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Jackson Redstar

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  1. One could 'play' SL free forever, and Linden wouldn't make a penny, Linden is counting on new users to stick around and start spending money on shopping, maybe buying land, maybe become a premium member. Linden's issue seems to be new users never return. Learning how to use the UI, where to go, what to do, making friends all that - I just don't think a mobile app will solve
  2. I doubt a mobile app will bring in more new users when the the majority of new users on the existing platform never come back
  3. again one of those well intentioned things that doesn't always work out properly. I do weddings, and alot of wedding are on private sim, often with a A rating, and alot of wedding have children - flower girls and ring bears, along with sometimes just children of the guests
  4. I don't have a AMD processor but is the custom port? you have numbers or specs for that? I have 500 up and down so I'm really not thinking it is bandwidth bottleneck issue - but might as well try if I can and I've learned long ago don't F around in bios lol
  5. the stutter is in the GPU graph - the valley is the 'freeze" on screen the the peak is where things are moving again. Stop, start, stop, start. Other wise, wasn't much lag, it was pretty smooth for a fairly crowded event - about 25fps or so. I dunno maybe it's just a Windows thing. Next time I will record the scene on video
  6. I know this been discussed alot here - i have a screen shot from the task manager that shows exactly the stutter. I still don't know why it does this
  7. Yes the RTX can be more efficient and run cooler - but this is why also is a good Idea to set a FPS limit, no need to for the GPU to be cranked at 100% all the time. I keep min at 32 fps, more than enough for a smooth experience in SL when everything is going good (that is with the shaders and shadows on)
  8. 1200-1500 build your own PC will be good for SL. SL is diminishing return too I recently rebuilt my system I did back in 2012 and went from a gtx1080 to a rtx 3070, Barely a difference in FPS performance But because I do alot of video was worth it for rendering. Point is you don't need to get to crazy to build a decent machine for SL
  9. in Windows I remember there is a 'game mode' in the settings - I cannot recall the exact thing, but I had a newer system and was having alot the same issues and it turned out to be something to do with game mode settings. It is a bit fuzzy for me but I seem to remember also i had to turn off (I think) Hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling. In any case, sometimes in crowded sims, SL still does the stutter and I can visually see it in the task manager monitoring the GPU graph If you are seeing this recording, at least in OBS, you can monitor to see if you are getting rendering lag or encoding lag. Lately, for some reason, I been getting at random times extreme encoding lag even though nothing has changed in my hardware, software or settings. I also use the FPS limiter in FS set to 32
  10. I can remember even after having had a verified paypal account for over a decade, when Tillia came around I had to get get 're verified' which included among other things, dancing on one leg in a pink sock while the other was wearing blue, naming each of my 10 toes and the reason I chose those names, identifying 100 different species of birds along with naming the last 200 transactions on Linden, the exact amount and the reason for them. Sure would hate to go through all that all over again!
  11. shift+alt+ctrl+4 - turn off all avatars - including yourself
  12. i know it is way off topic from the top post, but since we also talking about recording video i did a simple OBS tut a bit back
  13. OK I should clarify. I am looking at this from the perspective of creating video in world. Lowering draw distance is not always an option, Turning off Dynamic Draw helps keeps things rezzed but it can really degrade performance. And MSAA - Im not even sure that is.
  14. all these devs in the comments here melting my brain with technical explanations. Are there any good debug setting we can set to increase visual performance? I remember back in the old days there was settings like MeshTriangles or something and Triangle-something, damn i can't remember them now, but is there anything someone with a 'powerful enough' computer can do to, when it comes to tweaking debug settings, to improve visual performance?
  15. or. it could be the case with the official viewer - why bother? if you really really want to defender something - just use Firestorm
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