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Unable To Upload MESH - verified

Samara Kasshiki

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So, it has been a long week with lots of support chats (both good and bad) and I wanted to put up what I learned here for others since info seems to be a bit spotty.

To upload mesh:

You of course need to have payment info on file (not used) and need to complete the mesh test (a separate one for each grid, Agni and Aditi (free beta testing spot)).

You need a mesh upload viewer (both the official viewer and Firestorm qualify, don't know about others).

You need a viable dae file --  so if you are new, save the default cube as a test file *smile*.

All that out of the way things can STILL GO WRONG and that is what has been happening to me all along. Sometime the upload window will calculate, sometimes not. Now and then it does calculate but won't upload the mesh. My research on this issue didn't prove terribly informative but I did find a thread somewhere that said there was an issue with the "stack" if I am remembering correctly that needed to be cleared now and then. No official word on this but it seems like it may be true.

I could upload on Aditi for hours testing with no issues at all, instant uploads. Then the uploader just stalled -- even as I was between tests (no relogging). I chatted up support and asked them to have the Aditi techs reboot (clear whatever) the mesh uploader. That seemed to solve the issue three times. In the end though support for whatever reason didn't want to continue with that process.

Eventually and after several conversations (on reminiscent of the old "this is In-di-a" tech support days  - sigh) I found out that they don't SUPPORT the mesh upload process. They sent me back HERE ! 


Had to laugh at that. Their only suggestion was to completely uninstall Firestorm (clean) and install ONLY the official viewer. If that didn't solve the issue then they didn't know and I was on my own. I may try that when I install FS's next upgrade but honestly if I have a choice of uploading mesh and only living with the official viewer? Well not a good choice for me.

For anyone else dealing with this problem  -- and while I don't know too many folks that make mesh I did chat with a couple with the exact same "come back in a couple of days and it will probably work" philosophy and long term history -- I have tried both viewers (albeit not a clean install with ONLY the SL official viewer on my system), two accounts, both grids. One thing that leads me to believe it is NOT the viewer is that yesterday I could upload on Aditi from 5 am to 5 pm (I did take a break, honestly) BUT I couldn't upload the tested files on the main grid during that same time period.

Last evening Aditi's uploader went down for me and it is still down along with the main grid one. Power cycled my modem, no router, cleared cache et al. I do know that the mesh uploader is working for some folks on Aditi as I asked one person who was building an impressive looking sci fi esce building.

So, that's the story. All roads lead back to the MESH forum since mesh is not officially supported. I thank the support person for being honest about that, and yes, I had to ask some pretty pointed questions to get that info.

So if I DO find the answer I will be sure and report it, but for now it appears to be a bug of some kind for many of us. I am using Blender by the way and so was at least one person that has this same issue. Not sure if that has anything to do with it since the same files that upload beautifully one time, fail an hour later with no changes made.


That's the report. Know it is a long one. Only a few people will care but this might help someone along the way.

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I'd be really curious to know what that rep meant by "not supported".  There's no way that mesh upload is not an officially supported feature.  Are you sure he/she didn't mean that uploading via Firestorm was not supported?  After all, LL can only support their own product, not products made by third parties.

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I asked specifically what the next step would be if I completely uninstalled the Firestorm Viewer and did a new clean install of the Linden Lab viewer and I still had issues. The person said that at that time, if the Second Life viewer still didn't let me upload there was nothing more that that  (edited: "they") could do as the support team did not officially support MESH. That's all I know. You read it as you will.

They said that from there on should the official viewer also not work for me my best bet was to come to the forums and the mesh wiki and gave me those links. I told them that I had them and thank you, I had been there. They said that from there on out the issues would belong to the technical folks and not the support team and that it may be a bug (yes they DID say that) and that I should write it up in a JIRA report.

That's my report. I did not save the chat and wouldn't paste it in here even if I did. :D.

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Here is a little update of the ongoing inability to upload mesh debacle :D. Oddly enough it seems to work fine in the AFTERNOON so I will adjust my schedule accordingly. Installing a new, clean, LL viewer with absolutly NO leftover viewer files on my computer did no good. Surprise! :D   I did send in a bug report which is an emensely non-intuitive process. It may get fixed eventually.

Here is the end of my chat with name of helper removed.


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