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Second Life Viewer Crashing (Changed Name)


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Ok you are right, It is the program that is crashing but now it is worse! :( First I tried to upload a photo and the viewer kept crashing on me. Then it finally did a major crash and it wont let me log in.. It wont even get pass the initializing VFS part. It wont let me log in or anything. I have restarted my computer multiple times and I have uninstalled and re installed the viewer! But nothing seems to work. The program is crashing because when I click upload the screen turns white and a message pops up saying program not responding, and I cannot log in to get the specific information you asked for. And also I would tell my mechanic "My car won't go when I want it to" because I would not be able to clearly tell them whats wrong. The same goes for on here I dont know what is wrong that is why I am going on the forum. I am not trying to sound rude or stupid but I just truly dont know what is happening with the second life viewer. 


I dont know how to reply to you lol so I am just typing it in the question. I cant even get to the log in page, like it wont launch at all and as for the VFS thank you very much! I will start googling now :)

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To echo what Echo said (how's that for a play on words?  :) ), when you edit your post to include some information so that people might be able to help make sure your discribing the problem.  You said your computer is crashing.  I doubt that your computer, itself, is crashing yet that is what you said.  A computer crash is very different than a program crash.  When your computer crashes your computer operating system stops responding (meaning you can do absolutely nothing with it.....sometimes the only way out of the crash is to force a shut down by removing the power source).  Sometimes the computer will restart on it's own.  Sometimes, if you wait long enough, the operating system will recover enough so that you can restart it normally (but that's rare).  A computer crash is a pretty big crash and usually indicates something is very wrong and needs to be investigated.  A program crash is what people normally experience.  When a program crashes the only thing effected is the program itself......it stops responding, or you suddenly find yourself looking at your desktop, maybe it just freezes up.  But you do not have to do anything severe like force a shut down of your complete system to recover.  You simply shut down the crashed program (either by the normal method to going to the task manager and shuting the crashed program down).  Other than the program that crashed, everything else on the computer is uneffected.  You said your computer crashed without any discription........that forces anyone who might want to help to make assumptions.  Those assumptions could very well be incorrect and because of that their attempts to help are all in vain.  Your problem doesn't get solved and everyone wastes time trying to help.  You wouldn't email your mechanic with "My car won't go when I want it to" without a discription because you know your mechanic needs more information than that to help you.......why do you think posting your problem on a forum is any different?

After you clarify your problem with a accurate discription you really need to include some basic computer specs.  A very easy way to do that is to launch your viewer and under the "Help" menu click "About Second Life".  You'll see the basic specs that are reported to the servers of the computer you are using.  Copy those specs and paste them back here.

And my final comment (and this is just a guess since I have nothing to go on) is that you are not crashing at all when you try to upload a picture.  What is happening is that you are loosing the connection to the servers.  That happens a lot with wireless connections.  And also on minimal connections (such as low bandwidth DSL connections).  Sometimes it's router and/or modem problems.  But if you give an accurate discription of the problem that possibly can be explored and might fix your problem.  Otherwise, everything is a guess.  And guessing is not a very effective way to fix a problem.

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You do not have to log in to get the specs from the Help menu.  Just launch it and click on the "Help" menu at the log in screen.

And, if you do a Google search for "VFS" you'll find lots of information that will help you understand where the problem lies......and once you find out where the problem lies you can start fixing it.  A VFS error is a problem that originates with the operating system.  You're crashing could have damaged some files that your system needs in order for you to log in.  You're Google search will give some information about how to repair the damaged files.

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This software for the "forums" is not the proper software for a discussion........it's blog software modified to mimick forum software (somewhat but it's not suited for a discussion at all).  You answering using the "Options-Edit" is the best way.  So don't feel bad about not knowing how to respond........very few do with this blog software.

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Hi AmbiiLove (great name!)

Yes, Answers is not intuitive and OP's have to edit their questions to post additional comments. Best also if you click one the permalinks under any reply and just say you've added more information and that way anyone who has already replied will get a notification.

Try a full uninstall including manually removing the Second Life folders in AppData. Here is how:

Uninstall normally then manually remove the hidden Second Life folders in AppData.

Enable Hidden Files & Folders:

1) Open Control Panel
2) Open “Folder Options”
3) Open the “View” tab
4) Check “Show hidden files, folders, and drives”

Press OK and close control panel.

Accessing AppData:

Browse to the path below that corresponds to your operating system:

Windows XP - C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\

Windows Vista - C:\Users\<username>\AppData\

Windows Vista Home Premium - C:\Users\<username>\AppData\

Windows 7 - C:\Users\<username>\AppData\ 

Inside the AppData folder:

1) Open the Local folder and delete the entire Second Life folder.

2) Go back one level to the AppData folder.

3) Open the Roaming folder and delete the entire Second Life folder. If you wish to save existing chat files you've had with other avatars, move the Roaming > [avatar name] folder elsewhere on your computer or simply rename it SecondLife_old and drag any chat text files you wish to retain into the new Roaming > [avatar name] folder once Second Life is reinstalled and you've logged in at least once. Ignore if you don't want to save any.

4) Navigate to Computer > C > Windows > Prefetch and remove the file SLPLUGIN.EXE-00341750.pf.

5) Restart your computer.

Now download a fresh copy of Second Life and install it.

If you still have problems, and this may be a longshot as you don't mention getting an application error message but I would suggest you look for a virus and in that respect check this thread.


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