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Adult activities promoted in Mature rated regions

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Ok, A friend of mine asked me about the difference of sexual activities in clubs, roleplay areas in a mature region, compared with an Adult region.

I thought it had to do with saying everything in local or in Private chat....

I had no clue and looked in SEARCH with several keywords such as sex, **bleep**, rape, gorean, beast,  bestiality, animal etc etc

And I was shocked to find a long list of places in Moderate regions where all this stuff is offered. I was under the impression that LL forced all those activities to Adult rated regions.


As said in the SL guide:

"Second Life's Moderate designation accommodates most of the non-adult activities common in Second Life. Dance clubs, bars, stores and malls, galleries, music venues, beaches, parks, and other spaces for socializing, creating, and learning all support a Moderate designation so long as they do not host publicly promoted adult activities or content and do not use adult search tags. Groups, events and classifieds that relate to this broad range of activities and themes generally should also be designated as Moderate.

Residents in these spaces should therefore expect to see a variety of themes and content. Stores that sell a range of content that includes some "sexy" clothing or objects can generally reside in Moderate rather than Adult regions. Dance clubs that feature "burlesque" acts can also generally reside in Moderate regions as long as they don't promote sexual conduct, for instance through pose balls (whether in "backrooms" or more visible spaces). However if any of these businesses uses adult-oriented search tags, the region may be categorized as Adult and blocked from appearing in non-Adult search."


When I look for  "slave" I get  "Some terms in your search query were excluded due to content restrictions as clarified in the Community Standards."


So I am sort of confused why clear adult activities can be exploided in Local chat in Mature regions

Why can animal sex be in the mature search list?

Somebody here has an answer?


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You can AR but it's a pretty hopeless cause.  You're not going to get a sensible and consistent definition of the maturity ratings from LL, let alone have it consistently enforced, they just aren't that involved in-world.  Ever since they started this general/moderate/adult nonsense there have been disagreements about what they mean, what's allowed and who's most pissed-off about it.

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I hope if someone from the Lab reads this topic, they can tell us why, after all the expense for Zindra to exist and to zone virtual prostitution and (public) adult activities there, they have allowed, ever since, a MAJOR brothel on Moderate land, which has nothing but NPIOF, (and non age-verified avatars) visiting there, working there, and populating its group? I won't name it, but the members tend to also be a blight on my land, as their one purpose in SL is to play for free, trawl for clients anywhere with decent traffic, and I have no way to know if they are under age or what, as they do so, on my land which is not zoned for this? Trust me the place and its members are NOT subtle.

Why in the world is there a huge escort place on a sim on Moderate land, Linden Lab - and when are you going to do something about it?

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Public adult content should be on adult land, but a lot of the time it goes unreported on mature land.

But some of those words aren't automatically adult. Sex could bring up an academic area discussing single sex schools through history. One of my areas comes up for Gorean, because I have kaissa and zar in my chess garden. Context matters when it comes to whether to report something or not.

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"gorean" isn't adult, get over it. Though it MAY contain adult activities, it doesn't have to. Where it happens in M rated areas there are warnings, the areas are effectively private, and things that wouldn't pass content guidelines for open areas in M zones are typically kept indoors.

And since when is the word "animal" something that's "adult" (by which you clearly mean sex related)? If I put up a breeding farm for horses and pets on M rated land and advertise it as "animal farm" or some such I'm in violation of LLs TOS according to you?
Or a zoo?

The very fact that you're actively looking for things that by your definition violate the TOS without ever having seen them is clearly indicative of you being a griefer. You apparently get a kick out of causing trouble for others.

You also seem to have no clue about the TOS and how it relates to M vs. A areas. While advertising explicitly might be a technical violation in some cases, the activities themselves are not. If the activities are performed indoors, in areas set aside for them, and/or the parcel is locked, invitation only with age verification, there is nothing wrong with it. That's what sets aside the A zones from M zones, as there those restrictions don't apply as access is automatically barred to underage accounts.

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 you will find a better definition of what is not allowed in moderate if you look in the adult rating definitions of what has to be rated adult..

if you are looking for what is not allowed in moderate in the moderate definitions.. you won't find a whole lot there really that is too clear..

the moderate definition is where they seem to get really confusing to some in their wording..

plus check out their FAQ's..they seem to have updated them to be a little more clearer than they used ot be..




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