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Adumelial Rothstein

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  1. I was never addicted. I collect. I played maybe 3-5 vendors at the most. I buy from resellers. I thought it was a grand idea when it came out. I have not even tried to resell my "extras". I have many "sets" just because - well, I had to have them? I went out tonight and bought one last set and a few odds. When I found out tonight my stomach just started behaving very badly? Like my stomach is sick all of a sudden badly? Oh Lindens - are you sick? I must ask? Whatever is wrong with you? Why did you not put a stop to this at the beginning? What will you do when addicts go through withdrawals? I want to ask - what Mommy's CC got used out of whack? Why do we all have to go through this? Is this going to effect the SL economy in anyway? *tries not to vomit too much*
  2. I am getting a crash continually since the Firestorm Update in March. After Firestorm crashes SL "Bug Splat" points to Firestorm every time. I send in the error reports to them with the files and fill in the what I was trying to do, with no fix!? Does anyone know why or what fix I can do. Yes, clean install. IT here very miffed with SL all around because of this. Premium member too
  3. I cannot find on my account where to cancel the LindeX purchase. It shows in my emails and my paypal statement but I cannot see where to cancel the LindeX purchase. When the 1 day promised fulfillment did not go through I even went to live chat ( I am premium) and they were not much help to direct me where to cancel? The support person said I can go back to my chat session and it is not there. So I imagine I will be going to live chat again today and\or calling support on this. Yes, I will cancel, so it can go to the purchase now. Editing: I just now found where to cancel. So glad so what happens now?
  4. What if I told my CC to cancel the payment? And counteracted through PayPal where I pay? I was not aware of this nonsense. I will never buy through LindeX again. I like the simplicity of paying my parcel rent per month. I do not want anything nagging my financial brain like this?
  5. I was in live chat last week as my exchange for LindeX $L did not go through. I was told if I cancel it from their site, my account will still have the credit but from where? I went ahead and used the quick buy for a week - as I had rent due. I like to pay mine monthly? This has never happened before. LindeX always delivered the amount at said time. They stated a day...well it has been 4 day now. I am at a loss as what to do? Is the market slow and is this happening to others?
  6. what is the nest region opening? And what time of the day should I try on a Monday (tomorrow) to tag a traditional home? Do Moles have their choice of home on their reg SL alt?
  7. I just really love watching them also Leora. Thanks for the Pickle Island Mole Gallery ❤️
  8. I love you Moles so much I want to be one! ❤️ SERIOUSLY!?
  9. If someone in the forums insults another you should report that post to the forum moderators. That post of insulting will be taken out, and/or the insulator may get a warning depending if they did not honor the SLforum TOS. Take it from someone who has been all over this...lol.
  10. I have given up on getting the much coveted "new" Linden Home!! I do not have a reg Linden Home and I do not have the patience (albeit I am accused in RL of being extraordinarily PATIENT) to do the auto refresh on a browser I do not even use for every 70 seconds (blah blah) looking at another screen during that refresh. I usually have at least 4 + SL related screens up while in SL? So for me doing the auto refresh is just idiotic! I love you Linden Labs, but I will not resort to this kind of unthinkable waste of my time. I have payed for a SL Premium account for a few years now to mainly be able to advance SL support on any issues with my $L purchases, land rentals, inventory refresh (for Aditi beta use) and maybe a few other "being Premium" benefits. Having a Linden Premium House has never really been my agenda for having a Premium account. I will wait till I see a notification like I did when I even found out about them on my SL Account Dashboard. 🤐 end vent~~
  11. I have given up on getting the much coveted "new" Linden Home!! I do not have a reg Linden Home and I do not have the patience (albeit I am accused in RL of being extraordinarily PATIENT) to do the auto refresh on a browser I do not even use for every 70 seconds (blah blah) looking at another screen during that refresh. I usually have at least 4 + SL related screens up while in SL? So for me doing the auto refresh is just idiotic! I love you Linden Labs, but I will not resort to this kind of unthinkable waste of my time. I have payed for a SL Premium account for a few years now to mainly be able to advance SL support on any issues with my $L purchases, land rentals, inventory refresh (for Aditi beta use) and maybe a few other "being Premium" benefits. Having a Linden Premium House has never really been my agenda for having a Premium account. I will wait till I see a notification like I did when I even found out about them on my SL Account Dashboard. 🤐 end vent~~
  12. This means you are using the chrome browser auto refresh and have it set in options to only look for houses in the Bellisseria Community. Correct? If yes, what are you setting the seconds to refresh at and do you have the "sound alert" checked in the auto refresh so you hear when the page has refreshed?
  13. I have seen this so many times when I go to get a traditional home. I am in the dark as to what to do? I recall someone saying stay on that page it is the servers trying to catch up? Please help me to understand what to do? https://gyazo.com/dc59ffc2fc136f83fed289d8f047e91f
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