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about land option question

jaden Charisma

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2 answers to this question

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You can only check one.  If you check Group, only group members can rez objects on the land.  If you check Everyone, then anyone can rez objects.

I would not set "object entry" to Group only.  This makes life hard on aviators and anyone trying to cross your land with a vehicle.

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That is the permission panel for the parcel that you are standing in -- presumably your own parcel.  If those boxes are UNchecked, it means that nobody but the landowner (you) is allowed to rez items or bring items (other than worn items) into the parcel.  If the Group box is checked, then Group members may also do those things and, obviously, if Everyone is checked, then it's a free-for-all.  As the parcel owner, you may make your parcel's options more restrictive than the restrictions for the whole sim, but not less restrictive.  If the sim owner has decided that nobody but group members will be allowed to rez items on the entire sim, for example, you cannot decide that it's OK on your parcel.

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