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Adeon Writer

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  1. The Sims is a single player doll house series. Think Sim City, except it's just one house, that you can see inside of. It's a Neighborhood Simulator, and later on in the series, Small Town Simulator. You aren't any one character, you're just a god looking down and controlling anyone you want at any time you want to do anything to make whatever story you want to happen. You can just jump from controlling person to person. They will do what you say, but also have a will of their own when you aren't controlling them.
  2. That’s an interesting take since the original Metaverse as described in Snowcrash was owned by a single company. Also second life was touted as a metaverse for years. Many saying it was the original one. I suppose you disagree?
  3. I don't know what annoys me more, the fact that Second Life chose not to pursue VR despite being the one kind of application that VR is desperately lacking, or the fact that Facebook thinks the VR metaverse hasn't been around for years already.
  4. Sorry if this is already known but Linden doesn't own Sansar anymore. They sold it off. The chances of them buying it back are very, very slim.
  5. I wouldn't call Carmack enthusiast. In his keynote two day ago he all but said "We are making a mistake, I'll do my best to damage control."
  6. Oh trust me, I'm well aware of it. I couldn't possibly not know about it, because it's the latest laughing stock of the internet. Horizons is what was on my mind when I made that statement: Facebook has no idea what people want a virtual world for, and their reveal proved that to all of social media. Have you looked into Facebook's Horizons? As in, images of what it actually looks like? Do it: And tell me you think anyone will have any interest in it. I trust your judgement.
  7. Anyone who is afraid of Facebook being remotely successful in the metaverse department doesn’t know how clueless Facebook is in what people want out of the Metaverse.
  8. Forgive me for not knowing or understanding the difference because I don’t 🙂
  9. Didn’t a big investment company recently buy SL? I would not expect them to sell it. They clearly have plans.
  10. Tabletop games works well in SL because it is not destroyed by Second Life’s “shared experience” restrictions. Everyone always sees the same thing on the table, so those kind of games work just fine. for actual games though, linden really needs to let us render things differently for different people.
  11. Yeah. It would bake to a mesh, but the primitives would still be saved. CSG would only need to be calculated while in build mode. That's things like Little Big Planet do it, anyway.
  12. money() and llFrand don't belong in the same script. Linden could very easily forbid this by policy, I think.
  13. Actual claw machines. C'mon. Fill The Arcade with actual boardwalk carnival games, and put it in a skill gaming region. It already has the theme and ambience down! Was always disappointed it wasn't more authentic to the what it was trying to look like.
  14. Just like nobody forces you to buy gachas. That's not why gachas are banned, of course. Ultimately, they are banned for the predatory behavoir. This new type of script skirts around the ban, while still being the thing the spirit of the law is trying to prevent. That's why I'd like a response.
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