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I try to rezz a apartment but it takes hours..

Evelien Topaz

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I bought an apartment and i want to rez it as skybox. The apartments consist of several elements and it takes houres to rez. I cleared my cache, updated phoenix/firestorm, the owner of the land i rent reset the sim and the creator of the apartmet came to help me. But nothing works good..still parts are not rezzing for me while others see everything. I have this problem only at this sim ..on other sims everything rezzes good. No idea what can be wrong. 

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2 answers to this question

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A few thoughts ...

It's often easier to rez things .... especially large things .... on the ground than it is at high altitude. When you're rezzing a skybox, in fact, it's usually smartest to rez it at ground level so you can be sure that it is entirely within your parcel boundaries.  Then lift it to its final altitude.

Mesh and sculpty objects can take longer to rez than objects made of basic prims, even on a good day.  Depending on the sim, you may find that some of them take a frustratingly long time, only rezzing fully when you right-click at the spot where you know they must be.  I have a wall like that.

If you are using the Firestorm viewer, you may enable Progressive Draw Distance Stepping (in Preferences >>>  Firestorm >>> General ), which lets your viewer rez objects a few at a time rather than rezzing everything in your field of view at once.  It's a great feature, except that it is possible to accidentally set the time to a ridiculously large number, so that things rez way slower than you have patience for. I did that recently and felt very embarrassed when a friend pointed out my error.

It always takes longer to rez complex objects than simple ones, and it puts a strain on the sim's servers too.  Any time we rez an object, the servers stall briefly to allow time to update information about object positions, velocities, and textures.  The stall is barely perceptible as a drop in frame rate (FPS) for everyone on the sim.  When you rez a complex object, though, FPS can drop enough so that everyone on the sim freezes for a few seconds.  The servers will time out if you try to rez too large an object and will simply refuse to do it.  Rezzing smaller parts a few at a time usually beats that problem.

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