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And yet more "misinformation" from LL.

Josh Susanto

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I have reduced my market items to about 280 spread evenly over 4 boxes and otherwise complied with instructions about how to get them to deliver. After this I began raising some of my prices again from 0L to 9L.

My first new order at 9L showed as paid, on the transactions screen, but my account balance didn't increase, so I checked the order itself.

Please compare the two screen shots here and explain to me how I'm being paranoid and it's my own fault anyway that this happened.


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Hey Josh,

This is great information. Thank you.

The SLM Order shows delivered, but when you view the line item entry for your product, it shows failed.

This same information is shown when we view the order information from the Admin side.

The SLM Order Status in those cases should show Delivery Partially Failed instead of Delivered.

I have pushed that to the one of the Dev Team members and they are going to do some testing on that to find out what's up with the difference in the reported status.

One question that has come up is when did you change the price on the listing?

Also, if necessary we could meet up in world today as well so that we can try a couple of other things to see if we can get a decent resolution to this mess for you.


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Hello Josh,

After testing and researching more, here is what we have found.

The item that was purchased in the order isn't in being reported as being in your Magic Boxes in world.

If you review your Magic Box Status page all of the items that are showing in the Unassociated Inventory Column are the items that the system is reporting as being in your Magic Box.

The ferny wall 05.08.11 stone rock sculpted full permissions prim isn't on the list.

It appears that after you removed items from your Magic Box you did not Sync the Marketplace to your Magic Boxes.

We did this for you.

A lot of items are now showing as Unavailable, including the ferny wall 05.08.11 stone rock sculpted full permissions prim product.

Since it appears that you did not Synch the Marketplace to your Magic Boxes the system didn't unlist the products that no longer had an item in your Magic Box.

This means that buyers could still attempt to purchase the product.

When the system couldn't get the item delivered, since it couldn't be found in your Magic Boxes, the orders failed.

I have just ordered another one of your products and the order processed and the item was delivered within seconds.

Any time you make changes to your Magic Boxes, including moving or deleting the boxes themselves or adding and removing items from the Magic Box it is imperative that the Marketplace be sync'd to the Magic Boxes using the button go on the Manage Inventory page this way the web site will be working with the most current and updated information.


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I press the synch button so many times a day that I'm surprised it doesn't break off and fall to the bottom of the screen.

Assuming, anyway, that I simply did not synch, I might ask what would have happened if the boxes had spontaneously deactivated or otherwise needed to be reset while I was offline.

How would that result be different from this one?

If it would be the same, why has it apparently never happened before (or at least not until a few days ago)?

Why did customers so frequently report my items disappearing from the market when my box simply needed to be reset (again, at least until a few days ago)?

More importantly, what business does LL ever have telling people that items have been delivered, when they have not been delivered?

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Hello Josh,

There wouldn't be a difference. The same thing would happen.

The system would send a delivery message and not receive a reply and time out the order and cancel the sale.

This is why it is recommended that merchants have a back up Magic Box with a duplicate copy of the items on a different region.

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Well, considering that none of the boxes active on SLM at the time of the order ever even contained the ordered item, it seems like a big invitation for something to go wrong also by other means.

If I understand what you're saying so far, I need to delist every item in a box before I delete the box, in case someone orders one of in-between when I click the delete button and when the synch button also finishes its business. Is that correct?

Why would people at LL want to both be bothered with this question again by someone else AND press the synch button for that person (thanks), rather than just press the synch button without having to explain anything?

Wouldn't that be less work?


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I just duplicated the error process you've described, and my result is not the same, as seen in the screen shot, showing Kampu Oyen's order.

Why is the result not the same?

Have you already fixed the problem?

Does than mean I'll never get the wrong message again?

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Hello Josh,

Please note the message in the image.

"Your Inventory is being syncronized with Second Life. Refresh to see changes"

This means that the syncing process was not finished so the information you were seeing was not current on the page.

If you require further assistance with this issue, please submit a Support Case and I will be happy to continue to provide help.

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If my customers could see that, maybe they'd refrain from ordering or something?

My target order rate is basically as many orders as possible, and you must know that a hundred or more a day didn't used to be all that unusual for me. So the possibility of people ordering items that no longer even exist is not purely hypothetical, especially considering that it has already happened, and it's the reason for this thread.

Can you honestly tell me that no one else has had this happen to them?

OTOH, why even bother to synch up, when I could just offer a "fully functional mesh penis" which, by the time people are ordering it, exists neither in my inventory, nor in a magic box which also does not exist? How happy do you think users would be with LL if they failed to receive such an item and I sent them a screen shot indicating that it had been delivered?

Whether you're allowed to admit knowing anything about it or not, I think that you and I both know that something has changed recently among the synch button and listing protocols, and I think a lot else has changed, too.

I'm not saying that LL shouldn't make such changes. But when were they going to tell me about them?

It seems like in order to get an item delisted now, I actually have to delist it..

All I used to have to do is produce something that someone at LL doesn't care about maybe being in the correct category when it gets flagged.

All that aside, the item indicated as "Delivery Partially Failed" when I replicated the problem as you described it, which is quite different from "Delivered"; the indicator I received earlier, prompting me to produce this thread.

Are you going to explain that, or are you going to reiterate that I just need to be "educated", much as you have already slowly, tediously "educated" me to the fact that LL considers itself welcome to delist items for no reason at all?

A support case is not really what's needed here, because this is really a public, community issue.

If a bunch of cops beat the crap out of me repeatedly, I might file a police report, but I sure wouldn't go there alone.

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@ Dakota,

Assuming that the box wasn't`s sync'd/there was no item/it was unavailbale/the box was empty/the grid crashed/box bandits stole the box or any other box condition caused the delivery to fail, can you please explain the original question as to why the order shows as delivered on one page and failed on the other?

If that was a bug, have you found the cause & has it been fixed please?

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It's not a bug, as such. It's part of the unstated "fixes" they put in recently, that they don't want to talk about.

It's been pretty clear to me almost from the start of this discussion that all I really did wrong was that I didn't delist items before deleting them. 

Of course, since that's the reverse order of what we're being told to do, I'm not sure it's really my fault.

If anyone else wants to test this, I'm pretty confident they'll find that I'm correct.

The most senseless part of all this is that the time it took me to understand this is probably a lot less time than was put in to produce the instructions to which I am (again, as usual) referred without any real analysis of my problem.

OTOH, the graphic instructions are quite visually compelling, so I can't say there was nothing important considered in their publication. It's likely just another example defining our needs as users strictly in terms of the skill sets of the people who were hired, much as those people were assigned academic majors based on the unfilled classes of the schools they attended, and those classes set by the skills of the people available to teach because they were not needed in industry.


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By "fix", I mean that it reduces the number of failures people can actually see on the transactions screen, which, at LL, seems to be the kind of thing that constitutes part of a larger "solution".

Now that I've thought about it some more, the probable reason for the difference between the 2 results is glaringly simple...

The order at 10L or above shows as delivered. Because LL would have got a commission on that, they have a reason to give a damn what happened to the money, if not the item.

The order at 9L gets no commission, so why should they care? 

Once the malicious insider has a list of merchants that don't notice the erroneous delivery message or the fact that they didn't get paid such a small amount of money, that person can then begin the process of assuring that at least some of the money from these goofy orders goes "elsewhere".




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