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Prim eyes popping out.

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Hey, I got a strange problem I had for a while. Often when an avatar using some form of prim body and eyes comes to a sim I'm already in.

Their eyes tend to pop out of their head. As if they're placed a few inches in the wrong direction. For some avatars it also affects prim jaws. So I'm guessing it's somehow related to their head shape or attachment positions not rendering correctly for me. And it's always only if they come to a place I'm already in. Never have the problem with people already in the sims when I arrive.

Relogging or leaving the sim always fixes it, so whatever the problem is. It seems to be on my end.

But I was hoping there would be a way to prevent it from happening at all.


Edit: Also, using the latest firestorm viewer.

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I thought about this same more

in the latest few versions of the viewers (firestorm the same) has been a few tweaks to the render engine

one of them has been how sculpties are rendered. they not always render properly

can try

menu: Advanced \ Show Debug Settings \ RenderVolumeLODFactor. and change to 4.0 from default 1.125

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I ran out of ideas now at the moment

apart from the usuals like clear cache and reinstall and that

maybe if you post your About details then someone who has the same as you might know more about it. hopefully


ps.you got a pic that can show what is happening? that can help sometimes to know more

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Here's what the problem looks like. 



And for this example it turns into this after I relog.



The body shape is correct even when the bug happens. It seems to just be the neck up that causes problems. This example picture uses the standard SL body shape but a prim head.

From what I can tell the neck is much thinner than it's supposed to be with the bug.

Edit: Also tried all kinds of reinstalling and clearing caches. This is a problem that's been present for at least a couple of years. It just seems to happen more often now.

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I ask all the usual questions ok and we see how we get on

1) does this happen only with this avatar outfit?

2) if not just this one then does it happen only with avatars made by this creator?

3) if so then what does the avatar head look like with out the furry head and the eyes only?

4) if not just this one then what happens if you wear another plain shape and you wear just the eyes?

or just the furry head and no eyes?

or the same shape and attach a couple of plain prim boxes where the eyes go?


am just trying to determine if is a script effect in the avatar costume/eyes/head. or something else?




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1 and 2. It happens with lots of different types avatars that seems to have no relevance whatsoever to eachother.

3. The head shape under the furry prim head looks different from what it's supposed to. It's hard to tell exactly how since different creators use different shapes. But like the neck it's never what it's supposed to be.

4. It never happens for my own avatar. Just on random people I see.


So, my best guess is that this bug renders the SL bodies wrong on my computer. And the prims attached to the wrong rendered bodyparts ends up in places they're not supposed to be because of that.

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Branch Pintens wrote:

1 and 2. It happens with lots of different types avatars that seems to have no relevance whatsoever to eachother.

3. The head shape under the furry prim head looks different from what it's supposed to. It's hard to tell exactly how since different creators use different shapes. But like the neck it's never what it's supposed to be.

4. It never happens for my own avatar. Just on random people I see.


So, my best guess is that this bug renders the SL bodies wrong on my computer. And the prims attached to the wrong rendered bodyparts ends up in places they're not supposed to be because of that.

I think is a modem/router/network data problem. if is random. and sometimes it happens to an avatar and then another time it doesnt to the same avatar

that can happen when is a deformer or placement script inside the head/eyes. the viewer dont get all the data packets that the script produces. when the avatar/script first comes onto the sim. sometimes it does. sometimes not

is a timing thing I think. your router getting bombarded with new stuff and packet stuff is getting lost or garbled

I think it fixes when you relog or teleport away and back. bc when you do that the data comes in a different way. like as part of the whole sim interest list. and not as a sim interest list change/update  

is a really hard one to track down that


edit: just add here. it dont actual have to be a script. even static data can get missed when is interest list change/update


if is modem/router then check your WAN internet connection type on the modem/router itself. I had data packet troubles with mine. I fix by change this setting from PPPoA VC AUX (which the default on lots of modem/routers) to PPPoA LLC. dunno if this will help but can try


if it was a render bug then would happen consistently I think

altho if was a render bug only and is random then could be a memory chip problem. like corrupt data sometimes and sometimes not other times. but if it was then you would be having problems with other programs as well. sooner or later


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This can tend to happen if wearing a rigged mesh attachment ( like clothing) other than the mesh avatar that had been rigged and uploaded with joints included..

If you are wearing any mesh clothing. Take one of them off at a time and walk around and see if it changes..


Note: Attaching a rigged mesh with joint positions will override your avatar skeleton joint positions, and may make your arms/legs/back/neck longer/shorter, eyes pop out, etc.
Second Life Wiki Wearing rigged attachments
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  • 1 month later...

Hello, I don't know how old or outdated that thread is, but I have that exact same problem when trying to wear a rigged mesh outfit that includes deformations in it.

Since I wear mesh eyes, I can compensate by making a copy of my eyes and moving them back in the skull, but I'd like to avoid having to do that all the time.

I tried multiple tests to see what my problem was. I tried different viewers(the basic one included). I also tried reinstalling them and keep only one of them, also did cache clearing.

However, what struck me was that I also tested that problem I had on an alt account I had...and strangely enough, it did not have the problem. The alt could wear the rigged mesh without the eyes popping out.

And to add further, I even tested the same rigged mesh on my main account, while using a different computer...and guess what? Eyes were still popping out.

In other words, whatever problem I have is NOT related to my machine, but to my very account. There is some kind of error in it that I can't fix.

A friend of mine also has that eye popping problem, and while that friend hasn't done the tests I did, I think that we have the exact same problem.

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  • 4 months later...

I find this all very interesting, but it is still not explaining why this is ONLY happening to one or two avatars out of hundreds.  Many mesh creators design and it fits so many perfectly, but I discovered through one particular client that had her head unusually smaller than the average avatar that her eyes popped out, I used several avatars to test the same item even the original avatar that i came into secondlife with and everything was perfect .... so how does this explain this particular client who was a normal human avatar, no prim anything stripped herself naked of all attachements and only when she used a normal shape did the problem stop.  It was when she modified the shape back to her original numbers did the problem come back....

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  • 3 years later...
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