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Undelivered Order

Czari Zenovka

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So with all the "stuff" going on re: MP orders I took a look at the MP transaction history today and saw an attempted order yesterday with the status "Undelivered."  I thought that was odd - not "In process" or whatever the stuck ones say. 

I checked my SL transactions and there was no listing of that transaction.  Off to the side of the  MP transaction page on that attempted order it showed a 0L amount.  I next IM'd the person who attempted to purchase the item to see if she received it, if her money was taken, etc.  She got back with me and said the order just never went through; no funds deducted, etc. and thanked me for contacting her.  (What I never get is how many customers don't contact merchants when they have issues ordering something.)

Anyway, she was very sweet and said it was ok because she knew sometimes MP orders were quirky.  We talked for a bit; I explained some of the current MP issues and encouraged her and anyone she knows to please contact the merchant if something like this happens.  I sent the item to her at no charge and thanked her for helping me troubleshoot what had gone wrong.

To my knowledge this is the first time I've had an undelivered item in the MP.  Not saying I NEVER have because I primarily kept track of the IMs/ANS as well as the SL transaction history each month.

Wonder how many sales I may have lost. :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:

Just another story in the great MP debacle.

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I would guess that the likelihood of a buyer contacting a merchant over such a problem as you discribed is about the same chance as someone who purchased a product from you actually taking the trouble of rating it on the Marketplace afterwords, meaning very rarely. Like a 1% chance. ;-)

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