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A base model for mesh modeling in blender?


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See: Second Life Mesh Clothes Blender 2.6 Setup 2012 Tutorial - Specifically Page 2 for a list of files and information about them.

Page 3 has information about the differences in the files we call 'default avatar' and the idea of a 'default shape,' which seems to have confused a number of people.

All the links to the files are there.

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I won't say that my words are 100% true, but in some posts on youtube I saw that 2.63 has something that exports wrong mesh for sl through collada. I tried myself  2.63 so can tell you Yes I did all correct and while I exported through this version the mesh appeared distorted so much that I could not even tell what I see(that is actually the reason I was looking for an answer what's wrong with it). But when I placed the same file in 2.60 and exported with collada it worked just great.

I would suggest you to stay within versions 2.49, 2.59, 2.60 since there are many tuts that show step by step things how to ... Also stuff connecting blender with secondlife is not in the program, it has to be  downloaded as plugins or addons and most of times those are not for free. As for me I use 2.49 and 2.60 and totally happy with both)

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Thank you Nalate I will check out the tutorial and see how it works out.

The only problem Im having with blender 2.63a is i have to be careful with how i extrude things so that i dont reverse the normals and have it inside out, but that only happens if i delete all but one face and extrude away from the front face. That actually gave me a great idea for a full armor set.


What i was looking for was something so i dont get clipping with anything so it fits better ont he model, which is why i was looking for a base AV to model on, for a better fit.

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