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NY TImes video of Hurricane Sandy

Melita Magic

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Amazing video shot from the top of the New York Times building in New York.

Hurricane Sandy NY TImes webcam video.

I wanted to put this in its own thread. I want people to share their experiences of, thoughts about, and hardships or triumphs from within, Hurricane Sandy.

I don't want this to be about raising money (I strongly believe we should each do that in our own way in our real life; sending money to someone in Second Life seems a long way around it, and can go astray.)

So - this video is pretty intense and scary. It makes me wonder what it was like to be right in the middle of it, or know people who were. For the rest of us, what are your thoughts on seeing the video or what you know so far about the hurricane?


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That's a cool video, thanks for posting it for us.

We got hit with Frankenstorm here, not so much Sandy. Lots of damage, power outages, flooding, everything being shut down/closed and stuff like that but nothing on par with the flooding and damage elsewhere. Though we're still feeling the effects from the whole storm weather-wise. We have a lot of damage to clear and things to pick up, as soon as the weather permits. It's wicked cold, wet and windy here.

We did have family in the direct path though. Most were evacuated in time. Those who weren't are all doing ok, though some did get hurt. We've been able to get in touch with them all. We have some family and friends going out to be with them and try and salvage what, if anything, they can and get them moved somewhere else. Most who were right near the shore lost just about everything. But really as much importance and significance and emotion we put into our stuff, stuff will never be worth more than human life(imo, I know some won't agree, lol). So we're grateful they're all safe, even if they aren't really sound just yet.

I do have a good friend in sl who was also not hit directly by Sandy but the Frankenstorm. She was outside of her house with a family member getting things out of the yard, locked up and things like that when an extremely large tree collapsed on the back portion of her house. Just barely missing her dog(he was hit by a branch, got some minor cuts, and is a-ok). Her house is a total loss, and most of the things in that part of the house are a total loss now too. Rain damaged anything the tree didn't. But she, her family member and all the animals she owns are ok, and in the end that's what matters. I've also got other friends who were either hit by Sandy or Frankenstorm in varying degrees. To my knowledge, they're all doing ok.

I know there are sad stories and tragedies associated with Sandy and the Frankenstorm that came along with, but I also know there could have been a lot more. Mother nature is beast we can't contend with. So I have to be grateful for that too, imo. That doesn't negate the tragedies at all though. We send out all our thoughts to those devastated in any way by this. It will take time to pick up all the pieces, but I am quite sure, for the most part, people will manage. We're a lot more resilient than we like to believe.

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Porky - LOL.

Tari - Wow, thank you so much for posting the insider's view of the storms. Acts of Nature like these can be so terrifying. One's survival instincts kick in, but who knows how to cope with these types of things? Even if one prepares. I can only imagine people without power for this long are living off cold canned goods or granola bars, and making fires to keep warm.

It's hard to fathom one's house and all one's possessions being wiped out in a flash. Your post was very inspiring because it reminded us all about human endurance.

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I know your post somewhat focuses on the good aspects, actually mine does too. But, I felt slightly compelled to share this story too, as it shows the other side. It's sad, very, very sad. I cannot imagine being in this woman's place. I cannot imagine her heartache. I cannot imagine the thoughts and feelings running through the person who discovered these poor little boys, or those who spent so long searching out of fear, desperation, and hope.

I know there is a lot of laughter about the entire event going around, as there always is. Which can be pretty theraputic in it's own right. I also know there is a lot ot be celebrated, because it was in fact, not as tragic as some expected it to be. But stories like this hit just as hard as the feel good stories, imo. Not that I enjoy focusing on sadness, it breaks my heart. I just think that sometimes, we need to share those stories too. If for nothing else, assuming you believe in such things, it's nice to surround those hit hardest with as much comfort as we can. Nothing will ever replace the heartache, or fix it, but it's a very kind gesture.

Brandon And Connor Moore, Missing Staten Island Brothers, Found Dead After Hurricane Sandy

I'll summarize for those not wishing to click links for fear of viruses. It's a story of a woman who was trying to flee when her vehicle got stuck. She got out with her two young boys in her arms(2 and 4) and sadly the waters overcame and both boys were swept away, and passed away.  They were found Thursday.

It's not the only story like this, of course. But it does serve as a reminder, at least to me. The hardships are very real. The emotional toll is very high. The same can be said about any tragedy but I don't believe any one is more important than another. As a mother myself, it makes me beyond sad to read such things. I don't think anyone can say with any amount of truth in their breath, how they'd feel in the same situation. But I can offer my support, my good thoughts, my sympathy and anything else I can muster for those hit so very hard.

I am sure this mother wishes it were only her tangibles lost, like so many others. :( RIP sweet little boys.

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Porky Gorky wrote:

Sonja Smedley wrote:

To each his own opinion...I am still convinced that HAARP was in play!


Assuming you are right, what benefit would there be causing the damage that was caused?
How would the perpetrator benefit from this action?

I guess you know that answer anyway don´t you?



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Sonja Smedley wrote:
I guess you know that answer anyway don´t you?

Not at all, that's why I am asking.

According to Google it could be anything from Gods revenge on the gays, to being engineered by Obama to win an election to fulfilling a prophecy that Aliens gave to Whitley Strieber years ago to being punishment on America for dividing Israel. 

I was just wondering which camp you were pitching your tent in?

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Sonja Smedley wrote:

Well I am from the side who are against the NWO...but no need to discuss this at all.

As I said at the beginning everyone it´s own opinion.:0)

Well there is substantial evidence out there to prove the existence of the NWO, but to date there is no evidence to support the theory that they used HAARP to control hurricane Sandy, how could there be, it only just happened. I guess evidence could come to light in the future to connect the NWO to this particular disaster as was the case with 9/11 for example, but until such evidence does come to light and it is verified by multiple independent investigators (as was the case with 911) then the NWO involvement and the use of HAARP is just conjecture. 

As you say though you are entitled to your opinion :matte-motes-big-grin:

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