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wanting professionals then owners must pay pro money

greek Wingtips

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I know am going to open a can of worms here but I have to say my view.

most pro dj's do spend many hours creating a play list sometimes running up 3hrs plus ,also dj;s do have expensives too

rl euipment to sl tools, so pro clubs that run a club for profit or to cover the cost of thier expensives should also consider

paying fair money to djs' too, i see many clubs now not paying  dj's but lt them run on tips well that all well and good if you get good tippers but in most cases you dont, I like to see the owners subises the dj, so both agree a set cost and if it does not reach that then the owner tops it up, that I would say would be fair, of course those dj's that are happy to play for tips only

tha ok too, reson i say this more job applications I see for dj jobs are written in such ways with these rules and those rules do this dont do that, these are the hours I expect ect ect, then you should also pay good wages for all your staff,

most I belive do and its a fair balance but more owners of establisments are exploting this so I here just to air my views. 

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DJing in SL can be lucrative, or it can flop. It depends on a few things:

1. How busy the venue is.

2. How well promoted the venue and DJ is.

3. How good the host is. Some are gesturebaters and terrible at talking up the crowd.

4. How much of a following the DJ has.

5. How good the DJ actually is.

I have heard some sets that flowed like a mountain stream and i tipped very well.. Other times the set was so eclectic that it hurt my ears.

that being said, it is entirely up to the owner and DJ to work out a payment system.

Payment for the RL tools is entirely on the DJ. They chose to start this business. Just like any other.  Cost of the music stream can be negotiated with the club owner, some have a stream for their club others do not.

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It's a free market, if you are any good you will get paid because you should be able to turn away cheaper jobs in favour of better paid ones.

It's worth remebering I think that almost all Clubs in SL are not true businesses, most are set up as a little ego trip for the owner, who enjoys playing 'mein host'. Nothing wrong with that at all, we are all here to live out some form of fantasy to a greater or lesser degree, but it does leave out some important fundamentals of a business, like having a revenue stream, and making a profit.

The RL Nightclub business model relies heavily on 2 revenue streams, Admissions and Drinks sales, in the early 90s when God became a DJ and people stopped drinking Alcohol and started taking club drugs, many clubs closed down or started charging massive admission prices to make up the shortfall.

SL clubs have no revenue streams at all, sometimes there are rental spaces for shops, but really these are a seperate business in their own right, competeing with other rental spaces across the grid. So how is an owner to pay you? The only income he gets is from tips, his money provides you with a place to live out your fantasy and it doesn't cost you a penny.

The RL DJs I know are sent dozens of promo releases every week and they still go out and spend a fortune on imports every Friday afternoon. In the UK The Performing Rights Society visit nightclubs every wekeend and check what is being played and its origin. This isn't directed at you personally, but I would suggest very little of the music that gets played in SL has actually been paid for and consequently claims to be a 'professional' for many a more than a little stretch of the imgination.

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Totally agree with you on all the counts you raised, but when I see thwe scales sliding one wy then I need to place the view of the dj, and we not talking about dj only, we talking about hosts, managers and all the staff, my prob is when a owner wants to run the club for a profit or to cover his/her costs then consideration to staff and numeration has to be fair.


when I look at some of the job apps that hosts and dj's have to fill out makes me laugh.


but your points were good and agree

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Agree with most of what you say, the prs and ppl licnece in the UK is a lot to be desired for, as funny you mentioned it was on the phone to both. and if anyone want to know the costs I can help them out. its a sore thumb on prs and ppl but thats a seperate issue.

on the matter of clubs in sl, agree with you, the clubs that run it for non profit being an ego trip of for the love music is fine, its when the profit owners come in, again its a fair that if they want to re-coup cost thats fine, but not exploit other doing so.


greta disscusison and hope no one takes offence we here having a disscusssion


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If I can add something... based on my own (humble) experience... I struggle a lot to "DJ"... Not that I pretend to be a "professional" ... but I had some successful experiences although based on a small scale... who needs to have hundreds of fans, anyway ? For their ego ? I'm just trying to do what I love to do, for no salary, because it's a pleasure to entertain, have fun, and I take my own pleasure from it, not to mention. I agree with the above when i read that some people take things so much seriously, that you have to fill in an application, send a CV and a motivation letter, sit for a recruitment interview, be charming to the venue boss (soon we might have to undergo a FBI or CIA investigation ?)...  For no salary but the thanks of people you entertain (and the ego of some venue owners, that goes without saying). Soon, when one wants to have fun and entertain others, it's almost they will have to "prostitute" themselves so as they can hope to get a chance to be hired somewhere...

I'm sad... so sad SL has become even worse than RL... and that ain't much saying....

Come on, owners and managers ! What do you want, exactly ? David Guetta or Martin Solveig, or DJ Tiesto, for 100 lindens for 2 hours time ?  I have a feeling that what we all should do is ... ignore those who have an over-inflated ego and ridiculous requirements, I mean... and they would see.

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