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SL needs better viewer alternatives

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16, don't worry about it. People who can't play Second Life or just ruined their PC/Laptop/Netbook trying to access SL, they know very well what low powered hardware is.

Freya Mokusei, did your answer help someone? No. That is what I was talking about... :)

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It would help you to find posters that are able to obey your bizarre constraints. We are all SL users, because we're in the SL forums. You won't find anyone that believes SL is dead here, because we're still actively taking part.

If you don't seek that help, then I can only assume you're not after an audience. Or you're not looking to engage with SL users (in which case, there's even less reason for you to post here)

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So you're not looking for help in finding an appropriate audience for your discussion?

Or you somehow believe that this is the best place?

If so, why? Why would a forum for an active online service with participants that clearly care to defend their platform be the appropriate place to seek users who believe the same service is 'dead'? Why would they still be here?

Your inability to realise help doesn't change the helpfulness of other peoples' posts. =]

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Freya Mokusei, please, don't be boring...

Those users who come here making fun of people who can't play SL because they have old hardware; those users who insist that everyone can play SL with almost any machine (which is completely false); those users who don't have any suggestion to give rather than "buy I new PC" - these users are doing nothing here.

They are not helpful. Simply as that.

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Yes exactly, I read what you wrote.

What you're doing is digging for water in the desert. People are walking by and telling you that you're Doing It Wrong, and you're carrying on anyway. Those people are helpful, you're discarding the reality of where you are.

As I said, you won't find people who believe that SL is dead in here. There is no water to find.

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Avariado wrote:

don't worry about it. 
People who can't play Second Life or just ruined their PC/Laptop/Netbook trying to access SL, they know very well what low powered hardware is.

if you could be a bit more specific about the kinda PC/Laptop/Netbook that you cant seem to run SL on then would be better i think

at the moment you just seem to be making stuff up. like you seems to be just having a moan or something now. is ok that you do. just doesnt make any sense why you would do that really tho


people who do come on here and cant run SL on their PC/Laptop/Netbook say this is what i have. how i make it go?

usual answer is that their computer/laptop/netbook is not actual running a 3D gfx accelerator driver. when they install/change to that then it goes. only time it doesnt go is when their pc/laptop/netbook hasnt actual got a 3D capable gfx card in it


other people say it goes but it goes slow. how to make go faster?

 can often get a answer for that if post your actual specs. is quite a few clued up people on these forums can usual tell you straightaway when they got that info off you. is same on any other gamer forums as well this for other kinds of games

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1. Those who come here making fun of people who can't play SL because they have old hardware;

2. Those who insist that everyone can play SL with almost any machine (which is completely false);

3. Those who don't have any suggestion to give rather than "buy a new PC";

This thread isn't for you.

If you have any valid suggestion in order to help people running RL in low powered machines, please feel free to reply.

Thank you for understanding! :)

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Avariado wrote:

1. Those who come here making fun of people who can't play SL because they have old hardware;

2. Those who insist that everyone can play SL with almost any machine (which is completely false);

3. Those who don't have any suggestion to give rather than "buy a new PC";

This thread isn't for you

Much better. See, now you're not immediately setting the userbase against your position. Many people here have trouble running SL efficiently; help is more likely when the person wanting it isn't trying to prove some point that's in direct opposition to peoples' knowledge of the platform (i.e., that SL is 'dead').


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As far as I can tell, at the moment, Radegast viewer is the best alternative for Netbooks.

Radegast is basically a text-only viewer for Second Live, but it has a 3D scene viewer (not present in Metabolt viewer), which helps you to see where you are and correct the position of your avatar.

Local voice chat also works, you just need to copy five files from Viewer 1.23 to the Radegast main folder (alut.dll, ortp.dll, SLVoice.exe, vivoxsdk.dll and wrap_oal.dll).

You can visit Radegast website here and here. It's a very nice project that deserves to be supported (I don't have any kind of connection to the project).

I just hope this suggestion helps someone.

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Oh, and so you're aware: Telling people who are running machines designed before the turn of the century/millenium to upgrade their hardware is helping them.

Fact of life these days: Old technology will be left in the dust. You can either keep up as best you can or be left behind.

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