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FOUR Pages of Delivery Failures

Lilah Munster

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Pamela Galli wrote:

I don't know much about breedables but long ago I had a puppy that would go off world and vanish, but he was copy able. Not good that a no copy item is able to vanish like that.

I've always had VKC dogs that are no copy but one can literally delete a VKC dog, empty trash, then go to the VKC "Vet" and reclaim the dog.  Peace of mind.  I understand about the breedables being unique, therefore no copy.  At this point I don't think it's an issue with the product.  Back in 2008 for about a month random pieces of rezzed furniture in my house went missing.  They were set to the correct group and locked.  I did the whole clear cache/relog deal multiple times, went looking in the 0.0.0 point of my sim...but they never reappeared.

I honestly don't get how rezzed items just "poof" - and the dog would fall into the rezzed item category.  I mean, is this a known SL bug?  Did my sim hiccup?  I did post for any advice in the breedables group and another person has a breedable that went missing about the same time as mine.

Anyone have any experience with disappearing rezzed items and/or what causes that?

Oh just to add - with this puppy, I followed the instructions and set it to a home point, which was in the middle of my living room.  Then I set a maximum roam range of 9 meters.  I watched the dog walk around in that area and it would stop like there was an invisible wall when it got to the farthest point in any direction.

Between shopping for a new PC, SSB issues (not sure if the Z axis thing is fixed yet), DD migration date, and this non-delivery fiasco this weekend, I feel like just hiding out until the storm blows over....lol.

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Caren Jewell wrote:

Same by me the last 2 Days!

Me as Merchant:

~ Mailinfo comes between 4-6 hours after a Customer purchased anything

~ if a Customer purchased something in my store the Money comes hours later without any (Mail) Info to my Account!

Me as Customer:

~ I purchased 3 Objects but no delivery - the Linden $ are away and no refund after 8 hours.

This was over 1 Day ago. I file a Ticket - no way, cause no Answer


Great! :-/


CS is going to be busy tomorrow morning!

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Heart Brimmer wrote:

Czari Zenovka wrote:

Heart Brimmer wrote:

I'm also waiting on a delivery on a purchase I made over 2 hours ago and still not..hing. The lindens were taken but no purchase. I guess I need to contact the creator and see if she can re-deliver it to me. *sighs*

In my case the merchant did not receive the funds so I purchased the item from her directly (a no-copy, unique item)...so thus far I have paid for it twice and the kicker is the item has now poofed.

Omgosh, Czari! You finally got the item and it's gone from your inventory??? God, sometimes I really hate SL! Has it come back into your inventory, yet? 

I contacted the creator and I am still waiting to hear from them. *sighs*

Thank you for your kind words, Heart.  *Hugs*

The situation is even worse...the item did not poof from inventory, it was rezzed in world.  :matte-motes-crying:

In my case it was the merchant who sent me a heads up that she noticed I had tried to purchase the item from the MP but it was undeliverable.  Since I really wanted the item - a no-copy breedable puppy, I went to her personally and purchased it.  And yep, now the dog is gone and I've paid twice for the item. No word yet from my ticket and it's been 18 hours.  Apparently the "within 8 hours refunding the money" isn't working either.  ARRRGGGHHH!!!

I am so sorry you and the others posting here are also going through this but at least we know it's some major SL snafu and not just one or two incidents.  What really irks me is, as has been noted, this issue is affecting both MBs and DD but on the notices LL keeps calling it a MB issue.  :matte-motes-sour:

LL - will you please stop "fixing" things!!!

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Gadget Portal wrote:

Three orders, still not delivered and not refunded, after three days. This is support's answer.

"Unfortunately this is not an issue that Customer Support is able to assist you with resolving. It will be necessary to wait until the orders have processed to a completed state as Customer Support is unable to cancel a pending order, re-deliver, or issue refunds, for products purchased on an order that has not been completed."

Luckily I bought the L$ with my credit card that I've had for more years than SL's existed, so if LL doesn't do something soon, I'll just dispute the charge. That'll get them moving.

Oh man!!!  Greaaaat answer from CS...not. :(

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Heart Brimmer wrote:

Pamela Galli wrote: 

I don't know much about breedables but long ago I had a puppy that would go off world and vanish, but he was copy able. Not good that a no copy item is able to vanish like that.

I had a puppy once too, it fell into the water below and I never found it and it was NOT copy, so I basically lost 5,000L. I will NEVER again buy anything that isn't copy. Lesson learned the hard way.

Heart, was it a VKC dog?  If so, I'm pretty sure that even it years have passed you can go to the Vet at one of the VKC dog parks and reclaim it.  They have a very sophisticated data base and each adopted/purchased dog has a unique ID and the history of all its owners.

I had a situation where I won a VKC dog in a raffle and could choose from any of the dogs who had been turned in by their owners.  VKC never deletes dogs; if the owners turn them back in or sell them back, however that works, they are placed in a special adoption area.  I couldn't decide between two dogs so I purchased the second one.

I didn't get around to rezzing them for quite awhile and when I did, the dogs appeared briefly then vanished!!!!  I contacted the person who handles that adoption area.  She did some checking and, apparently because I hadn't rezzed them at least once for quite awhile, they ended up back in her inventory and she put them back up for adoption and they were purchased by someone else.  She contacted the creator and he said that situation completely baffled him as it had never happened before.  They were great, though, and replaced the dogs, same breeds I had chosen and with the same names they had when I adopted them.  From this experience I know VKC goes out of their way to help.

If it was a VKC dog you lost...if you want to IM me I can give you the names of the best people to contact for help.

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

Gadget Portal wrote:

Three orders, still not delivered and not refunded, after three days. This is support's answer.

"Unfortunately this is not an issue that Customer Support is able to assist you with resolving. It will be necessary to wait until the orders have processed to a completed state as Customer Support is unable to cancel a pending order, re-deliver, or issue refunds, for products purchased on an order that has not been completed."

Luckily I bought the L$ with my credit card that I've had for more years than SL's existed, so if LL doesn't do something soon, I'll just dispute the charge. That'll get them moving.

Oh man!!!  Greaaaat answer from CS...not.

Update: I just received the same response to my ticket from a "Scout."  In my case the product will *never* be delivered on the MP because it was a unique item and I already purchased it from the merchant.  I wonder how long something can be stuck in "undeliverable" before LL will issue a refund. :matte-motes-sour:

Edit: clarification

Re-edit: spelling

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Update:  I just logged into SL to check the 0.0.0 sim coords and fly around the sim with a prim finder in case my puppy had fallen to the ground somewhere,  When I arrived home..my puppy was back!  WOOT!!!  Must have been a sim restart or something.

Another great thing was I had an IM waiting from CS with BioBreeds saying if I had tried all the other steps (which I had) then they would make sure the puppy was returned to me safely.  Great CS and good to know it can be done from their end!  :matte-motes-big-grin:

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

Heart Brimmer wrote:

Czari Zenovka wrote:

Heart Brimmer wrote:

I'm also waiting on a delivery on a purchase I made over 2 hours ago and still not..hing. The lindens were taken but no purchase. I guess I need to contact the creator and see if she can re-deliver it to me. *sighs*

In my case the merchant did not receive the funds so I purchased the item from her directly (a no-copy, unique item)...so thus far I have paid for it twice and the kicker is the item has now poofed.

Omgosh, Czari! You finally got the item and it's gone from your inventory??? God, sometimes I really hate SL! Has it come back into your inventory, yet? 

I contacted the creator and I am still waiting to hear from them. *sighs*

Thank you for your kind words, Heart.  *Hugs*

The situation is even worse...the item did not poof from inventory, it was rezzed in world.  :matte-motes-crying:

In my case it was the merchant who sent me a heads up that she noticed I had tried to purchase the item from the MP but it was undeliverable.  Since I really wanted the item - a no-copy breedable puppy, I went to her personally and purchased it.  And yep, now the dog is gone  I've paid twice for the item. No word yet from my ticket and it's been 18 hours.  Apparently the "within 8 hours refunding the money" isn't working either.  ARRRGGGHHH!!!

I am so sorry you and the others posting here are also going through this but at least we know it's some major SL snafu and not just one or two incidents. 
What really irks me is, as has been noted, this issue is affecting both MBs and DD but on the notices LL keeps calling it a MB issue.  :matte-motes-sour:

LL - will you please stop "fixing" things!!!

jI just can't believe that LL says it's only a MB issue. The item I bought was also from DD. 

You know what LL says? "If it's not broken, let's break it!!"

I really hope that your dog returns, at some point. I know how frustrating it can be. I'm STILL waiting for mine to return and it's been over a year :-( and I loved that puppy! *sighs again*

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I somehow, don't think it was and since it was so long ago, I don't even think I have any notecards or anything from it. But, thank you so much for offering. Since I am looking for another dog I think I'll check out VKC. I would appreciate it if you could send me the LM to the store, though. *smiles*

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

Update:  I just logged into SL to check the 0.0.0 sim coords and fly around the sim with a prim finder in case my puppy had fallen to the ground somewhere,  When I arrived home..my puppy was back!  WOOT!!!  Must have been a sim restart or something.

Another great thing was I had an IM waiting from CS with BioBreeds saying if I had tried all the other steps (which I had) then they would make sure the puppy was returned to me safely.  Great CS and good to know it can be done from their end!  :matte-motes-big-grin:

YAY!!! I'm so glad that your puppy was returned!!! And wonderfully awesome CS! 

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Heart Brimmer wrote:

I somehow, don't think it was and since it was so long ago, I don't even think I have any notecards or anything from it. But, thank you so much for offering. Since I am looking for another dog I think I'll check out VKC. I would appreciate it if you could send me the LM to the store, though. *smiles*

VKC is unique in that it doesn't have a store per se, but multiple "parks" where the dogs (and now cats and, during the winter, polar bears and penguins) roam freely.  The parks are great in that you can check out the various breeds, interact with the dogs (each one has a different petting animation unique to its breed) and OH!!! I forgot...they just released puppies recently.

There is usually one or more VKC trainers, especially at the Turing Isle Park, available there most of the time to answer any questions.  In addition to purchasing/adopting a "new" (not previously-owned) dog, there is also an adoption area where people who no longer want their dogs sell them back to VKC and they are in a special area for adoption as well. 

I looked at a lot of places before choosing VKC to purchase my first SL pet.  What I enjoy about them is their artificial intelligence - they can be "trained" to do amazing things.  VKC also holds training classes (I attended them when I got my first dog) and there is an entire social community built around the VKC dogs/parks, including occasional special events such as Easter Egg Hunts (I now own a VKC bunny from one of those hunts), dances, etc.

Will be sure to send info to you when I go in world next.  Also, if you'd like to see one of my dogs and some of the tricks I have trained her to do, just let me know. :)

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Heart Brimmer wrote:

Czari Zenovka wrote:

Update:  I just logged into SL to check the 0.0.0 sim coords and fly around the sim with a prim finder in case my puppy had fallen to the ground somewhere,  When I arrived home..my puppy was back!  WOOT!!!  Must have been a sim restart or something.

Another great thing was I had an IM waiting from CS with BioBreeds saying if I had tried all the other steps (which I had) then they would make sure the puppy was returned to me safely.  Great CS and good to know it can be done from their end!  :matte-motes-big-grin:

YAY!!! I'm so glad that your puppy was returned!!! And wonderfully awesome CS! 

Thank you, Heart!!!  I'm almost afraid to log in again...lol.  But now I know the excellent CS offered so I don't fear losing her as much again.

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Kenbro Utu wrote:

Perhaps you should rez the pup, take a picture, hang it on a wall, put the pup back in inventory.  That way at least you get to see him without the danger of losing him again.  :smileyvery-happy:

LOL, Kenbro.  The trouble with that is this is a breedable puppy (the first one I've ever purchased).  If the puppy is in inventory more than 48 hours then it gets sick and one needs to purchase a first aid kit.  I *could* put it back in inventory each time I log off and be sure to log in once a day to rerez it so it can eat.

My VKC dogs are always in inventory and I just take them out when I want; I don't have them roaming around, although I could.

I did take a picture of my puppy though on the day she was born...she is tinnnnnyyyyy:

Paget & Czari - 030813.jpg

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

Heart Brimmer wrote:

I somehow, don't think it was and since it was so long ago, I don't even think I have any notecards or anything from it. But, thank you so much for offering. Since I am looking for another dog I think I'll check out VKC. I would appreciate it if you could send me the LM to the store, though. *smiles*

VKC is unique in that it doesn't have a store per se, but multiple "parks" where the dogs (and now cats and, during the winter, polar bears and penguins) roam freely.  The parks are great in that you can check out the various breeds, interact with the dogs (each one has a different petting animation unique to its breed) and OH!!! I forgot...they just released puppies recently.

There is usually one or more VKC trainers, especially at the Turing Isle Park, available there most of the time to answer any questions.  In addition to purchasing/adopting a "new" (not previously-owned) dog, there is also an adoption area where people who no longer want their dogs sell them back to VKC and they are in a special area for adoption as well. 

I looked at a lot of places before choosing VKC to purchase my first SL pet.  What I enjoy about them is their artificial intelligence - they can be "trained" to do amazing things.  VKC also holds training classes (I attended them when I got my first dog) and there is an entire social community built around the VKC dogs/parks, including occasional special events such as Easter Egg Hunts (I now own a VKC bunny from one of those hunts), dances, etc.

Will be sure to send info to you when I go in world next.  Also, if you'd like to see one of my dogs and some of the tricks I have trained her to do, just let me know.

Thank you for the links Czari! Next time I log in and have more then a few minutes I'll IM you. I would love to see your dogs!

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

Heart Brimmer wrote:

Czari Zenovka wrote:

Update:  I just logged into SL to check the 0.0.0 sim coords and fly around the sim with a prim finder in case my puppy had fallen to the ground somewhere,  When I arrived home..my puppy was back!  WOOT!!!  Must have been a sim restart or something.

Another great thing was I had an IM waiting from CS with BioBreeds saying if I had tried all the other steps (which I had) then they would make sure the puppy was returned to me safely.  Great CS and good to know it can be done from their end!  :matte-motes-big-grin:

YAY!!! I'm so glad that your puppy was returned!!! And wonderfully awesome CS! 

Thank you, Heart!!!  I'm almost afraid to log in again...lol.  But now I know the excellent CS offered so I don't fear losing her as much again.

You're so welcome! I know that feeling. LOL. CS is always important and it's good to know you can count of them if anything else happens.

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Heart Brimmer wrote:

Czari Zenovka wrote:

Heart Brimmer wrote:

Czari Zenovka wrote:

Update:  I just logged into SL to check the 0.0.0 sim coords and fly around the sim with a prim finder in case my puppy had fallen to the ground somewhere,  When I arrived home..my puppy was back!  WOOT!!!  Must have been a sim restart or something.

Another great thing was I had an IM waiting from CS with BioBreeds saying if I had tried all the other steps (which I had) then they would make sure the puppy was returned to me safely.  Great CS and good to know it can be done from their end!  :matte-motes-big-grin:

YAY!!! I'm so glad that your puppy was returned!!! And wonderfully awesome CS! 

Thank you, Heart!!!  I'm almost afraid to log in again...lol.  But now I know the excellent CS offered so I don't fear losing her as much again.

You're so welcome! I know that feeling. LOL. CS is always important and it's good to know you can count of them if anything else happens.

I sent info on the VKC parks to you last night. :)

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

Heart Brimmer wrote:

Czari Zenovka wrote:

Heart Brimmer wrote:

Czari Zenovka wrote:

Update:  I just logged into SL to check the 0.0.0 sim coords and fly around the sim with a prim finder in case my puppy had fallen to the ground somewhere,  When I arrived home..my puppy was back!  WOOT!!!  Must have been a sim restart or something.

Another great thing was I had an IM waiting from CS with BioBreeds saying if I had tried all the other steps (which I had) then they would make sure the puppy was returned to me safely.  Great CS and good to know it can be done from their end!  :matte-motes-big-grin:

YAY!!! I'm so glad that your puppy was returned!!! And wonderfully awesome CS! 

Thank you, Heart!!!  I'm almost afraid to log in again...lol.  But
I know the excellent CS offered so I don't fear losing her as much again.

You're so welcome! I know that feeling. LOL. CS is always important and it's good to know you can count of them if anything else happens.

I sent info on the VKC parks to you last night.

Got them, thank you so much!!

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