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Holiday Shop & Hop Event 2022 - Applications Now Open!

Linden Lab



Change is in the air...can you feel it? Halloween is almost over and Winter is fast approaching! We are gearing up to celebrate the holiday season with our annual Holiday Shop & Hop, which will be held from December 8th, 2022 through January 2nd, 2023.

Applications are now open for Creators who might want to participate in this year’s event, which will feature multiple shopping regions and tons of festive fun! 
We are looking for Merchants willing to offer a discount on their items (at least 20% off) and provide a new non-exclusive gift to shoppers.
If this sounds like something you would be interested in, please fill out this form as soon as possible and no later than Monday, November 7th. We will contact you soon after that date if your application is accepted.

Please note that the Halloween Shop & Hop closes tomorrow, make sure to visit today! Happy Halloween!

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