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Want to improve the SL Experience just as our team wants? Connect to me on FB and SL


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Hi There All,

I'm the founder of the "The Quality Team" Group and together with a lot of other Experienced Second Life users we are trying to achieve the following:


  • Make Second Life more User friendly
  • Make Second Life More reliable (when you buy items)
  • Make Second Life More beautiful (by stimulating this way to create beautiful Sims)
  • Make Second Life Less expensive by motivate shop owners to give better service and create better products.

If you think that what I just mentioned above is also important for you, please connect to:

 "The Quality Group"

(group key: c8e66932-c950-5d96-74b8-b7998cc97b5e )


If you have a Facebook page:

Please send a friendship request to: Nick Braxton

(link: http://www.facebook.com/nick.braxton.1 )

Not only you will recieve good information and help when you want to know something, you can also join various contests and win L$ or other nice objects (houses, clothing, AO's etc.)



Nick Braxton

Founder "The Quality Team"

Location Second Life: Serenity Meadows

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NickBraxton wrote:

Hi There All,

I'm the founder of the "The Quality Team" Group and together with a lot of other Experienced Second Life users we are trying to achieve the following:

  • Make Second Life more User friendly
  • Make Second Life 
    More reliable (when you buy items)
  • Make Second Life 
    More beautiful (by stimulating this way to create beautiful Sims)
  • Make Second Life 
    Less expensive by motivate shop owners to give better service and create better products.

If you think that what I just mentioned above is also important for you, please connect to:

"The Quality Group"

(group key: c8e66932-c950-5d96-74b8-b7998cc97b5e )


If you have a Facebook page:

Please send a friendship request to:
Nick Braxton


Not only you will recieve good information and help when you want to know something, you can also join various contests and win L$ or other nice objects (houses, clothing, AO's etc.)



Nick Braxton

Founder "The Quality Team"

Location Second Life: Serenity Meadows




Nice idea, really.

But like Perrie I would like to know how, and how much LL is involved. Your goals seem noble and all, but a bit vague and to be honest and resident you dont have many tools to actually address technical challenges.


Then your last addition about winning contests and whatnot, kind of ruins the whole thing for me, as if it is just another commercial attempt in getting ppl to join a group.

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Caitlin Tobias wrote:


Then your last addition about winning contests and whatnot, kind of ruins the whole thing for me, as if it is just another commercial attempt in getting ppl to join a group.

I agree.  It diluted the whole post and is part of why I asked my questions.


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Hi there Perrie Juran,

No it isn't at all endorsed or supported by Linden Lab.

Our resources are well experienced Second Life users as well as our own experiences on Second Life.

Also we are creating a site at this very moment which will have 3 different survey's where we ask experienced users to vote and give our team feedback.

At the end we will share all this information with SL users which makes "life" on SL even more fun.


I hope this answers your question, if not, feel free to ask:-)


Regards from The Netherlands,



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(Then your last addition about winning contests and whatnot, kind of ruins the whole thing for me, as if it is just another commercial attempt in getting ppl to join a group.)


We've been wondering also if this was a smart thing to do but....

We want to reach as many people as we can and also for later it is better to have a lot of people doing the survey's (we will get more reliable results) to share with other SL users..


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LL is none what's-so-ever involved into this project.


I've been started playing SL a couple of years ago and start helping newbie's as well.

provided them some lindens to start with and give them also a save place to stay without having them pay rent for it (and I'm still doing this).

I also walked into the same problems over and over again and got sick of it and therefore I started this project.

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I really should know better than to do this but here we go.  I have a feeling I may not be a popular person in the Forum by the end of the day.  I've just been too controversial.  But anyways...............


NickBraxton wrote:

  • Make Second Life more User friendly

How?  What are you referring too?  Better Viewers?  Better Servers?  Policing the welcome areas?  Or just being available for general support? 


  • Make Second Life 
    More reliable (when you buy items)

More reliable in what way?  What can you do to make sure that either In World or Marketplace deliveries are more dependable?  Those are technical issues.

  Or are you meaning that you will be policing Merchants to make sure that what I see is what I get?  This is again very vague.

  • Make Second Life 
    More beautiful (by stimulating this way to create beautiful Sims)

Again, how?  And stimulating what way?  Besides, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.  I don't find BDSM themed SIMs very attractive but other people drool over them.


  • Make Second Life 
    Less expensive by motivate shop owners to give better service and create better products.

How do you intend to Motivate the shop owners?  Boycotts?  Black Mail?  Favored Merchants lists?  Price controls?  Merchants do want a return on their investment.  A ratings system?  We already se how ratings get gamed in the Marketplace.  How would you intend to control this? And after all, if a Merchant spends more time on the quality of their products and service, they will want a greater ROI.


While I think your goals here are nice, I am very skeptical of what you are saying here you want to do.

I do applaud any one or any group that helps people in SL. 

But unless the group is some how accepted as a liaison or representative for Residents by LL,  I don't see your goals as viable unless you are going to start policing the grid.  And we all know how that turns out.

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I applaud the sentiment but don't see the group as being very effective as your goals are very vague.  You will have to have LL's support to accomplish the first two.  The other two goals smack at trying to somehow unduly pressure people to do things your way based on purely subjective standards.

The only way things will be less expensive is if you get LL to lower tiers substantially.  People have been asking for lower tiers since before I joined SL over six years ago and have been spitting in the wind. Landlords, estate owners and merchants have to cover their expenses and most are already struggling to do that at the prices they charge today. If forced to lower their prices without a corresponding decrease in expenses,  they will close up as many have done already.  I can assure you that most will not pay the difference from their own pockets so you can play SL.  You will then be left with much lower quality and substantially fewer choices.

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Perrie Juran wrote:

I really should know better than to do this but here we go.  I have a feeling I may not be a popular person in the Forum by the end of the day.  I've just been too controversial.  But anyways...............


NickBraxton wrote:

  • Make Second Life more User friendly

How?  What are you referring too?  Better Viewers?  Better Servers?  Policing the welcome areas?  Or just being available for general support? 

First of all it's a good thing for being skeptical and think in a critical way about things that have been written.

This way we ended up on the moon also Perrie.

But let me answer your questions..

With User friendly I mean, I have some ideas (like a usable FREE fo newbies tool) who will help them in their way to play Second Life in a much better way than they can now.

Newbies end up now in a newbie friendly Sim (which is good) but then they are left in the open air and only with a bit of luck they will find the right person who will guide them. I've spoken to many of them and also discovered (like the rest of us) that many people leave without even had the chance to discover SL in the way they should have before they decided to leave. I really would like to change this.

  • Make Second Life More reliable (when you buy items)

More reliable in what way?  What can you do to make sure that either In World or Marketplace deliveries are more dependable?  Those are technical issues.

  Or are you meaning that you will be policing Merchants to make sure that what I see is what I get?  This is again very vague.

With making more reliable I mean: Encourage shop owners to deliver what they mention in their shop/marketplace and give good CSe, also after you have bought the item. Too many times I bought something which didn't work at all or wasn't what was shown on the billboard and after writting a notecard discover that this person didn't reply at all. Due the fact that LL doesn't come inbetween you've lost your Lindens. I really would like to change this also by finding out who are the ones where you should go to when you want to buy something and where you definately not should buy. For this several survey's are created which will give us a pretty good idea which shops experienced users reccomend. At this very moment (and I buy a lot I can promise you that) I can give good advice where to buy certain items, nonetheless I cannot give advice about  ANY item. This means also that even I as an experienced user can fall into a trap which of course I would like to prevent. To solve this issue, again...I hope a lot of people will start doing the survey and the only way to achieve this is letting people know that this is survey is comming (by Facebook, Twitter, this medium and by asking people to connect to the group so I can send them a message)

  • Make Second Life 
    More beautiful (by stimulating this way to create beautiful Sims)

Again, how?  And stimulating what way?  Besides, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.  I don't find BDSM themed SIMs very attractive but other people drool over them.

Correct and again the survey (this time a other one) is the answer to this question.

By asking the right questions, me and the team (and after that, other SL users) will know which Sims are the nicest ones to visit (very handy, because showing a few of these to newbies is a good way to introduce them to the game, which will result in more people to stay)

You most likely will know which BDSM Sims are nice and which not, but can you also give advice about all other enviroments? I cannot because I haven't seen all Sims and most likely you cannot either. It get's even more interesting if you can tell the developers of the Sims that doesn't score high, what they could do to change this (again, ask the right questions on the survey)

When we share this information, Sim owners will be encouraged to develop/change their Sim into more attractive one for SL users and being able to show new born citizens to a high ranked Sim will eventualy result in more people to stay (which could become nice developers themselves)


  • Make Second Life 
    Less expensive by motivate shop owners to give better service and create better products.

How do you intend to Motivate the shop owners?  Boycotts?  Black Mail?  Favored Merchants lists?  Price controls?  Merchants do want a return on their investment.  A ratings system?  We already se how ratings get gamed in the Marketplace.  How would you intend to control this? And after all, if a Merchant spends more time on the quality of their products and service, they will want a greater ROI.

Easy question and you've given the answer yourself

Answer: Merchants want indeed a ROI. and they cannot if they don't get any customers or less customers when they're mentioned as "unreliable or when a lot of people have voted that this shop/developer/creator/shop owner sells rubbish.

And again the survey is the answer here (or at least a very good chance to get more knowledge) We wil get a rating system and when enough people do the survey we can advice what a certain shop owner could do to improve their sales. When a SL customer knows where he shouldn't buy because the shop owner sells crap & nice stories but no good product and give no refund the customers on SL will save money. (at least...I would have been very pleased if I knew then what I know now and the sooner I can share this knowledge the better it is. It will encourage people to start developing something nice first and think about how to give service before trowing them Inworld in a shop or on Marketplace which will benefit us all again.

I hope I have answered your (and maybe other peoples questions) decent because this was the best way to explain it and I cannot give more information...I think this covers it all.

Last but not least: Know that several good people have very good intentions and do their best to solve some issues that have been bothering us for some time and we hope that our efforts will have effect eventually..


Nick Braxton




While I think your goals here are nice, I am very skeptical of what you are saying here you want to do.

I do applaud any one or any group that helps people in SL. 

But unless the group is some how accepted as a liaison or representative for Residents by LL,  I don't see your goals as viable unless you are going to start policing the grid.  And we all know how that turns out.


  • Make Second Life 
    More reliable (when you buy items)

More reliable in what way?  What can you do to make sure that either In World or Marketplace deliveries are more dependable?  Those are technical issues.

  Or are you meaning that you will be policing Merchants to make sure that what I see is what I get?  This is again very vague.

  • Make Second Life 
    More beautiful (by stimulating this way to create beautiful Sims)

Again, how?  And stimulating what way?  Besides, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.  I don't find BDSM themed SIMs very attractive but other people drool over them.


  • Make Second Life 
    Less expensive by motivate shop owners to give better service and create better products.

How do you intend to Motivate the shop owners?  Boycotts?  Black Mail?  Favored Merchants lists?  Price controls?  Merchants do want a return on their investment.  A ratings system?  We already se how ratings get gamed in the Marketplace.  How would you intend to control this? And after all, if a Merchant spends more time on the quality of their products and service, they will want a greater ROI.


While I think your goals here are nice, I am very skeptical of what you are saying here you want to do.

I do applaud any one or any group that helps people in SL. 

But unless the group is some how accepted as a liaison or representative for Residents by LL,  I don't see your goals as viable unless you are going to start policing the grid.  And we all know how that turns out.





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Sorry, I tottaly dissagree with your opinion because it's too short thinking...

We do not have the support from LL to achieve certain (small) goals and also it's my opinion that when you would only wait on this nothing would ever achieved. I rather try something and achieve maybe some small goals then do nothing at all. Also there are way more ways to make SL less expensive for users than the one that you describe and a small example is the one I have written in my answer to Perrie.

You want to make a huge step immediately by mentioning that LL should lower the tier (this doesn't mean b.t.w. that I don't agree that LL should lower the tier and the set up fee (which are redicoulous prices) but this will (most likely) change when Cloud Party start knocking on LL's door and is developed more by players/creators....

Well, you know this isn't going to happen easily and I want to try it in smaller steps...

About: I can assure you that most will not pay the difference from their own pockets so you can play SL.  You will then be left with much lower quality and substantially fewer choices.

Maybe shop owners should think about the cost to open a shop or buy land before they start selling bad items. At least, I would start renting a shop on Park Avenue in RL and try to sell second hand pots & pans and maybe also second hand toilets. Don't forget, it's ecxactly like you said yourself."most will not pay the difference from their own pockets" (indeed, they grab it from other Second Life users with no mercy)

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mew mew ma mew :)

I have already seen a huge increase in the quality of items that i buy and a definite decrease in costs to get them. 

The cost to use SL and obtain high quality content is immensly cheaper then when i first joined back in mid 2007.  Matter of fact if you choose to spend nothing, you can still obtain a huge supply of quality items, as long as you dont mind wearing the same dress as a few thousand others :)  If you would like to see what i did for zero lindens on the newby challange, i will be glad to show you.  Not to mention the large number of events now catering to special prices with exclusive items from top designers.

Well i am all for a overall better expierence, and be able to aquire a nicer place to live for a much cheaper cost, its still a lot less then what i paid when i first started as well. Maybe you forget but back then you had to spend 40,000Lindens to get 4K of land on a private sim, plus pay the tier.

Your opening post does sound a bit naive and your follow up reminds me of Homer Simpson merrily dancing under the ocean eating chocolate fishes blissfull unaware of anything.

And i am afraid i have to agree with some other posters, this sounds like nothing more then to get friends on facebook and to load up a group with number.

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