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Ability to transfers to a new ID

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I been in SL quite a while and I sure most would agree, peole have had drama,s stalkers,bad situations and most of the stuff one lives in sl and rl, more and more people are creating new avatars, whatever the reasons could to getway from a partner, spy on someon or a complte change.  

What I do know and have seen it many times are people who do suffer from a trumor or something with thier long outstanding avatar, could be a failed relaltioship or bad memories to even stalkers and so on, but most that want to start a new life find it very difficult this being that thier avatar has a massive invnetory with all thier life in it, money invested that objects and clothes, and find it  very hard to move over to a new av,

This is what I propose to LL, why not allow as part of account holders to be able to creat a new avatar, tranfers all assets and invnetory to the new avator and then LL will give that person one month to complte the transfer and then delete the old avator, this will be only allowed one per year. this will allow the person to retain all thier investment and start a new SL without all the expendensure and time to create and buy everthing again. thus keeping the person happy and LL retaining a customer.   your view would be welcome and I really thing LL should consider this, I not gone into details but am sure some will come up with TOS rights and all that stuff,  but LL can do anything and changeing ownership even if its just the name would be benifical to LL         LETS HERE YOUR VIEWS AND LL'S IF THEY READ THIS

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for $10 i think people be happy to do a one time change of their login name. $20 or $50 even probably. it have the same effect in the end


the biggest issue with this way or your way is what to do with all the stuff created by the old name that other people now have in their inventory? probably have to leave it under the old name and you lose any name rights to the stuff they now have. only retain rights to stuff in your own actual inventory

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As someone who watched a very dear friend fall victim to someone truly evil and eventually paid the ultimate price, I can see why this would be helpful for many, many people. For reasons very specific to that kind of heartache and what I would personally deem as torture, as well as many, many other reasons. A lot of which would be far less severe than what she went through.

However as that same person, I wouldn't want the one responsible for putting my dear friend through that to also have the ability. Why? Because he would simply choose to do it again to another person. In fact, already has. So why would I want him to be able to torment, irritate, cause another person pain and heartache, for about a year or so, and then easily move on to the next victim? He already has no issues doing this. He, and many like him. Something like this would only make it easier.

So yes while it would be helpful and even outside of the kind of issues my friend had, it would be beneficial for many people. It would also enable others. It would enable people with less than kind ideas on their minds put those ideas into motion. Griefers would benefit as much as anyone else from an idea like this. It could easily do as much harm as it would good. Is that a reason to entirely dismiss an idea? No. But it is worth considering. Outside of the typical "it will counteract the permissions system" answers you will likely get..so I don't even have to touch on that one.

Heck even I can think of ways this would be useful to me. Having changed from an account I opened in 2004, and only just closed this year(yes, after this account was created for a specific challenge on the forums a while back). It would be nice to have been able to transfer my stuff to here when I made that decision. Would have saved me a lot of money. But, I knew going into this account, and by closing that one, I wouldn't be able to do this. Is it ideal? No. But I did know it going in, so I can't claim ignorance. I'm not sure something like this would actually cause more retention, at least not to the point that it would make this ability invaluable anyway. It would cause some retention, yes, but it would likely be negligible in the eyes of the lab. Though most things seem to fit that bill as of late.

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 well thinking about it further and working in IT the name is only like an account on a network but the problem is i think all your stuff will sit under a profile like a network   at work, hence a new name might not work, but am sure this could be done, a name change would be the easey way and yes for $20 I think people would pay and limiting it to once a year like the account payable.

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yes one of the pitfalls to SL, i would see it a bit like the witness protection progam, a new indentily but keeping all your years of investment retained. rather than loose a customer am sure LL's would prefer to retain that person. because like myself my invent is massive, 

So come on LL's give us this extra facitly think of all the people that are stuck in a sad life in here bwcause they have all thier investment in the avatar but want to move on, you own us that facility


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like greek say is about adding more value/benefits to existing accounts. so i am support for that reason


about the griefers

they doing their rubbish ways using alts now. so the name change/account transfer is a positive benefit for their victims who at the moment are often forced into abandon all their stuff by having to move to a new account. so i am support for this reason as well 



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There are two major reasons why this will never happen.

First, from a purely technical standpoint, it is also my understanding that an avatar's inventory is not kept all in one place.  It is spread all through the asset server and keyed to the correct account by the avatar's name.  So it is not just a matter of changing the name in one place but having to track down every single inventory item in the asset server and change the associated name on each one.   Even for a small inventory the time that would take would be prohibitively expensive.

I know that someone already said something about permissions but it is true that LL simply can't allow this due to the IP rights of the creators of no transfer items.  No transfer means just that.  You can't transfer the item to an account with another name, even an alt.  In fact most user licenses specifically prohibit the transfer to an alt of any full permission item.  Many creators keep records of the avatar that has bought or been given items from them as a way to verify that someone has a legitimate copy of the item.  LL can not arbitrarily decide to act in a way that would prohibit creators from protecting their IP rights or ignore the user license system established under the TOS.  Changing the TOS would not retroactively change the terms under which content creators sold things in the past.  The customer would have to get written permission from the creator for every item they have that is no transfer and a creator would not be obligated to grant it.

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If a name change can already be done, then I dont see why a complete name change be,so my other soution is to be able to mask your name from anyone, but still have an ID tag that is visable to anyone to enable a ID for IE to report someone, this was LL would be able to ID the account.

this I belive can be done , if we can send a man to the moon am sure a simple solution to stop grief or for any reson a person wishes to change ID but retain the properfty they purchased.


hope this helps the debate

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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

There are two major reasons why this will never happen.

First, from a purely technical standpoint, it is also my understanding that an avatar's inventory is not kept all in one place.  It is spread all through the asset server and keyed to the correct account by the avatar's name.  So it is not just a matter of changing the name in one place but having to track down every single inventory item in the asset server and change the associated name on each one.   Even for a small inventory the time that would take would be prohibitively expensive.

Techcnically speaking, everything is associated by a UUID.  Assets are stored in a 'cloud.'  But there also has to be a data base file of what assets I have a 'right' to access.  So that part actually should not be difficult to accomplish.  If you and I purchase the same item (identified by a UUID), there are not two copies on the asset surver.  We both access the same item.


Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

I know that someone already said something about permissions but it is true that LL simply can't allow this due to the IP rights of the creators of no transfer items.  No transfer means just that.  You can't transfer the item to an account with another name, even an alt.  In fact most user licenses specifically prohibit the transfer to an alt of any full permission item.  Many creators keep records of the avatar that has bought or been given items from them as a way to verify that someone has a legitimate copy of the item.  LL can not arbitrarily decide to act in a way that would prohibit creators from protecting their IP rights or ignore the user license system established under the TOS.  Changing the TOS would not retroactively change the terms under which content creators sold things in the past.  The customer would have to get written permission from the creator for every item they have that is no transfer and a creator would not be obligated to grant it.

A change to the TOS that would allow LL to transfer items to a new account upon destruction of the old account would be nice.   But you are right about the problems with anything purchased prior to this change.  It sure would cause an uproar among some of the Merchants.



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