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I think the really cool part is that when Eleanor OS get a differential equation then she have to break down to arithmetic

and then boot her brain and use her builtin touchpad like her own fingers (: then write her program on a piece of paper that she pull from her builtin memory and then debug it the same way


and rtfm (:

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What do you appreciate most about current computers and gadgets?

I’ll tell you what gets me: the size of the computer. When they were computing the orbits of outer planets on the SSEC [iBM's Selective Sequence Electronic Calculator, which operated between 1948 and 1952] the machine took up an entire room, including the ceiling, under the floor and all the walls.

My husband has 13 symphonies on his iPod Mini and they only take up a third of the space. That boggles my mind. You don’t even know what a miracle you’re living in." 


Wow, suddenly lag and rezzing issues seem so trivial.

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Here's another of the grande dames of computing, Rear Admiral Grace Hopper...


I keep a few nanoseconds around to give visitors. They look like Grace's. I also have a tiny bobbin (sewing machine size and only partly filled) of wire that's a microsecond long. It's not as impressive as Grace's big loop, until you compare my wire to my hair, which is fourteen times thicker. I could carry a millisecond of that wire (186 miles and less than five ounces) in my purse.

For those who want their own microseconds, you can get more than eighty of them from this 15 mile spool... 


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I've seen a couple of Admiral Hopper's talks on video along the way so I've seen at least images of her nanoseconds. Reminds me of an article in one of the trade magazines I used to read on the commute home (I actually worked when I was in the fab so did my reading elsewhere). Semiconductor manufacturing; I forget the name of the publication. They were trying to come up with better geometries in chip manufacturing. Couldn't get the processing speed they needed if they got careless and placed things too far apart. On a platform about 3/8" of an inch square. I took that to show my parents, who refused to believe me.

Another justly famous woman in computing is Radia Perlman, who developed the Spanning Tree Protocol, one of the most crushingly boring things you can imagine but one that is absolutely necessary in any LAN big enough to have more than one switch. At one time I could actually describe the whole process right down to how the elections were managed. Thankfully I've lost that.


Edited for spelling

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I watch the vid. she pretty hardcase is Grace. like cheeky (:

she say she not have any color photo bc she not find any color photo of her that she likes. she also say she join the navy first bc her gd was in the navy. so is family tradition. but she mostly join bc she likes blue. jejejejeje (:

is very subtle that kinda cheeky in the times she was in. good on her  (:

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

Another justly famous woman in computing is Radia Perlman, who developed the Spanning Tree Protocol, one of the most crushingly boring things you can imagine but one that is absolutely necessary in any LAN big enough to have more than one switch. At one time I could actually describe the whole process right down to how the elections were managed. Thankfully I've lost that.


you sleep with manuals dont you

q; (:

ps.i will look up Radia Perlman. don't know about her. but sounds quite fascinating. she does. not the snoozing tree (:

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Charolotte Caxton wrote:


Wow, suddenly lag and rezzing issues seem so trivial.


yes lol (:

that computer in the vid that Maddy mention could scoom along at a monsta 3 instructions per second. seems like they maybe sell it to linden to power the grid. and some days seems like that linden did end up buy it somehow

jejejejeje (:

not really (:



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16 wrote:

you sleep with manuals dont you

q; (:

ps.i will look up Radia Perlman. don't know about her. but sounds quite fascinating. she does. not the snoozing tree (:


No, I don't. Normally. :-P

I had to learn it for a class. Trust me, your reworking of the name is quite apt. 


To add a story....

I had an instructor that had been to some high-powered seminar in which one of the discussion topics was STP. He said the guy leading the discussion got corrected about a particular thing by a woman in the audience, and he defended his position and implied superior knowledge about how it all worked. The woman, of course, was Radia Perlman. :-)

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Dillon Levenque wrote:


To add a story....

I had an instructor that had been to some high-powered seminar in which one of the discussion topics was STP. He said the guy leading the discussion got corrected about a particular thing by a woman in the audience, and he defended his position and implied superior knowledge about how it all worked. The woman, of course, was Radia Perlman. :-)

jejejjeje (:

is amazing how women still get underestimated in these fields. same like Prime Ministers and Admirals and business women

like they can total destroy pompous people on highly expertise technical matters while at same time planning what they going to feed the kids for lunch and deciding what color outfit they going to wear on Friday evening to the ball and chatting on the phone to their neighbor about who they going to get to fix the fence. all at the same time (:


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