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Gothica Moonshadow

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14 answers to this question

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Well i d suggest that : or you are spamed by an object you are wearing, in these case, try to unwear everything and see if its stop. then if you want to investigate what object it was. try one after one and see the one that spam you and delete it. (you can also report it if you want), or an object in the region you are loging in is spaming you, in this case, try to relog from elsewhere. (if you dont know any location's name try to type "Pooley" in the location field, in the bottom of your login page.

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Log in to another region. If you can access your inventory, remove EVERYTHING you are wearing that allows you to remove if. (Not your skin, shape, eyes, and hairbase, of course.) Slowly rewear everything, one item at a time. If you see something you don't recognize, get rid of it.

Are you getting blue pop-up windows, or are these in your IM's? You can try to block whoever's sending them, or if you can find the object sending them, you can block it as well.


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Actually I recieved this too it is an object in world as the pop up I recieved actually name the object as goonsquad and the owner of the object. I used the abuse report  to report about copybot. I copy and pasted what the popup said exactly with the name and this also gives the location so LL can investigate it themselves. So look and see in the pop up  you get it will say in the last line:

Load web page (offending webpage here)

GoonSquad Copy Bot Forum Stop looking like a noob! Get your FREE **bleep** here!

From object: goonsquad, owner: (owner of the spamming device here)

I don't want to advertise either one myself so the URL and Person spamming it have been removed.

I hope this helps

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It's been going on for 5 days at Just Genealogy in Wallah. The jerk's SL name is SamualDrakey owner of goonsquad.co. I cannot delete the &^%$# boxes//messages. I cannot walk right. I cannot report him using the in world form. The screen keeps going black and then reappearing but not allowing me to do anything useful. How do we stop this guy? Does anybody at Linden monitor these posts? I am fine as long as I stay out of Wallah. -------Synneva

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I am now having the same thing at Zed's Pitch for the last few days. I cannot locate the object that is sending 10s of IM's per second. I have blocked the object which is OK for me but when another visitor arrives they too have to block the object. Ut cannot be good the the performance of the sim. Even with a blocked object, when I log-on at my home a few of the IMs get through before the blocking takes effect. It's very annoying. In general I like a joke just like the next person but this gets to be beyond a joke.

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In my case this is not something worn....

Urdenfar (27,64,69) has been overrun by this guy. He dropped a ton of greeter devices and has been killing the region....

I ended up with more than 1000 message boxes and link requests.......and the greeter was not even on my property its comming from the land three spots over........


I hope some one finds this guy....

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This particular attack has happened several times since the weekend. The common factor is the creation of large scripted prims, which fill up any land parcel where building is possible, and spew out thousands of massages which fill your viewer window.

While these spamming objects are active, you can get a new burst of spam every time you log in within range.

The primary remedy is to Block the creator/owner of the boxes, using the username you will see in the notifications. The process may be impeded by the sheer number of notifications affexting your viewer. Log out, and log-in somewhere else, after making a note of the name

If you control land, I would urge you to not allow public building and set an autoreturn time of a few minutes. If you cannot regularly check your land, you may find a heap of these spammer-prims on your land, you're popularity will plummet, and you may receive highly critical IMs as you have extended the effect of this attack. You may even be invited to perform anatomically implausible assaults on yourself.

I have given up on expecting useful results from an Abuse Report, but making a report is a right-click option for the Goon Squad prims.


Usernames I have most recently seen associated with these attacks are goonsquadarmy and JanetBoomBoom. By naming them I anticipate somebody playing the moderator card on me. Not naming them increases the effect of these attacks and any moderator who is thinking of objecting should consider that such action makes them accomplices to the griefer.


Earlier attacks used other disposable accounts, including one which was such a blatant breach of decency rules that I am astonished it could be created by a new user. I expect other names to be used, and you should make yourself familiar with the process to Block another user before you might fall victim to these attacks.

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Same thing happening to me in Rogla today , Spoke to linden live help they said not to worry and they wont help.So my Bottle Bird shoe shop is closed.  if its not cleared up by tomorro  then bye bye premium. Yes  I blocked the griefer and reported it but a 1day old can be back with 50 new avatars and do it all  again.premium dosent appear  to grant me any benefts neither does linden land. So maybe ill spend my premium money on rl cake and sweets

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The goon squad are nothing more than the remnants of the newschool 2011 wannabe Patriotic Nigras. Their leader is Ap0110 Cr33d. Most of the new school PN disbanded after all of its leutenants quit because the direction Ap0110 was going with the group was nothing they supported. Politics as usual, and to mention most of the newschool PN take part using alts of their Furry avatars. which mostly live in dascoyote union or in /vg/ globetrotters land.


Search up what is left of the PN inworld at #Blacknights and Nigra Squad.


You can find a vast majority of them at BoomBoom POW and in some hole named K0nCr373 JunGl3.


personally i have had many run ins with this new group and ive been attacked on a few occasions but they quickly retreated into their fake IRC channel which is really a Meebo chat client HTML pasted into their websites content box.

Ap0110 is Kinggoon for those who dont know because The Gov and Jayro took over Kinggoons website through md5 and bruteforce. Simms will even tell you that if you think im lying. 

They have "viewers" which are just reconfigured versions of current viewers like shoopedlife is really just gankedlife with a new icon and name, not that difficult to take credit for something someone else did even if it violates the TOS.


Im pretty inside all of this even though i keep my distance from all of it. I dont use any of their viewers but i also dont get spammed with trash and crappy scripts written by skids who went to NCI and learned how to spam a dialog box/message or search of script libraries that are free and exploit those scripts through basic editting skills.

if Kalel Venkman were on SecondLife today he would slap Ap0110 so hard his unborn children would be bruised for life.

If you have anymore questions concerning this political drama infested side of SecondLife you can message me inworld  or reply here.

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