious, so here you go:-


  1. Please avoid trying to make this personal, or pretending any of my posts indicate 'fear', it's insulting and juvenile.
  2. Yes, it would stop people buying and selling, just look at the Lindex craziness of last month.
  3. No, 'everyone' does not have a credit card and cellular phone. Generalisations don't work, and they definitely won't shape policy.
  4. 'Enforcing legality' within SL is what the ToS is for. You can't, however, determine compliance with the ToS based on whether people have access to a credit card or other identification (see also: Aristotle, the system used by LL to determine adult verification once upon a time). LL isn't an international police service, nor is it able to be.
  5. Your claims that the SL userbase will respond well to these changes is founded on absolutely nothing (it's never happened that LL have changed something on this scale without significant pushback), claiming that it would make people more accountable is provably false (good luck prosecuting overseas, ditto proving that identification isn't fake/stolen), and the idea that it would encourage the community is backed up by... well, nothing. You provide no facts in any of your claims, and almost no truths.
  6. All of this (extra cost in validation/staff/equipment, extra time in development/training/policing), so that tracking stolen mesh COULD be made easier? Yeah, that'll convince people.
  7. Again, there's no evidence to support that this could work. LL don't operate like a government, an ISP, or any other faulty analogy you'd care to try.
  8. You've done nothing to address the reality that LL have consistantly done things precisely OPPOSITE to your ideas. They're not going to suddenly change their mind about this.

You've clearly just heard a few things and developed what you think is a good idea. That's fine, but it's going to fail when it meets reality and facts. There are demonstratable examples of what you suggest failing, there are events with in SL that show that LL doesn't operate according to your imagination, and that the userbase is resistant to a change like this of any kind.

I'm pretty sure this is plenty, and it's taken far more time than I'm willing to invest considering the quality of your argument. So enjoy your day, and please feel free to try again once you understand a little more about how LL, the Internet, and international law works.


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This would hurt many innocent people that cannot, for any reason, put payment info in their account.

Just to illustrate, in Brazil the majority of credit cards are notinternational, they are valid only in Brazil. Those people rely in buying L$ from friends or using third part sellers, and would be second-clas residents if these measures were implemented.

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Well virtual money or real ( hence then L$ are convertble in true money I don't see the difference)

Plus do you still make these difference nowadays between rel and monopoli dollars?

the whole world economyis based on bites, you are bites , your money are bites a click and poof you don't exist your money won't exist.

the Wolrd economy based on a thing  that made money become virtual in real workd too and its name is  fractional reserve banking ( a thing that bakns have kept doing for the last half century or so).

I am not pointing the question much on the money that is VIRTUAL in both worlds ,wake up!!

I am point ing the spotlight on trackability

LL wouldn't need to be a sheriff, they would just collect data that in case of a DMCA or whatever are easier to transmit to any autority requesting them.


I also didn't say that it would be the final solution to copybotters, but this would surely make it harder for many of them.

I mean with this making their life harder. They have to think twice before risking.

Answer if you'd fit for a moment  one fo those copybotter's shoes and you have given real data, adress pay info and such would you feel like ttrying the same an illegal act , knowing that the risk is bigger?

Now a days it has become tooo easy I see even kiddos doing stuff like that , that's cause they're hanging out, as you cn see on youtube with grief viewer that make their illegal actions easier.

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any war ny justice process need victims sometimes you need to lose something to get a bigger victory.

no need to use a credit card they would wait till their 18 years old and get a bank account, or make a class action in their country to get similar cards.

It's the world that has to bow to the system not the single communities that have to lead the head system.

This is part of globalization process people must adapt!

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Astrid Kaufmat wrote:

any war ny justice process need victims sometimes you need to lose something to get a bigger victory.

no need to use a credit card they would wait till their 18 years old and get a bank account, or make a class action in their country to get similar cards.

It's the world that has to bow to the system not the single communities that have to lead the head system.

This is part of globalization process people must adapt!

Oh I see, this is taking place in a fictional universe. That makes sense.

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if you would have read carefully and using your brain, you would have understood that the thieves do CASH OUT  what they earn from their stolen contents (This is their only purpose : make money) and so to do this, they need to register PIOF at one time or another. 

you obviously didnt read any of my sentences since your answer is not an answer to my post but a pure bla bla with beautiful colors and bolds but still.... So its useless to try to loose me with your long tirade without any sense and that doesnt display anything but you obviously forgot to use your brain before writing and think. So i dont think im the one who should waking up. 

And saying to someone, who is explaining to you that in her country things make hard to be able to get PIOF, that she will be sacrificed in the name of your "glorious fight" and that she has to accept this is just a pathetic answer.


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Astrid Kaufmat wrote:

any war ny justice process need victims sometimes you need to lose something to get a bigger victory.

no need to use a credit card they would wait till their 18 years old and get a bank account, or make a class action in their country to get similar cards.

It's the world that has to bow to the system not the single communities that have to lead the head system.

This is part of globalization process people must adapt!

Who the heck are you to dicatate to others what the World must be?

What gives you the right to say "it sucks to be you" over it "sucks to be us?"

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hi, Well perrie

I am not saying that therre is A who is better than B , don't let me appear as I said something that you only want to interpret in those words.

What I want to mean is we are all in the Global era, it's Globalization , we have to adapt to this, things can't change.

If now marketing asks us to have ways to interact with other countries in a globalized way and if credit cards are part of it, we must have compatible credit cards.

Same way as English and now Chinese became the world principal languages, this wouldn't mean that people couldn't use anymore local languages, but thogether with it they must learn least or English or Chinese.

Do you get the point?

Justify as someone said that restrictive measure woudn't be possible only cause some people couldn't get a proper payment credit card system is weak as excuse.

Also because there are alternative methods that those countries, where credit cards don't work, ould be used as they already are doing.

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I'll try to be clearer and to let you figure out what through irony and provocative messages I wanted to let you all sort out.

I had to be such a "beast" cause that's my way to let people sort out things teasing them badly.


I am not that naive in SL as you may think and I am all but the tyrant that prolly you think I am reading quickly my messages without trying to understand the biter irony behind them


This thread started with another victim of CB attempt, there have been a few of them, scroling the fora posts in last few days.


Now what I mean to let you point out is

 1)all those nagging messages about stealing and stuff are pointless hence the system allows in a way or another this to happen

2)Hoping to get justice through a DMCA each time that someone screams "the wolf the wolf" it's pointless and too much expensive.Plus consider this that in a DMCA not always things might go as you hope even if you're in good faith.

 3) As you see, you can't get your wife drunk and your barrel with your best wine still full (maybe this metaphore is got better than the one about losses in war). People loves to nag about CB but then if you let them think about the real iussue and if you let them consider that the only solution would be an austerity policy, really drastic one, then someone would nag even more. That's life and life is made of choices

The only solution would be just stopping nagging or making a 3rd World War to stop the piracy ( this is why I liked to fit the tyrant's the shoes  while teasing people; I don't know if any of you all has figured this out,which is the point).




To stop it one should really have what I provocatively proposed in the various posts that I posted in the threads about the CB attempts that you could read in the last couple of days.

To stop it you should stop the money  paradise and the washing money process that it's possible through open grid

To stop it you'd need a real severe policy about avatars verification a way like the one on youtube (where you need the phone number)

Otherwise any DMCA any Report, anyflagging leaves the time that it finds and would be just a loss of time and of eyes health to focus the words written.

I've been hanging lately in Open grid , acting like a journalist undercover somehow, bieng blond when needed and not blonde when not needed and things you could find out and know there are something that is euphemism , if I call it huge.

A part that you could find places where you see the exact reporduction of SL items but the maker are not same if you ask them, in some cases if you get a vanitous personality they would also brag about their bad actions.

I'd suggest you to do a similar experience of course now let waters be  quiet :P cause after all this I bet there is red alarm everywhere haha.

Do it be Journalist for a day.

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