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they can fly over ban lines????


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I am an estate manager an have advised my tenants to set their sim to group access only. they have done this and some have got their land private totaly. so ban lines are up. I also have my land set the same, if people fly 75m up they can fly over the ban lines and into the land,this isnt right i am sure, what is the point in ban lines if people can just fly over them?

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General ban lines only extend to 75m above the land surface.  That's so that aircraft don't have to keep dodging those idiot lines all the time as they fly across a sim.  Ban lines won't prevent someone from flying over the parcel, but they do prevent anyone landing at ground level.  If a person is actually on the parcel's ban list, however, the ban lines prevent entry at any altitude up to 4096m.

As to the point of ban lines..... I have never been sure.  They are an unsightly annoyance that most people curse at and many private estates forbid. 

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From the WIKI:

Maximum "NO ENTRY" ban line height: is for all options 80 meter. Only the option 'Banned Residents' (named) has a 5020 meter ban line high, which is visible up to a high of 800 meter above the terrain mesh.


I'm kind of curious about when they increased those limits. For the longest time the limit for general bans (anything that restricts access other than banning a person explicitly by name) was 50 M above the terrain surface, and a ban explicitly by name was only good to 768 Meters high - which was the old build height limit before they increased it to 4096 Meters. Above those heights, anyone could still enter the parcel.

So yes, setting a parcel to "group access only" won't prohibit strangers from accessing everything in the parcel that is above 80 Meters altitude.

In general, the way that ban lines function reflects the 'surface-dweller mentality' that is pervasive in Linden Lab. Virtually every Linden Lab land use policy seems to assume that despite the fact that every resident can fly, and we can build castles in the clouds, that all 'real' activity takes place on the surface of the terrain. So ban lines are only useful fairly close to the ground. Parcel restictions have no way to stratify them vertically. (Like allowing for different rules on the ground and in a skybox). The whole concept that someone might make their home on a platform 3500 Meters above the terrain seems to be something they are incapable of grasping.

Above the ban line height, you need to use a scripted security device that can ban and eject interlopers, adding their explicit names to the ban list dynamically. And that type of device only has a 96 meter maximum radius for scanning for intruders.

To effectively have real 'privacy', you need to enforce 'no public access' at the sim level, and make sure that there are no other sims side by side with your sim that have any different restrictions. Only then can you prevent random strangers from flying over your home, or into your skybox.

In an Estate, a parcel-level access ban does have one positive effect. If your home is on the ground, and if you restrict access to the parcel, and if you also turn on the 'parcel privacy' option, then no one standing outside the parcel will see any avatars inside the parcel, and vice versa, and no one can 'accidentally' cross the line into your parcel and find themselves in your bedroom, watching you and your mate doing what you had hoped was a solitary and private act. They could still fly over your home and look down to see what you're doing. But at least they can't crash the party and jump on the pose balls with you. For those outside the parcel, they can turn off the visibility of ban lines in their viewer, and they don't need to look at the ban lines.

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Those limits were changed about a year ago, and there has been some confusion about the exact numbers. The altitudes shown in the wiki have been corrected a couple of times. Basically, though, the idea is that there's a two-tiered system: (1) A "general" ban line limit that's something less than 100m above the land surface and (2) a "specific" ban limit that extends to at least the maximum building height. The idea is to prevent real bad guys from breaking into your skybox but to leave air travel unimpeded for good guys (and somewhat good guys). I'm not sure that it's fair to conclude from this that LL has a "surface dweller mentality," although other evidence does point that way. Instead, I think that they were trying to balance the privacy of landowners against the needs of the flying public. There's nothing quite as annoying as flying across a sim at 3000m and bumping into a maze of invisible ban lines.

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Security orbs, the are worse then ban lines Most use very bad ones, and con figure them terrible. Still the are useless against camming. and advise the palce rezz boxes above 2000 meters. some people place it at stupid heights as 200 meters. mid center of plane flying. Ban lines lucky stop aroudn 100 meters. so the dont bounce you like a pinball around. its already ban banning is going up so hight. its already compleet bad that the allow crap like that on mainland.

Never figured out why you wanmt ban lines ? to keep people away from your sit ? because more its not doing. If you combine that with not have the option to look into a parcel it can be functional.


Still security orbs and ban lines. i hate them reall. after bad sim border the kill planes faster.

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Come on! use security orbs realistically! Here i am flying my helicopter at 1000m really enjoying my flight until "Warning you have 3 seconds to leave" THREE SECONDS? Whom ever you are get real! even in RL generally the rabid rancher gives to 10-30 seconds to leave or be shot!

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