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Display name changed ... but not by ME!


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I noticed that my "real world" photo I had uploaded to my profile was not showing, so I re-uploaded it. Then  noticed that my name had changed to "gizzymo" on the feed list and it was saying that I had just changed my display name to "Gizzymo"

I have no idea what happened, but it certainly was not me! I Would like an explanation if there is one... Concerned that someone may have hacked into my account.

Appreciate any help : )  DISPLAY-NAME.jpg


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4 answers to this question

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It should not be possible for anyone else to change your Display Name.  It would be extremely difficult for anyone to hack your account, because that would require access to Linden Lab's accounting system, but it is quite possible that you gave your userid and password to someone, either purposely or in a phishing scam.  At minimum, you should immediately change your password.

Your account may have been compromised if:

  • You can't access your account.
  • You suddenly notice a reduced available balance on the payment source you have on file.

If this happens, contact Linden Lab immediately!

Here's what to do:

  1. Go to the Second LIfe Help page and log in if you can. If you can't access your account, use the Forgot your login information? link on the right to recover your username and reset your password. Then log in.
  2. On the Second LIfe Help page page, click the Contact Support link on the right.
  3. On the next page, click Submit a a Support Case form.
  4. Under What type of problem are you having?, select Account Issue. A second dropdown appears.
  5. Under Account Issue, select I believe my account has been compromised.
  6. Fill in the rest of the fields as directed.
  7. Click Submit.
  8. Check your email for your case number.
  9. Call Linden Lab's fraud number: 800-860-6990.

Once you do this, Linden Lab will place your account on hold and investigate the relevant transactions. This may take a few days. Once we have concluded the investigation, we'll send you an email explaining our conclusion and the action we will take. Note that all transactions involving Linden dollars are subject to Linden Lab's Terms of Service.

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If you are concerned that someone accessed your account then, by all means, change your password immediately.  Don't use a password that is easily guessed (use a strong one with capital letters and small case letters, numbers and a couple of symbols such as $,#, %, etc).  And never share that password with anyone.......not even your best, most trusted friend in SL or RL  It's very hard for anyone to hack the LL servers to gain that access (it's only happened one time that I know of in the over 10 years SL's been existance.....that shows the servers are pretty well protected).  But, accounts are compromised occassionally which is always by someone gaining access to another's account by finding out the password (they already have half of the required log in information since that is your username).  Phishing scams can get you and often does trick people into giving the password for such things and getting lindens for taking surveys, or purchasing lindens at third party sites.......it you've fallen for that scam no one is going to fault you but they will caution you to be very careful about those "easy to get something" sites (the age old expression "if it sounds too good to be true, it likely is" and you should always pay attention to those words of wisdom).


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I have no idea what's going on here, but I am wondering if it's not something on the website itself that's broken.

I've just had a look your feed and clicked on one of the links in your feed where it says "gizzymo" changed their display name to Lucy Chase, and that took me to the account of someone who's actually got Gizzymo as a username, and who joined the other day.   So, whateever's happening, Gizzymo can't have been changing your display name two or three weeks ago, because there was no such account then.

While I was checking this, though, https://my.secondlife.com/ went offline.. I'm getting a 500 error ("Sorry, but something went wrong"), which might suggest the site's having a fit of the vapours.   

So it may not be the case that your account has been hacked.   See what the page looks like when it's available again.


ETA -- out of interest, why not rez a prim and drop this in, so you know what the sim thinks your display name is:

default{	state_entry()	{		llOwnerSay("Your display name is "+llGetDisplayName(llGetOwner()));	}}

 ETA 2 --

I've just seen Inara Pey's blog: http://modemworld.wordpress.com/2012/07/08/sl-web-profiles-my-secondlife-com-errors/

It seems to be a pretty wide-spread problem, and she says "While it is more likely that the issues are the result of a database error within LL’s servers rather than a deliberate hack or the result of the servers having been compromised, if you are affected and of a nervous disposition, you may want to consider changing your password."

And there's a jira about it. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-4844

ETA 3 -- 

It's now partly fixed, in that it's showing your most recent activities (at least I hope it's you!), but has still got the mysterious Gizzymo there, too:


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You might be onto something. I've been plagued with http 400 errors on most of the web sites that require log in (the forums being one of those websites.....though for my dashboard I've never had the problem). I get that error on two computers with different OS's (this computer being Win 7 x64 and the other being Win Vista x64). The only common devices for the two were my modem and router....both have been changed (but not in an effort to fix this problem). The 400 error is saying that the website has been found but that there's some problem with the address (whatever that cryptic message means). I can eventually get on the websites by going through hoops such as opening my dashboard and then going to the community and then going to the forums...........that usually gets my sucessfully logged in to the forums. Sometimes there is absolutely no issue.........I come to the forums, log in and everything's hunky dory. This has been an intermittant problem for a couple months but lately a little more persistant. Someone (I believe it was Natalis *spelling?* in one of her posts recently on another thread where someone was having problems logging into SL) reminded everyone that the Internet is going through pretty big change at the moment..........moving from IPv4 to IPv6 to increase the Internet addresses that are rapidly running out. That could be some of the problems (including my intermittant problem with http 400 errors). Another could be the shutting down of the FBI's redirection site for some maleware infection that has been on the Internet for the last 6 months (as I understand some half million computers may be infected without the users knowledge). The preparations by ISP's and website owners could very well cause some people problems.

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