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Physics: just one slider?

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Hi all,

Does Viewer 3 have just one overall slider for physics?  I ask, because I have it in its default position (I think), to the far right at 100%, and it doesn't seem to do anything.  It affects avatars, or game world, or both?

I recall that other viewers have complicated (and confusing) sliders for all sorts of body parts, lol.  Not the case in Viewer 3?


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Game physics are calc'd on the server so there are no settings in the viewer for that.

The viewer deals with Enhanced Avatar Physics... boobies, bellys, and butts bounce. You cantrol the amount of bounce by wearing a Physcis Layer. In Appearance or Edit My Shape or Appearance (right click on avatar) you can create a new Physics Layer and wear it and edit it. 

I haven't looked but I suspect you can buy premade physics layers in the market place.

The V3 viewers have the same avatar appearance conrtols as the old V1 viewers did. They are just harder to find. If you start trying to edit shape or appearance you'll intuitively end up in the right place.

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namssab1nad Piers wrote:

just a little off subject here.... wonder why they have not made a physics for male bits ... LOL ... you know... a big swagger when you walk... hahaha....

Because there are no male bits in the avatar mesh. :smileysurprised: :smileytongue:


Thus the guys have to wear a prim attachment if they are intending to appear normal when nude.  Avatar physics does not affect (and cannot affect) prim attachments.  It will only affect avatar mesh parts.



Make a JIRA "Guys need male parts in avatar mesh" :matte-motes-big-grin:



After that system pants would look really hilarious!  :smileyvery-happy:

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Ah, thanks for the replies.  I must have made several physics layers in the past, because I found several in my inventory!  Go figure.  Now my butt wiggles a little.  Woo!

How about seeing other peoples' physics?  Do I just have the one slider for that?  I recall that Phoenix had a range of sliders for boobs and other body parts.

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Ricky Shaftoe wrote:

How about seeing other peoples' physics?  Do I just have the one slider for that?  I recall that Phoenix had a range of sliders for boobs and other body parts.

This new physics is different what Phoenix had.  Phoenix had a voyer based physics;  that is you saw all others, and yourself jiggling how you had the settings in your viewer.  Others did not see you jiggling how you had the settings in your viewer, but instead they saw you how they had the settings in their viewer.

Now this new physics is wearer based: we see others jiggling how they have set the physics for themselves in their viewer.  So this new physics is like in RL.  For example if a woman does not wear a bra we can see her boobs moving a lot.  Then if she wears a sports bra we see less movemet in her boobs.  So this new physics is the way it should be as we, the wearer, have control how others will see us jiggling or not jiggling. :matte-motes-big-grin:

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