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Deploys for the week of 2013-03-18

Maestro Linden

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16 wrote:

some people what to know how fast is fast?

this is fast. not many people drive this fast. except me and some crazy people (:

I have crappy ADSL connection. on a copper wire at the end of the world. this vid is just me hammer it on the Magnum sandbox

is a 21 script simboard. and I not let go of the drive key at all. nevermind the sim boundaries. and brrrmmm !!! petal to the metal  (:

I leave vid up for 1 or 2 days then take down. bc is demo of how hard and fast and crazy we going to have to go now to even get close to a vehicle crash (: I nearly done it right near the end but fail (:

the recovery is amazing. evn tho I am lag popping all over the place. is way better the recovery part than even before the latest problem with the interest list

am really happy  about this (:






very very cool

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There is a sim. named Orientation Island Public that is one for your Network Engineers to keep a close eye on.  Greifers are DoSing (DDoSing) this sim do death crashing it constantly. 

Do you have no protection for  these types of attacks on your network??  I mean I can prevent them on my PC just by checking some advanced settings on my Comodo Firewall. 

If you want to learn about what to block and ban in terms of crashers with your proceeding code rolls, Orientation Island Public, Help Island Public, Moose Beach, Korea 1-4, Ahern, Dore, Morris, Bonifacio, and Violet are the ones to watch.

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 Did a a lot of flying on the magnum regions Yesterday.

 Used all the planes that i own, with several diff kind of scripts, 1 i believe the biggest in size, plane around the grid (a full sim it fills)!

 Flew at several heights, at diff speeds, but mostly at 100pct!

 I have to say, the patch seems to work perfectly and effectevly makes fly a much more enjoyable experience then ever!

 That being said, i still cant reproduce the full impact of the patch, as i used to fly abnd cross more then 200 sim straight  (yes its documented!) and onlyt after its full deployment on main grid, one will be able to see and compare!

 But for sure i believe that sim crossings while flying will be, better or at least as good as till 3 weeks ago!

 Still, at the ground level, driving several diff of scripted cars and bikes, some mesh ones, some mix and some using sculps, with diff kinds of scripts, at high speeds (and i really mean that) there where no issues crossing the regions, but randomly, camera would still loose focus and the procedure that i use to make it possible even now, on main grid, to cross a sim, had to be aplied! (right click on the veihcle, left shjift +left crtl +s makes the same 1 disapear and then show you standing next to it, on the sim we wish to cross 2, avoiding endless spining times and bad camera behavor).

 So overall, i believe (and if that will be effectlvly in main grid is some nobody can guess until its deployed) that this fix will at least make the use of veihcles in main grid, for the purpose of travelling across mainland, as good as it was a few months ago or ,we all wish, even better then ever!




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I'm getting a bit worried. The Grid seems to have been unsually lag-ridden over the weekend, and it doesn't seen to be the in-world griefing that can be blamed. Severe lag spikes, that sort of thing.

Weekends usually have more people connected. It can show up problems.

I really hope that this isn't down to some server bug that will block the code being tested in Magnum. Next weekend is Easter (and Pesach), and if we don't get that particular fix, I am not going to be happy. With the griefing I am already somewhat grumpy.


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This has been a problem for a long time with the sims. disappearing without them being down. It's there but its not there diagonal bug has not been fixed.  This does not matter whether I'm on Wi-Fi or LAN.  I'm sure others see it when they are their in these 4 sims.. In this picture I'm in Bonifacio, Ahern which is diagonal is there but just disappeared from view.  If I go over to Ahern and look back at Bonifacio the same thing happens. Bonifacio disappears. This intersection of sims is on the Mainland and are Dore, Ahern, Morris, Bonifacio.  This is a Landmark that everyone has in the Library of their Inventory so when new residents finish with the tutorial sims. this is 1 of the 3 Landmarks in that folder they would go to.



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