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Everything posted by LucyChase

  1. Thanks but that dress is not mine .. It's a mesh kit from "Meli Imako" I just added some sparkles LC x
  2. It began a few days ago while I was using the the Second Life beta grid to test some clothing designs I was working on. It just does not show any aplha layers on the avatar yet they are clearly worn in the apperance window.. I have tried changing outfits, added clothing piece by piece but still the alpha layers are missing.. Any help is appreciated. :) Update : Now the avatar has an alpha layer permanently attached, no matter what costume/ clothes it is wearing. Is this just happening to me ? LOL LC x
  3. THANK YOU! it worked...[rebaking] its been bugging me for days, I am smiling again LC.
  4. I have a problem with my clothing. It is not updating. eg: I wear one outfit and I can change the whole outfit by choosing a saved outfit in my appearance folder. However if I then go to change a piece of clothing such as a pair of pants/trousers my avatar does not update. Yet this new item is listed as being currently worn and the old item has been removed. It has been happening a lot over the past week. Newly purchased clothing items will sometimes not show on my avatar either. Is there a procedure I need to follow to get this back to default? Would appreciate any help - Thank You. LC
  5. I noticed that my "real world" photo I had uploaded to my profile was not showing, so I re-uploaded it. Then noticed that my name had changed to "gizzymo" on the feed list and it was saying that I had just changed my display name to "Gizzymo" I have no idea what happened, but it certainly was not me! I Would like an explanation if there is one... Concerned that someone may have hacked into my account. Appreciate any help : ) Lucy.
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