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How do I cloak a building?

AWT Tomorrow

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I am trying to create a building in a space where I teach (essentially, my office). However, I want to be able to make it "go away" without de-rezz when I am not teaching (make it "phantom" and "invisible" to anyone but me).  I have found some scripts and that have chat commands, which are exactly what I am looking for ... but they seem to not be working (unless they work and I just cannot tell they are working because, well, I am the one enacting the script).  I am definitely a noob on the building end and am looking for any guidance or help.  Thank you!

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3 answers to this question

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You can assume that if you can't see the building disappear, the scripts aren't working.

For best results you will need a script that cycles through all prims linked in a building, and also ensure that your building is linked. Furniture will have to be scripted separately, and No Modify furniture cannot have scripts added to it, nor can it turn invisible.

Your best bet is to ask in the scripting forum, or in an in-world group. Neither location will give you a script for free (although someone may offer to help you learn how to do it yourself).

You will have more luck using a rez/de-rezzer than a hide/show transparency script, as some prim effects (such as glow and particles) still play when a prim is transparent. Also with transparency, anyone can continue to see your build using Highlight Transparent, and walk into it (because it will still be physical). If you're planning to use a rez/de-rezzer script, you can expect a lot of time spent configuring and placing the elements so that they re-rez in the same positions, and you will also need to ensure all items within your build have both Modify AND Copy permissions (otherwise it won't work). No Copy furniture will be lost forever if de-rezzed.

Good luck, you will need it.

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You can certainly make the building transparent but not its contents unless, as Freya says, you also go to the trouble of scripting every single one of them to be transparent as well.  That could be a real pain (impossbile, even).  You're much better off using a holodeck approach.  That's what many educators do when they are faced with the same challenge.  Essentially, you put everything into a Faux Rez box (or Bulider's Buddy or any of the similar systems) so that the entire package rezzes on demand when you need it.  When you're done, take it all back.  There are limitations to that approach too, but far fewer than dealing with making everything transparent.

I suggest that you post your question to the educators on the SLED list, many of whom have long since found their own solutions. If you're not on the list, join it >>> https://lists.secondlife.com/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/educators

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As Rolig already stated the best solution would still be a rezzing/derezzing system.

...However, I want to be able to make it "go away" without de-rezz...
I can not see the advantges of the buildings 'not' being derezzed and rather just transparent and just invisible.

When derezzing you also set prims free and also the scripts included in the buildings to rezz/ derezz are gone as soon as the objects are cleared. (means less physics, less prims, equals less landimpact)

When on the other hand having your building still there with the scripts to set it transparent, the scripts and the classroom still would occupy your landimpact values. And obviously also be in the way when selecting things (phantom or not they would block selection and other actions)

And this is the main reason why most of us work with rezzing systems. You should reconsider that =)

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