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RavenSkye Waverider

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Everything posted by RavenSkye Waverider

  1. Well, that's an ok one too but wasn't what I'm looking for. Want the customer to be able to touch the posestand and select what they want
  2. I saw a shop model pose stand a while back that one, worked with pikkubot and 2, allowed a customer to click and make the avatar change outfits. I saw it on marketplace, I didn't save it as favorites and now cant find it. If anyone knows of a stand that is like this and it doesn't have to be a pikkubot one (though would be great if it was compatible), please let me know. I been wracking my brain trying to find it.
  3. So, there is this guy that goes into about 20 groups at a time, spamming lines so quickly that it lags many in the group, makes people leave the groups because SL doesn't have any proper way to ban from groups (be nice if they would finally put that freaking in already) I do mean, hard spam, there is about few hundred lines of the same thing over and over. You can't even talk in it until you put them on mute. This guy has now created 20 accounts, new one every day lately because everyone mutes him, same name with a number at the end. Can't keep him out of groups. He's reported by many every day yet he keeps doing it over and over. It seems that AR is a waste of time, blocking is a waste of time, people are leaving many business groups because it's so bad. How welse do we stop him? I don't own or have control of most of the groups, just a couple. It's getting very annoying. I have seen this guy do it for 2 years, others have been seeing this guy do it for longer but the new name creations every day is a new thing. Linden Labs seems to do nothing, the accounts remain there
  4. Well, whatever I just did seems to be a trick. Here is what I did, this should help others hopefully too. I exported as normal and I end up with a mapping system apparently that can't be read properly on SL as images above show. I took out in Maya Hypershade, the shadow and amb inclusion links AFTER I baked the shadows and it created a shadowed uv texture, then just used the lambert material. Exported it, uploaded to SL, put the shadowmap UV generated by Maya onto it and it works fine now. Odd because, I dont remember having to do it that way in the past. All that frustration and I was about to light SL, my computer and Maya on fire. Sheesh. Thanks for trying to help Much appreciated
  5. It's not a channels issue, there are no channels like mentioned. I am about frustrated with all this and there is very little help. It's great I can make things, I just can't get them to SL properly. Not sure what else to do as there seems to be no help. I don't want to use blender, tried that and it's also too frustrating to deal with blah
  6. There is no place that I know of to see "channels" but will check it out further.
  7. I posted about this about... I dunno 10 months or so ago and resolved the issue but.... I stopped trying after that and well had a job in RL... but getting back into it again. So, if this is a repeat, I'd like help and not slapped for not getting further research. I'm confused enough as it is. Just saying :p Anyway, this may seem long, will add as many images to explain as I can. I am using Maya, was 2014 an dnow 2015. Same issue with both. Same issue with all viewers, same issue with beta grid and normal SL. Just to have that covered. So, I created this Shoji Lamp in Maya, shadomap baked texture, all works great in Maya, looks awesome. Colored it in Photoshop just for testing with random stuff for now so I can be sure I knew what I was doing on SL upload itself. Uploaded the mesh then uploaded the texture created for it. The texture doesn't show, if I play with it enough I can get some of the color part to appear at the bottom (oy), no planar is a bad idea, just not mapped in a way for the UV to read the mesh properly or vice versa. Last time, issue was that there were 5 maps, it's only has one map, checked that with maya. I'm not sure what I am doing wrong here. Here are the images to explain some things better. Maya's uv (even after coloring) What it looks like in maya all textured (though it's just basic colors for now) Second Life, after uploading. it doesn't read the map I am not sure what is going on, everything I upload has this issue. I have nearly given up on it and tried to get into other things but there's something I really wanted to make and lots of other things but it's frustrating. Everyone I know uses Zbrush or Blender, I hate blender tried to learn that.. zbrush is beyond me. So I can't get help outside here. Any constructive help is great. Anyone wanting to just tell me to research more and want to just hit me for not finding info on their terms really don't need to respond. I have seen a bit of that going around and really isn't necessary. (yes, annoyed by that lol) I've got a lot of help before though and it's always been very helpful. Thanks :)
  8. http://www.robinwood.com/Catalog/Technical/PhotoshopTuts/PhotoTutPages/CS4-3D-4_Paint.html
  9. Hope Burning Man is better this year, last year it wasn't very organized and I had been a part of it for a few years. It was a mess
  10. Oh, and on the actual materials (files for the textures with the clothing templates), its the same way there, faded and distorted
  11. So, I have followed Robin Wood's videos to 3D painting and the tattoo adding. I have Photoshop CS5. I understand the materials, how to use them, merging down the textures, etc. But there is something I am not understanding or not sure how to fix Mind you, I have deal with this a week to figure it out. I am super stubborn to try and figure it out myself but there isn't enough tutorials to texture anything outside boxes and spheres in this manner :p According to Robin's videos (and I am not sure if Robin is even here anymore), it shows how to place the tattoo where you want it and merge it down onto the model so that in turn it puts the image on an upper and lower textures automatically for you... which is great! But, how do you wrap that around for example, from front to back, so that the line art of texture wraps it, without it smearing, distorting or fading out? Here is my example (had to remake to show) First image is before, second image is placing where you want it somewhat like Robin's video, second is what happens after you merge it down. Is there a way to get it to wrap around and NOT distort? I am sure I am missing something. Heck, when I paint directly and merge it down, it fades out that as well. Appreciate the help. I know, someone will probably tell me to do it in some 3D program. However, I had a job and I am way out of practice, was starting to learn Maya at some point...
  12. My main issue is though, beyond the triangles situation which I will resolve another time. is the object NOT being UV mapped on upload to SL.
  13. Tottally forgot the image "size", that's something easily fixed. but it triangulates on export I believe (will have to look at that again) As far as the planar projection, in Maya, it is providing the texturing where it should. The UV image was completely unwrapped, organized, which is why in the maya picture it look like it does. It's all one piece, the black frame, the white inside matte and the image in the middle, all 4 frames are on the same UV texture.
  14. Alright so, learning along the way here and I swear, it's one thing or another that glitches yay for SL. Anyway... I am having the same issue, so this will be long and detailed so everything can be looked at, at once. When I apply my uvtexture to my uploaded mesh, it doesn't follow the mapping. I am using Maya 2014 which I have to export to 3ds Max Design 2014 in order to export it out to DAE so I can upload it to SL (Don't know why, but something with maya now screws that up). But here is what in Maya the UV mapping texture completed and what it renders in Maya, it looks proper. Here is what it looks like in 3ds Max: So, I know they are mapped properly and showing as they should except 3ds max blurs it in their window lol Now... I uploaded the mesh and then I uploaded the uv texture... and this is what it looked like It's not following the UV mapping, it's pretty much acting like I am putting a texture on a normal prim. (man these pictures came out huge, sorry). Just trying to understand how this works really before I get into bigger projects and learning. I am not sure why this is happening or what I am doing wrong. Here are files to look at if you wish to see them Maya save scene file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_duhiXEqBmsS1h0SV9tYlBEck0/edit?usp=sharing DAE File: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_duhiXEqBmsdldUZG00XzZHV3M/edit?usp=sharing UV texture: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_duhiXEqBmsZ3lnS0UtZUUzVU0/edit?usp=sharing So far, been getting great help along my learning process of things, really appreciate it. Other places for help have not been so nice lol
  15. Yes, it is giving me the same error on upload to SL. Both the Beta Grid and the Main SL Grid does the same. Did the same error in Singularity, LL Official Viewer and Firestorm. (tried Singularity today). Maya is starting to show some other glitches in itself while modeling, which wasn't there until recently too. I did free transformations and delete history. I also did try new names on export/save as well as tried renaming manually and more. But, if I export to DAE, import it into 3dsMax and then export it right away without any changes, it will then upload. I can't do it if I just export, import, then export in Maya again.
  16. Just to note (In case this happens to others) Exporting to DAE, then importing to Maya and back to export again, doesn't work. Does work however like above. Exported to DAE with Maya, imported into 3ds Max Design, exported back out to a new DAE file name. Not sure if this will work with other programs or not.
  17. Well, I just installed the Student Edition of 3ds Max Design 2014 and imported it there, then exported it into a dae again. I was then able to upload it to SL. I am not sure what is going on with Maya, it was fine for a while. 2014 Maya didn't need to have a seperate fbx converter. It worked just fine, but I did even try doing it that way as the older versions had issues apparently, still didnt work. So, it must be Maya.
  18. So, I have seen a few people with no real solution have this issue and I briefly touched it in a post I made about something else, but really need to figure this out. I'm still learning and getting better at this Maya/3D thing, so trying to see things in SL. This is my current (not so fancy) item IN maya. 4 picture frames. It has 4 "combined" objects via maya. It total of 6 materials/faces (as I know there are 8 per object allowed) Yesterday morning I learned about the 8, when I uploaded a 16 frame object and only 8 faces showed. Which was fine, now I know the 8 faces thing. However, now, that other file that I didnt change.. won't upload either. I tried to upload this above after exporting it to DAE. I can't, I get this... I can upload, if I seperate each frame, and upload them by themself (which defeats my purpose). The big one I uploaded (with too many faces) gives me this same issue. I don't know what to do, I want this to be one prim (like that 16 picture one I tried at first and still can't upload again). It's frustrating. I have seen very little talk about this issue, apparently it's know. I have tried this is Firestorm and the official LL viewer. I did the debug change as I saw someone mention. Nothing helps, except uploading each frame by itself. I don't know why it changed to not allow it to happen and I don't know what to do. I got so far into learning this and was all proud of it and able to test upload (I did beta grid and normal grid testing), and this is really a bummer to run into. I want to throw things at my screen lol. I need to understand this, then I can move onto understanding UV mapping, I'm about to throw my paws in the air and walk off. lol
  19. Will have to try that later I guess. It's odd because, it was working early on yesterday.
  20. Ok here.. is another situation. I cut it down to 4 boxes (frames) which made for 6 faces. Though earlier I could upload the big mass and faces were missing, I can't even get to that now. I can upload each one individually but if I make 4, which was 6 faces, combine them in maya and try to upload it.. I get this. And I looked for this issue but never understood or able to use the solutions. This is frustrating, I got all happy I figured out a minor issue to now being stuck with this problem when it was working earlier. I have done this on both Firestorm and LL official viewer. Same issues, Same goes with the previous images above that I tried to reupload. I can't even upload that.
  21. Ah.. 8.. that sucks but ok! Thanks for the info guys
  22. So, I have been slowly taking time to learn 3D stuff and modeling with Maya. I have been able to make a few very minor things to upload, just to see how it comes out. I spend a lot of time on beta grid. So, here is my situation. Trying to make something a bit more "complicated" I guess, to get a bit more into understanding. So, I decided to make a multi frame setup. The frames and inner frames are all the same face/material in Maya. The picture areas are all different materials thus making different faces. The picture blow, the 3 top images in it, I seperated the faces in colors just for myself so I could figure this out a bit. However, when it uploads, it looks like some of the faces are missing. The bottom right however, is if I made all those inner faces the same material and upload just fine. Heck, I can even take just one of the "working" materials and put it on the not working ones, and leave the other working ones as they were as seperate and it still uploads right. However, seperate again, ends up like the middle. These are seperate objects, combined. It was fine at one point but I realized I messed up an edge and had to go reface the area that was glitched and then it ended up like just this... constantly. No matter what I do, I can't seem to get it to work properly. I even took the bottom right frame, made a copy and added, but when I tried to upload the whole combined project, it says there are no meshes assigned. If I take that one away again, it goes back to the above issue. Learning on my own, have made some interesting stuff (not uploaded because they were too big). So, proud of what I have learned to do, but getting to the SL point has been frustrating. I still need to understand more complicated UV mapping later... not sure what to think of this situation though. Any help/advise would be wonderful. I been wrangling this all night because I am stubborn and a self learner until I nearly throw my computer lol ~Raven
  23. Well, followed it to a T and this is the end result (black background is just for looking). Nicely, the drop shadow (which I wanted at bottom mostly) showed, but still has that white around it.
  24. Will try that, but I see on your photo that there is a slight white halo too.. not sure I want that
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