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where are people getting these sim crashers and etc from and or at ? does any one also Spamming IM's


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i wanna know cause some one by the name(can't see)but that person send me muiple Notecard and calling cards and i wanna how is he doing this to me and why i wanna know how to do this well not really but yea some one please help me out




ok last night some one crashed me and a few other at Ahen he was standing next to me and a few other players all i saw next was red with yellow stuff on it i tryed to hurry up and block it but it was to late for that he crashed why i dont know now i want revange on him now better yet Liden Labs need to modraor all sims so this kind of stuff never happens ever again

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In as much as I can understand that; you are asking how someone can send you multiple notecards, etc.  One way is to stand next to you dragging them from inventory to your avatar over and over again.

Block them.  Forget them.  Move on.

Sim crashers?  You don't really think we'll post that here do you?

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The people who "crash" a sim make them themselves.  It used to be common for someone to create a self replicating prim and, not only crash a sim, but to crash the entire grid.  Linden Lab has done great things over the years to make self replicating prims almost useless as far as effecting a sim or the grid....I haven't heard of sim or grid being crashed by self replicating prims in a very long time (I'm sure someone will find an instance where it has happened recently though).  What happens now is the self replicating prims crash users' individual  viewers by overloading the graphics capablilities of the users' graphics........the prims (along with the textures) bring the users' graphics cards to their knees and the viewer crashes.  People with weaker graphics suffer more than people with good graphics (or high end graphics).  That's probably what's happening to you.....the sim or grid is not crashing but your viewer is.

A sim can be brought down with scripts thouqh........and I've seen a few instances where a sim was crashed by overloading the sim with scripts (not often but I've seen it a few times in the last few months). 

Both self replicating prims and multiple scripts with the intent to crash either anyone's viewer or a sim (or the grid) are serious violations of the ToS.  AR every instance of such attempts. LL is very good about such tactics and deal with it quite severely.

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This is a wide spread issue. Sim crashers, graphic crashers, spammers of all kinds are being allowed to continue because Linden labs does not take it serious at all. Ask anyone who has been attacked with these tools and they will tell you nothing is being done about removing these Individuals from Secondlife. I was forced to leave important mentor groups because of such griefers attacking professional help areas who were targeting my sister, hacking her facebook account, gaining real life Info and then Involving myself by targeting the sims that I volunteer to help new residents. From first hand experience I have filed many many reports with LL and again and again these Individuals appear like nothing has happened. What this does is encourage others to do the same, eventually Second life will be unable to have any control over this problem, it is a disgrace that many residents Including the very new has to experience such barbaric behaviour. The TOS and CS deemed useless. As for any  defence against these current attacks there is very little you can do. No you can't run or even TP out because by the time you realise your under attack it's too late! Relog is pointless because the attacks simply continue when you log back in no matter what sim you log into. Even in some cases blocking, derendering does not help at all because these newest attacks bypass any thing you do. I took the opportunity to show an experienced user exactly what was happening whilst an attack was under way and he said that he doesn't know what sort of tools they are using but he had to relog 10 times before his viewer was stable again. There is no defence end of story.

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Sim crashers are readily available, and I wont tell you where, why add to the problem. The current tool of choice is a graphic card crasher, see Bo's comments on this. Linden Lab are aware it exists, to the point where I have emailed the CEO direct and informed him, I work on the premiss - start at the top, While the abuse report system is slow, you should AR every event, it provides history. A tit-for-tat approach is not advised under any circumstances, simply because you are putting your account at risk.

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Thing is, with a griefer or someone attempting to be malicious or upsetting to others, its usually a case of "prove it" with LLs. I have noticed many avatars griefing are oldies, they spend money, have a purpose, and LLs HATES throwing someone out who actually funds them. I was stalked once, and it took about 12 reports from others, including the sim owners, to get this guy banned. LLs are not hasty when it comes to throwing anyone off the frid, and i noticed only when the offence is repeated many, many times will they do anything.

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