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Harley Hynes

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 I really need help in this Matter. I have made reports on a certain Resident in the game. she has made posts about my RL my Kids in RL and my marriage in RL in Local chats.  I made a report about that ( she still in game ). Recently she is making Rude  Comments about me in her profile now and i made reports about that too. ( she still in game). I thought  making comments about anyones RL is against TOS? 

I also called Linden Labs about it and they wont even help me in this matter. Who do i talk to about having this Person banned from this game?  please I really need help in this and yes she is muted but she still continues to harrasse me through her profile.

Thank you 


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Harley, you know that LL by principle won't get involved in resident disputes. Even if they did it would be a he said/she said situation they can't decide on. I don't know if it's against TOS to say negative things about other resis, but I don't think so. She states her opinion about you, that is hardly harrassment.

I guess if you muted her you have done all you can and should let it rest. Just ignore her and everything she says or writes.

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Orca Flotta wrote:

Harley, you know that LL by principle won't get involved in resident disputes. Even if they did it would be a he said/she said situation they can't decide on. I don't know if it's against TOS to say negative things about other resis, but I don't think so. She states her opinion about you, that is hardly harrassment.

I guess if you muted her you have done all you can and should let it rest. Just ignore her and everything she says or writes.

Actually, it's not as clear as that. Community standards... http://secondlife.com/corporate/cs.php section 4 states:


Residents are entitled to a reasonable level of privacy with regard to their Second Life experience. Sharing personal information about your fellow Residents without their consent -- including gender, religion, age, marital status, race, sexual preference, alternate account names, and real-world location beyond what is provided by them in their Resident profile -- is not allowed.

And the TOS it'self http://secondlife.com/corporate/tos.php#tos8 in section 8.2 (v) states:

8.2 You will not post or transmit prohibited Content, including any Content that is illegal, harassing or violates any person's rights.

You agree that you will not:.......................................

(v) Post, display or transmit Content that is harmful, threatening or harassing, defamatory, libelous, false, inaccurate, misleading, or invades another person's privacy;...........................................

Any violation by you of the terms of this Section may result in immediate suspension or termination of your Accounts without any refund or other compensation.


However, going against the OP, the Privacy policy http://secondlife.com/corporate/privacy.php#privacy3 states this: 

Disclosing Personal Information in Profiles, Forums or within Second Life

You may choose to disclose personal information in our online forums, via your Second Life profile, directly to other users in chat or otherwise while using Second Life. Please be aware that such information is public information and you should not expect privacy or confidentiality of this information.


So, two out of three quoted documents by LL state that disclosure of rl informatiion by anyone other than the person who that rl belongs to is a violation. The third makes it arguable that how the person came upon the info makes a difference to whether it's a violation or not.

So I would guess, from the Lab's point of view, it's important to know how this person got the information about the OP and her children.

Also, a report doesn't need to be "he said/she said" if there are chat logs or screenshots included in the report. So, were those included? It would make it easier for LL to react if they were.

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Well, both rules apply.

It simply depends on, who disseminates the information.

If I write: "Solstyse lives at <RL-address> and you can visit her whenever you want" then I violate the privacy rules in the TOS.

If you write: "Hi, I'm Solstyse, I live at <RL-address> and everyone can come visit me" then you publish your own personal information, it then becomes public information according to the privacy policy.
Because you decided to publish your information.
Whenever you give out personal data or give others permission to do so, it's your own fault.
If another resident starts digging and gives out personal data without your permission, then you can AR that resident.

And of course, only if the data is published on LL-infrastructure. Outside any equipment/network operated by Linden Lab,
you are on your own, that means, you have to contact the abuse help desk/support of the site, where your personal
information has been published. Linden Lab won't intervene on your behalf at Reddit, Wordpress, Google+, etc.,
nor would they ban a resident in SL because of what he/she does on other sites.

I hope, that makes it clear now.


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Jadeclaw Denfu wrote:

Well, both rules apply.

It simply depends on, who disseminates the information.

If I write: "Solstyse lives at <RL-address> and you can visit her whenever you want" then I violate the privacy rules in the TOS.

If you write: "Hi, I'm Solstyse, I live at <RL-address> and everyone can come visit me" then you publish your own personal information, it then becomes public information according to the privacy policy.

Because you decided to publish your information.

Whenever you give out personal data or give others permission to do so, it's your own fault.

If another resident starts digging and gives out personal data without your permission, then you can AR that resident.

And of course, only if the data is published on LL-infrastructure. Outside any equipment/network operated by Linden Lab,

you are on your own, that means, you have to contact the abuse help desk/support of the site, where your personal

information has been published. Linden Lab won't intervene on your behalf at Reddit, Wordpress, Google+, etc.,

nor would they ban a resident in SL because of what he/she does on other sites.

I hope, that makes it clear now.


That's actually a major part of the point that I'm trying to make. The example you gave is why absolutely nobody on SL gets any kind of rl info about me. You are 100% correct.

Now, in terms of the OP, here's my take on it. If you post to local chat, then whatever you have posted could be argued as being public information, under the link I posted. If  a person who I AR for divulging such info can present evidence that I did divulge such info, then my AR could be disputed.

However, due to my habit of keeping rl info out of sl, or being entirely vague when I do say something about rl, I provide no counter-evidence if I were to choose to make an AR. This protects me, and any who see what I post.

An example... If i'm on a rp sim, and I catch someone putting something I said in local chat into a "quotes pick." I thank them. I take it as a compliment. Are they technically breaking a rule? Well, that's grey. But because I'm careful not to post anything that may haunt me, the person who witnessed that comment and myself are both exhonorated from any wrongdoing.

I think that the rules of the 90's regarding the internet are more relevant than ever, but are more forgotten than ever at the same time. Social media, such as myspace, twitter, facebook, and twitter, activities like blogging and vlogging allow people to reach a greater audience than ever. But the knowledge that people have forgotten is that the broader audience, the more control you lose over your own information.

Privacy is something that the individual is more and more  required to defend as time goes on. Look at... Oh, say, Windows8 for example. Win8 ties your seperate accounts together because it's convenient. One login means you have access to all your social media (facebbook, myspece, twitter, etc) and your phone (google+, gmail, etc.) and countlesss others. It's nice, as long as yyour Microsoft account isn't the one that gets hacked. At the same time, Microsoft is going to court against several "ad agencies" that consider microsoft's efforts to afford you some privacy are wrong. In the latest version of internet explorer (which is the only one that rated #1 in anything other than "best browser to download other browsers from" The option of "do not track" is turned on by default. Every browser in the world offers that setting as an option, but only the latest IE has it on by default from the moment you log in.  Why does the latest IE have it on by default? Probably to protect you, since every single thing you do is now tied together under their OS. Thank you Microsoft, for combining security with convenience. **bleep** you "advertisers" for saying it's somehow wrong for MS to do so.

In closing, educate yourself, protect your own privacy, excersize common sense, and threads like this become a non-issue.

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This all sounds immature on both you and her part. Its different if shes being negative, for example :"Omg sally's real kids are so ugly". Or if shes actually putting information out there, which you didnt actually say, you just fell into victimization. How are we supposed to know if you werent talking about this lady all willy nilly either. It all sounds really petty. Another thing is that you can't just report her and say that shes giving out information about you if you have no saved chats or screen shots of anything. It really is a He say She say thing and its best to handle it your own.

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