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No low prim mesh beds?

Jo Yardley

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Is anyone making nice low prim mesh beds, blankets, pillows, etc?

I have a great 1 prim sculpt bed, works fine, a 4 prim sculpt bed with shape changeable blankets, etc.

But I decided to go look for a nice mesh bed and didn't find much on marketplace and the ones I did found used more prims then the sculpt ones I have.

So, I was wondering if anyone knows of some nice very low prim mesh beds or is making them.

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If one on the MP is mod, resizing it down in size will lower its prim cost. Since you use a smaller scale, like me - this is something to consider when shopping for Mesh. The Land Impact will be about a %age smaller equivalent to how much you scale it down by - to a point.

As a 5'5" avatar, I tend to scale down items by 40-50%, and can notice as much as half the land impact cost going away.

So, you might still be able to find low prim - by finding mod and lowering its prim cost on your own.

This has only failed for me on items that were already very low prim - like a 3 prim shelf. Some of those lower and some don't.


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Yes I have already noticed that some mesh beds become lower prim when you make them a more normal scale, but still I can't seem to find any really low prim that can compete with the sculpt ones.

It seems that you could make a bed frame, matress and pillow all into a 1 prim mesh, you could do that with sculpts so someone could do it with mesh, but higher detail, better textures, etc.

Just add blanket.

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Hello, you cannot compare sculpty and mesh this way.

Mesh items will have more details better textures and are low prim - compared to prim only builds. Sculpt items are just a standard prim with a texture applied to reshape them.

A 1 prim bed made with sculpts is an amazing thing and i doubt it´s possible with mesh, but then again, mesh items are more detailed load faster - at least supposed to - and have better textures but never 1 prim for complex things.

Sculpts use a rendering trick and mesh are more like build with standard prims.

Until someone proof me wrong that´s it ;)


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I know, but I still think someone could do it.

I have already found a 1 prim chair that has great details, multiple textures, etc.

I have found a double bed incl pillows and blanket that is 3 prims.

I wonder if it would be less primmy if he made the same bed but without one of those parts.

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I went down the same route of hunting high and low for a low prim bed with the intention of adding a TNT  animation engine to it.

I also struggled to find anything decent and went down the route of buiding my own, halfway through the build I came across and bought this 1 prim bed which would be damn hard to beat with 1 prim  :)

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Ideally I'd like a 1 prim old fasioned bed, incl matress and pillow, I could add a blanket that changes size and put an animation in that myself.

That way I could get a simple antique bed for 2 prims.

I have made something like it with sculpt, but it doesn't look very exciting, especially the bed frame.

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Yes, Drongle made a one prim mattress & bedding, and you can script a blanket to change scale, maybe even to change dimensions. You could add a very simple headboard to that for little to no extra LI.

For two prims for bed and mattress and linens etc., you are not going to get a lot of detail -- and to me the advantage of mesh is not so much "lower prim" but "more detail per prim" -- so you are probably just as well off getting a sculpted one since those already exist. With two sculpt prims, you get 2048 faces to work with, which may be a better deal than you can get with two LI of mesh.

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I'm sort of looking for the best of both worlds, a nice detailed bed with matress, like a nice brass victorian single bed with matress and if possible a pillow for 1 prim.

I think it could look better if made with mesh in stead of sculpt, but maybe I'm wrong.

I've just seen a few very nice very low prim items here and there, tables, chairs, etc.

1 prim but much better looking then sculpts.

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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

What happens if you take that 10 prim mesh bed and cut its size rezzed in half? Any savings? I notice its modify - and I'm guessing (but could be wrong), that its scaled for a 7'-8' tall avatar.

Not sure if you were talking to Jo or to me, but -- yes, most often mesh will lose LI if shrunk but not always. I have a mesh skybox that scaling has no effect on.

The bed and bed linens are less LI if shrunk but they are already smaller scale than my other beds, so would not shrink a lot.  The bed has quite a lot of curved parts which adds LI; the straighter brass bed I have not released yet, you might be able to get down to 3 or so.

The other factor is LOD -- you can cut LI if the item has terrible LOD, but for a bed that will presumably be indoors all the time and not seen from a distance, terrible LOD may be suitable.

My goal is to try to find the optimum balance between LI, detail, and LOD.

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It all depends as a lot of people said. I do create mesh, though I tend to stick with clothing as I like more fluid motion than static items. There is a minimum Land Impact you can acheive, but it all has to do with how the item has been created and what options they choose to use on the upload of the mesh as well. A good creator could make a mesh bed for 1-2 prims. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, that was too much work :matte-motes-dead: but here we are. Picture shows two sizes at each LOD, using default low graphics RenderVolumeLODFactor. As you can see, it rounds down to one prim. It was much easier if I discarded some of the seven materials at the lowest LOD, but there is still a bug that makes the wrong textures come back when you zoom out and then back in when you do that (Grrr!). This is all just general purpose textures*. It would look better and use less with baked ones, but I can't be bothered with that just now, as this was just an exercise.


*ETA not quite - the end railings are replaced with a transparent texture at the lower LODs. That's what really makes the low LI possible. So it needs at least one custom texture for that. It's simple though.

ETA the wts shown were for shape type Convex Hull. Set to Prim, the phsyics weight is also 1.4. The LI is still 1. The physics shape is four boxes, bed, pillows and two ends, surface decomposed. Fot anyone interested, the triangle/vertex counts for successive LODs are [2356,2266], [209, 256], [88, 117], [13, 29].

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That is EXACTLY what I had in mind!

Perfect and awesome!

If the bed comes with mod perms, you could perhaps even make it a single bed by removing a pillow.

It is really great, well done!!

Either way, I'd pay for a full perm bed like that to stick my own textures on and animations in.

Because that is what I was looking for!!

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  • 2 months later...

Since we last spoke the idea of making my own mesh was far far away.

Blender was hurting my brain.

But recently I discovered Mesh Studio and ever since I have been a Mesh addict.

So I recently went back to my dream of a very low prim but nice looking bed and have made some progress.

Below you can see that I managed to make what I was looking for; a 1 prim bed frame, matress and pillow.

I cheated a little by making the pillow part of the frame, something I had not thought about before and is perfectly realistic.

The magic rule od SL; if you can't find it, make it.

Thus I managed to get what I wanted!

Of course now the horror of trying to make mesh blankets begins.

Adding my original sculpt blankets turns this 1 prim bed into a 3 prim bed and I don't want that.

Ideally the total bed will use 2 prims, including bed.

And I need the blankets to change once you get into bed so that will be something I will have to work on as well.

But at least, the bed is here :)


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Well done. I forgot to give you the finished bed after I made it thinner and separated the blanket! I think that was a good thing, as now you can make exactly what you want, you have the satisfaction of learning how to do it, and you can use what you learned to make all sorts of other things. I didn't find the blanket too hard. It was a plane allowed to fall onto a simple box using the Blender cloth simulation. Making the lower LODs was a pain in the curly bits. I don't know if Mesh Studio has cloth simulation.

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No, mesh studio is an inworld mesh builder, so extremely easy and super fast, but if you can't build it inSL with prims, you can't mesh it.

Although it will allow you to turn sculpts into mesh.

I will go back to blender for all soft and cloth sort of mesh, so far even just looking at the blender screen made my brain implode ;)

But thanks to Studio I now feel a bit more comfortable about it all and will return to blender eventually, to add soft stuff or to perhaps improve the mesh I already made with Studio.

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  • 7 months later...

It took a while, but eventually I found someone who could make a low prim blanket for me and with that I could finish my own 2 prim land impact bed :)

THANK YOU Piraiyah Novikov for helping me out.

When you get into the bed and click the blanket, it changes shape so you can really sleep under the blanket :)

I can finally get rid of my ugly sculpt bed I made long time ago that was 4 prims.

If you're curious, you can see it here and try the bed yourself;






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