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Linking mesh clothing item to HUD- Help PLease :)x


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I m having some trouble - i bought a mesh dress that i m making a hud for with texture change , so i ve resized the mesh item - shift dragged 10 coppies on my hud - then linked it all together - The mesh items is not the root prim.


But here is the strange thing everytime i attach the mesh items wont rezz - it rezzes on my body instead , i tried to change some of the settings of the mesh item to prim - but no luck .


Anyone know what i m doing wrong 

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The dress is weighted / skinned.  You need a version of the dress that is not weighted / skinned in order to do what you want.

You could contact the dresses creator and ask them if they have a version they didn't upload with weights or pay them to upload a new version without skin weights if they are open to doing it.

Hope that helps. :)


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Cathy Foil wrote:

The dress is weighted / skinned.  You need a version of the dress that is not weighted / skinned in order to do what you want.

And then after that - i.e. the rigging removed - the dress does not work any more as it is supposed to work.  The result surely is not good as the dress won't bend with the avatar body mesh.

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I don't quite understand what you've done.

If you simply want to be able to change the texture from a hud, you simply put something like this into the item

integer my_channel;integer handle;default{	attach(key attached)	{		if(attached){			llListenRemove(handle);//kill any old listeners 			my_channel =  ((integer)("0x"+llGetSubString((string)attached,-8,-1)) & 0x3FFFFFFF) ^ 0xBFFFFFFF;			//calculate a channel based on the uuid of whoever is wearing me			handle = llListen(my_channel,"","","");//and start listening		}	}	listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)	{		// do something when i receive a message on that channel	}}

 Then, in the hud, you calculate a channel in the same way, in the attach event, and then, when you've made a choice from the hud menu (or whatever you're doing in the hud to indicate a choice),  use something like 


One of the great things about llRegionSayTo is that all your attachments hear the message, assuming they're listening on the right channel.

Your hud and the item of clothing with which it's trying to communicate don't need to be -- shouldn't be -- linked, whether the clothing is made out of mesh or not.


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The problem, I believe, is that you're taking the actual object and putting it onto a hud, rather than taking a picture.. Unless you're trying to have it rez the dress, i don't believe you need copies of the rigged dress on the actual hud. It may help if you explain a bit better what you're doing with the hud and why you have to have copies of the dress on the hud rather than a photograph of a finished textured dress.

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