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Sim Crossing

Tor Genna

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I have been sailing and flying with aircrafts in SL, for long time, and everything has ben ok, until now.

All of a sudden, i can only fly like 3 sims.. and when crossing sim, everything freezes on me and i have to restart viewer

Have tryed with 2 different avatars, clean install of viewers, (avatar scips running is about 6) updated windows, updated graphic cards, have tryed different viewers, and more

Any idea why i cant cross sims anymore? and what i can do, to fix it?


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Well Tor, not too sure why suddenly things are bad for you. There is this funny thing been happening last couple of weeks or so, where the viewer seems to loose contact with what is actually happening in SL. I find that letting it ride will eventually bring viewer and SL back in to sync. It doesn't happen that often and I am beginning to know which sims it happens on mostly.

Otherwise, do you really need those scripts attached to you? No scripts except the ones for the plane and HUD is the best option, always ! Can you get a no script outfit/look and try that ? You can change as soon as you land if you wanna look your best for the rest of us, LOL.

I fly loads in SL and recently things have been pretty good for me especially this week, which is why I am a bit lost with your problem, but i understand how disappointing a messed up flight can be.

I can take you flying some time so we can do some tests if you want, just get in contact with me in-world.

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I've been sailing quite a bit this week on the Blake Sea and have had zero crashes or sim crossing weirdness. I haven't flown way up in the air, or dove deep into the water at all.  At first I slowed down when crossing sim borders, but not anymore.  At most, I get a little blip where by screen freezes for a couple seconds, but not even that most of the time.  The only reason I know I crossed a simborder is if it is marked or I see that I have on my HUD.  Sailing has actually been a pleasure this week :smileyhappy:

The problem may be on your end.  I try what was suggested.  Strip down to the bare minimum you need and try that way.  Definitely detach all your HUDs except any you need to operate your vehicle.  Wear a layered bathing suit

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The recent roll-out of threaded region crossing seems to allow a "bad" crossing to run for a long time before it fails, and when I did some testing earlier today, I tried switching of the interpolation that smooths physical movement: If you don't get position updates, you don't move.

There were very frequent stalls and stutters, and some sim crossing was very prolonged.

Whether the problem is with anything at LL's end of the link, I am inclined to doubt. I was getting odd results from tests of connection speed, such as the download speed being less than the upload speed. I was also seeing dropped packets.

I would recommend that you check that your computer isn't running a download in the background. Streaming music can also be part of the problem.

The basic problem can affect an unscripted AV just walking around, and since it isn't just a part of sim crossing there's something else not working properly. I sometimes wonder if the Lindens are testing against the same sort of internet connections we get, but what do I know? (Although I have had my domain name for longer than SL has existed.)



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  • 3 weeks later...

Yesterday a couple of unusal things sailng in Blake (aside form the usual weirdnesses).   On a sim crossing started to "submarine" and plowed relentlessly to end of world.  And the just syuck there spinning slowly.   Not unusual.  What was, was that after a while (I was in the process of making sure the bat was truly unresponsive), the boat suddenly popped back to more or less where it was and carried on sailing.  This happened twice (different sims).   The first time the cam angle after the pop back was really weird and offset, and couldnt find a way to fix that.   The second time everything was quie norma and I finsihed the race, just some 90 seconds later than i should have!!

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