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Linden home questions- New to land and mainly about fancy items..


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Well I just got premium cause the 300l weekly and home/sandbox/support were too good to turn down...

I really want to customize my home with certain items though and am not sure they are allowed cause they are higher prim/may be laggy..

The specific types of items I'm wondering about are the arcade games by Seven shikami and KittycatS breedables or other breedable pets. I am mainly worried about these ones cause the games could be considered a way to make lindens but I was gonna set them to freeplay but they can be set to l making and also you can buy a prize redeemer and give people prizes for lindens (I'm not planning on getting this yet though) so not sure if it would be ok...

For the kittycatS I'm mainly wondering if an auto feeder would be a problem cause it would have temporary prims and I know people get annoyed with breedables...also I think maybe the games have temporary prims not sure..

I thought I read somewhere else that people had homes/businesses on their premium alloted land but think they picked the commercial option...If I did that would I have to deal with an independent landlord though and pay more than if I just had premium? Or could I get just a parcel of land from linden labs to work with?

One last question I have is how can I tell how many prims are in my linden home? Edit- Found this info under my home in the grass XD Still wondering a lot if these items are ok...It's kinda funny that I could charge for access so maybe they are fine then I just wanna be sure though.

Thanks if anyone can help and sorry for being newbish and if this is in the wrong forum but I didn't see a forum for premium only or linden homes. n.n'

Also I did go over the linden homes faq but am not sure I understand what's allowed properly cause it sounded like it's mainly about ads and events, I know advertising like that is not allowed but not sure of items like this or if these would only be a problem if you received a payment in your home (I would set freeplay if it was in my home, I mainly want them just for myself for now..) any help would be great.


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Ok thanks, yeah I'm a bit confused now cause I saw that technically (not sure if it's actually allowed with linden homes even though it is there..) you could charge people to access your house/land up to 10l or something...I saw this when I looked at the public settings on the land and thought about making my land not public but then there are banlines and not sure that is even allowed and am guessing the door lock is enough lol.

So yeah I think if that is really allowed the games should be as long as they are not horribly laggy for the neighbors but guess I may have to check with support tomorrow. Thanks for replying though and apparently kittycatS can be in linden homes..I'll take mine back or make them 2 prims when I'm gone though so it does not lag much for others. =)

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You know, you don't have to put up with a Linden Home. You can instead use your Premium membership (and a few L$s for the purchase price) to own any 512 sq.m. parcel on the Mainland. Actually, up to 560 if you use a group as landowner.

The downside is that you'd have to supply the house out of your own prims (if you really want a house). Among the advantages, though, is you can get exactly the house you want and put it wherever you want -- including in the sky, perhaps reserving the ground level for a kitty playground.

And of course, on Mainland, there are no covenants such as the Linden Homes rules to worry about. (That, however, applies to the neighbors, too.)

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Hello Shandree, You dont need premium membership to own land or have a home have you ever considered to stay at a Estate? This is way less laggy and gives better support then Livechat e.d. since you can chat to a in-world support staff 24/7!

come see my sim and perhaps i can welcome you there to give some more information.




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I would consider this to be a business, which isn't allowed in Linden Homes.  Also the covenant states that you are not allowed to use temporary prims in one.  I've heard that people will complain about breedables if you have more than a couple because they cause too much lag.

Sounds like you need to abandon your Linden home and buy land on the mainland.  You have to buy the land, but there would be no tier if you bought a 512sqm lot.  If you bought a larger lot, the free 512 of tier would be applied to the larger lot and you'd only pay the difference.  Alternatively you could change your membership to basic and use the money you save to rent a parcel on a private commercial or mixed use estate.  I'd look at both options to see which is cheaper.  Many times renting land on an estate is a lot cheaper and you don't have to buy it.  Usually for basic land you can find  an estate that only charges 1L other than the first tier payment.



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Ok thanks all. That's too bad about the arcade machines and I know breedables can be annoyng..so I've decided to try some abandoned land instead and maybe put up banlines if really needed or just pick my stuff up when I'm done (besides my place) I've hoped around on the mainland a little and looked at some abandoned land recently and saw all the neighbors are really super random though and I'm not sure if that may be an issue later on...So I was wondering how would I reabandon the land if I didn't like the location and how often am I allowed to change locations?..

Oh and I want to keep premium and save on the land for now...Getting rid of the linden home won't change that will it? (Pretty sure it won't but like to be 101% sure sorry for being newbish again..)

Oh yeah as I understand it the land is 512 lindens for first purchase but afterwards covered by premium...Is that right or do I have to pay 512 a month or something?

Thanks for the advice everyone.


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You cannot have a Linden Home and a 512sqm tier free parcel.  You have to choose one or the other.

If you decide to get the 512 on the mainland, you have to abandon your Linden Home unless you are willing to pay tiers on the mainland parcel.

If you get a parcel on the mainland you can abandon it anytime you want.  If you are paying tier though you get no refund of any tier paid in advance. 

Most mainland has no covenant and you can do what you want there.  This is a blessing and a curse.  A blessing because you can do what you want, a curse because so can your neighbors.  No matter what it looks like when you buy it, someone can move in next door and build something really huge and ugly you can't stand to look at or annoy you in ways that makes you not want to be on your property.  Yes, you can AR them for that, but LL probably won't respond quickly or even in your favor.  You won't, however, get in trouble for having breedables there, even if someone AR's you, UNLESS LL thinks you are using more of the sim's resources than you should for the size land you have.  In that case they may return some stuff to you.

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Ok thank you. I think I will get a 512 parcel then with the 117 prims and just get a low prim building or skybox to stay in and only take out my machine/pets when I'm using them for now or if someone wants to play them/buy maybe and take back when I leave for now since I'm pretty sure the games can be quite laggy..(from insert coin arcade, I just like the zombie one wayyy too much so want it bad xD) Thanks a lot for the help, I'll abandon the house later I guess so there's no tier from the mainland I get..That's good that you can pick a new area if it gets too laggy.

I have to leave for now though so if anyone else replies I won't be around til later sorry about that but all the info was really appreciated. I'll try to find some land that looks good later.

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Sorry for the double post but I'm back now and looking at some land..but it costs 512 to buy...Do you always have to pay this if you want to buy mainland/move or is it only the one time? I'd better be more careful about the location if I have to pay 512l every time I move...It says the 512 will be deducted from my total right now..(I just deleted my linden home) So I guess this sort of land requires a fee...Just mainly wondering if I would have to repay if I choose to move..

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sometimes you can find land cheaper than one Linden dollar per meter (for sale, not for rent from another resident.)

Back in the day that was unheard of. You would've paid thousands of Linden dollars for that same parcel. (The SL land market has since crashed, just like the RL one.)

You used to be able to find land for even less if someone just wanted to dump it - but usually, land bots took it before you could bat an eyelash. To stop that (I think that is partly why) Linden Lab now takes abandoned land and puts it up for sale at 1L/meter.

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