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Second Life Destinations - Le Village de Roqueblanche

Linden Lab


Take a stroll through Roqueblanche in Second Life, a quaint virtual village and paradise for lovers of French culture and history.

Professional landscaper and interior designer, Albane Claray, shares her story and inspiration for Roqueblanche:

“My name is Albane and I am a girl from the south of France. I was born 26 years ago and grew up in a small village, raised by my grandmother. A few years ago, when I discovered Second Life, I was immediately amazed by the talent of the creators who, day after day, bring this not-so-virtual universe to life.
I watched, I learned, and I, too, began to draw pixel landscapes. It has become more than a hobby, it has become a passion.

Each new empty lot is a blank canvas for me and I have so much fun painting and creating.

I am happy to share this passion with all those who give me the opportunity to create for them, and who trust me to give life to their dreams, their desires.

I will always be an apprentice, a student as this universe offers possibilities to our creativity. We have no limits, no boundaries.

My story and my origins helped me build Roqueblanche, this little piece of my country. I find there the colors and smells of my childhood, the paths traveled so many times, the light of this end of the summer day, when the stones scorched by the sun are covered with shadows, when the old people of the village go out and sit in the square, in the shade of the old trees.

I wanted to share these memories, to offer people around the world a trip to Provence, the land of sun and perfumes. Roqueblanche is my cradle, my heart, and my sharing with the inhabitants of Second Life.”

Explore Roqueblanche today, and should you feel inclined, make it your next home.

Video Production by Draxtor Despres


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