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The GOP's fundamental problem is they are 91% White.

The USA is not 91% white. So when a political party is that out of skew with the demographics of the people of its country, it is doomed. Not right away, but over time, they are doomed.

The Dems are 55% White. This is a lot closer to US demographics. They represent a broad spectrum of people of wide backgrounds, and because of the GOPs hostility to non-whites, almost all such people have ended up with the Democrats or have gone apolitical.

The GOPs only viability is to prevent these people from voting - which is exactly what they have been trying to do with assorted 'voter' laws in swing states.

Unless the GOP makes some fundamental changes, they just don't represent the USA's future.

My personal expectation is that the GOP will fade over time, and then the Democrats will split. Dems have already gone to the center. There is no left-wing party anymore in the USA. But no party can represent everyone - so eventually the right-of-center dems and the left-of-center dems will break up. But not until they lack a common enemy.


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dont think it have much to do with race really. is just some loud white looking people saying really dumb things on behalf the Rep party that hog the cameras is all i think. they make good TV in a age of O.M.G !!

like that dummy who said about rape. he got wasted tho by his own voters. so good job


just point at the house vote result

the Dem party not much trusted either

if they were then they wouldnt have got wasted in that vote


dunno what will happen to USA now tho. if is just more partisan brinkmanship then will be bad for USA. the rest of the world will stop pay attention to USA if the politicos not start be civil to each other

world stop pay attention bc we got all kinds probs of our own. and USA will not be in any postion to influence them if their leaders carry on like last 4 years, like infighting and all that




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My personal expectation is that the GOP will fade over time, and then the Democrats will split. Dems have already gone to the center. There is no left-wing party anymore in the USA. But no party can represent everyone - so eventually the right-of-center dems and the left-of-center dems will break up. But not until they lack a common enemy."


Democrat, Republican, Green, Libertarian, Socialist or any other political party this election is the scariest I've seen in my life.  This country was founded on a Constitution.  A document that laid down some of the most basic of laws for what the government can and cannot do.  There are three branches that make up the United States' government.  The Congressional branch, the Judicial branch and the Executive branch. I listed those branches of the government in order of governmental power.  You see that the Executive branch is last.........the Presidency is in the Executive branch and it's the "weakest" of all the branches of government.  That means the President has the least power.  The Executive branch's power is in foriegn policy, Commander in Chief of the military........his job is to protect the United States from from foriegn threats and to enforce the laws laid out by the Constittution of the United States.  It is a position of enormous influence over domestic laws.........but he cannot make the laws (that's the Congressional branch's responisibility).  I think my President has failed on the foriegn policy miserably.............the Libyian Embassy masscure is the most recent (but his snubbing Isreal is a close second).  That is one very big disappointment for me (maybe I should say what I mean..........it's an outrage for me).  Then there's the enforcing the laws laid out by the Constitution.  By Executive order he effectively changed this country's immigration laws by instructing ICE to ignore the law of the land and use their "best judgement" about enforcing immigration violations...........he by-passed the Congressional branch who is responsible for creating laws with that order (remember his job is to enforce the laws........all laws, not just the laws he agrees with). 

This is a President that I can never support.  This is a President that has come the closest to a King of the United States that I can remember in all the history I've read or studied on the United States.  That, to me, is the scariest part.  What else is he going to do?  Is he going to issue and Executive Order that I have to take my gasoline powered automobile to the junk yard and go buy some solar powered tricycle?  Or maybe I can only take a shower on sunny days because I can't own a gas or electric water heater (it has to be solar)?  Sound far fetched?  Well a year ago I would have thought an Executive Order instructing ICE agents  not to enforce immigration laws was simply out of the question..........he did it.

And, for the record...........I'm a veteran who opposes Obama.  *Just a point to show Vets are on both sides*.

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just add

the white looking people who hog the cameras arent representative of white people


fox news channel dont help much either. they the worst thing ever happen to ordinary white people in USA

it make them look bad when they not. is why i not like fox news. is rubbish that one and Mr Murdoch he not actual give a chit. he only in it for the money.same in England. if i was white person in USA then i would never watch that channel. Rupert Murdoch can go bite his bum.

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i get all the news channels from all over the world. all the USA, Europe, Britain, Australia, China and Japan and India. Russia even as well. i watch them all when i can. i just like to know

so i have seen quite a lot of Murdoch channels from all over. he dont care about news. just do whatever he wants to sell his stuff. he is not a good man, not a good newsman anyways

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Rupert Murdock is a business man........not a new man.  Ted Turner is a business man.......not a news man.  Both own cable news channels.  What's your point?  I'm not a real big fan of Bill Gates (and he is a computer man) but I own two computers that run his software.  I'm also not a big fan of Steve Jobs........but I own an iPhone.  Fox News happens to be very competitive in the cable news business..........in fact, in many areas (such as the O'Reilly Factor), they are at the top of the heap. 

But, I don't restrict my news to only FNC.........I watch CNN a lot too.  I get my local news from all four of the major US broadcast networks (ABC, NBC, CBS, and FOX).  I don't watch foriegn news channels since I'm only literate in English and I don't really have a desire to know who got into a spat at the local pub in London.  My international news (and national news) is gotten from FNC and CNN........the rest is from local channels.

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16 wrote:

dont think it have much to do with race really. is just some loud white looking people saying really dumb things on behalf the Rep party that hog the cameras is all i think. they make good TV in a age of O.M.G !! 

For non-whites like me it has a LOT to do with race. And not just Obama. 

I'm a big Clinton fan too. Both Clintons. And Carter. It took me a long time to choose between Hilary and Barak. Because either way, I knew they both would stand up for common folks and diversity.

But the GOP. All my life they have been working very hard to remind me that to them, this Native American is not a real American.

And well... the lesson has driven home - a vote for the GOP is a vote to destroy my rights.

And that's something you find versions of stated from almost any 'person of color' in the USA. But we're no longer an ignorable minority. We jave civil rights now, you can't lynch us at whim. And we have numbers now. When we vote, it adds up. And we rarely vote GOP.

The GOP works to alienate non-whites at every turn. Just look at the demographics of their party. 91% white. If this was Norway... well even there I'd expect less extreme numbers than that... But this is the USA. A country that is more racially and culturally diverse than any other on Earth. You can't keep picking just one segment of the population anymore.

On the news, they're saying this is largely due to the hispanic American votes. People who feel threatened by the GOP.

I know from personal experience that you can be someone who's family has lived here for 40,000 years, and they will treat you like a foreigner. If I had an hispanic name, like one full blooded Navajo I worked with - it'd be even worse. When the GOP gets to talking, they look right at "brown and red people" and paint target signs on us.


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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

Rupert Murdock is a business man........not a new man.  Ted Turner is a business man.......not a news man.  Both own cable news channels.  What's your point?

my point is that Mr Murdoch treat news as a saleable commodity. basically identify a market sector then package the news to appeal to that sector. is his method of business and is very successful for him from financial pov

most news channels stil maintain editorial independence. Mr Turner always try to do that. same most other owners. Mr Murdoch is way out on his own



is more happens in England than spats in a pub. if watch say BBC then can see that

they do drink heaps of beer in England seems like. specially at the cricket on the sports news. barmy army i think they called. must be after 5 days and no winner (:



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Not true, Pussycat........just not true.  I'm Republican.  I was raised in the mid-south (Arkansas).  I went to school with black, native American, Polynesian, Japanese, Chinese (you name it) and all those accusations you just made were all but non-existent.  Yeah there were some hateful acts and events..........not exclusively directed at any "minority".  It happened just as much to people like me (a white looking, strawberry blonde, freckle faced scrawny kid who happens to be 1/8 Cherokee Indian).  I dealt with it..........I didn't blame it on my "race".  The minorities I knew (and some I still know) were treated just like everyone else.........until those minorities made it about minorities.  I now live in California............and until I came here that ugly n word was a very rare word to be used.  Sadly, I hear that word almost daily. 

Don't lump us into some group..........look at yourself.  The problems are not just one sided.......you contribute to it more than you think you do.

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