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[QUICKTIP] Toggle offline instant messages (IMs)

Torley Linden


Do you want to have Second Life instant messages forwarded to your email address when you're not logged in? Or do you get many IMs and find them spammy? Whatever your choice, you can

toggle offline instant messages (IMs)

^ As that help page explains, you can do it from Account > Contact Information in your secondlife.com Dashboard, which is handy if you're somewhere you can't login to Second Life, or would rather not bother logging in. (I love convenience, don't you?)

While you're at it, you can also change your email address on the same page.

Dashboard - Account - Contact Information.png


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Hey Torley, What about getting some privacy in-world? Prior to SL Viewer2 it was pretty easy to turn-off one's online/in-world status in the friends list (even toggle one's online/in-world status for individual friends in one's friends list) but in SL Viewer2 that functionality seems to be missing. What's up with that? I really miss that feature! Is there a way to regain that control in SLV2?

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Hey Torley, What about getting some privacy in-world? Prior to SL Viewer2 it was pretty easy to turn-off one's online/in-world status in the friends list (even toggle one's online/in-world status for individual friends in one's friends list) but in SL Viewer2 that functionality seems to be missing. What's up with that? I really miss that feature! Is there a way to regain that control in SLV2?

Look under 'Notes and Privacy' tab in the appropriate Profile.

P.S. I know I'm not Torley but hopefully that is helpful.

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Forwarding of offline messages/notices seems to work intermittently; it's been that way for me since 2007 at least.  (And yes, I've checked my spam filters.  I've even turned them off for periods just to test).  I'm very sure I'm not alone in this.  If I have two avatars that are members of the same group, they each seem to get a random subset of the notices that actually are sent.

I'm resigned to this always being the case.  My question is: does anyone know enough about this to be able to give guidance as to how to send a notice so that it is most likely to be forwarded successfully?  For example, if the problem is in SL's messaging servers, then presumably it would be best to send them when the grid is most idle?  Or, if the problem is with a 3rd party message gateway service that SL uses, perhaps when that gateway is most idle?

Any clues?

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Hitomi, that's a workaround, not a fix. It's like saying "just use IE" when somebody says a certain webpage doesn't work in Firefox. It's not a fix.

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I disagree. IM to Email should always be the option. What Linden should do is either removing the IM cap or making every single IM communication work even during TP.

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I also know if you do get an offline IM->email, there's a line at the bottom that says:

To stop receiving these emails, log in to Second Life and uncheck "Send IM to Email" in the General tab of the Preferences window or visit:

with a link to click. But, (1) that's the wrong UI instructions (maybe it should simply point to the web) and (2) link doesn't appear to work if you're not logged in, with no visible indication of that.

@Hitomi And yes, thanks for being helpful!

@Nika Is there already a bug on http://jira.secondlife.com that matches your problem? I don't know enough about that myself, but at least other Residents experiencing the same thing would have a focused place to experiment.

@Bryon Longer-term, I'd hope that IMs and other inworld communication (like notecards) can be unified with someone's existing inbox. Many people complain of having too many places to check (consider all the social sites out there that have their own "IM" system).

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Stemfax, You actually agree. Getting rid of the setting as indicated actually means "IM to Email should always be the option". That is since the communication framework was half baked, with a disregard for carrying the communication though reliably at all times. The only need for such a setting would be if, and only if, IMs would bounce back to the sender. Basically the whole design is lame and inconsiderate of the most basic necessities.

@Torley, So do I. The worse part of the current system is that it never says if the message didn't reach its destination, should it be the case. Who ever decided that this was ok should be shot. (Virtually speaking of course )

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I'm not receiving my offlines. Initially I was, and I've never changed any settings. I just took a look and my email address is still the same and it is checked to receive offlines. What could be the issue?

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I no longer have that box "I would like to receive off-line IMs in my email" .  It is simply not there.  So NOW how can I receive them?  Thanks for any help!

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I used to have mine on, then while trying to figure out how to turn it on for a friend, I turned mine off, and now I can't turn it on again. Did SL stop doing this?

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