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PIcture tip jar

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The only way to tell, if you didn't get instructions with the tip jar, is to open the script and look at it.  There should be a fairly obvious line that uses llSetText and then possibly some less obvious code that instructs the script on how to find your picture.  If you don't have full permissions on the script and therefore can't edit it, you may be out of luck.  You could of course drop your own new script for hover text into the device and apply your own photo manually, but the original script would override those efforts. Fortunately, there are so many free tip jars in SL that you will be able to find another one (or make it) easiiy.

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If the script is no mod look for a notecard in the edit contents.  You may be able to open it and put your name there.  Also sometimes this is entered as the name of the object or in the description field.  If you don't see any of those things your just out of luck, unless the item is modifiable.  If it is you can get a tip script and replace the one in this one.

Changing the picture should be as simple as dragging one from your inventory onto the tip jar.  However, again,if it is no mod,  your out of luck and may as well trash it.

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Sounds like you are placing the object on land without scripts running. If the script was running it would put your name in there as the tip jar owner

Make sure it is set to the right group before setting it out (maKE sure you have the right group tag worn). If you change the group to it. reset scripts or take back in and set back out


Usualy to change the picture, you drag the one you want from your inventory and place it on the face you want to change the picture of

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